Article Title Author(s) Publication Date
Staphylococcal subclinical mastitis in dromedary dairy camelBabak KHoramian Toosi0-8
Explanatum explanatum ( Creplin, 1847 ) Fukui, 1929, in buffaloes in the Ahwaz area, southwest IranJamshid Razmyar1994-1
a cryptospuridum muris like parasite in large ruminants in varius part of IranJamshid Razmyar1996-3
Copper toxicity in confinement-housed ram lambsAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad1997-8
Erysipelothrix septicaemia in neonatal lambsHesam A Seifi1998-1
Nasal mite of dogs Pneumonyssus (Pneumonyssoides) caninum in IranMehrdad Mohri1998-1
Subcutaneous Lipoma in a Neonatal CalfMohammad Reza Aslani,Mohammadreza Emami1998-2
a mixed infection of babesia equi and babesia caball in a racing colt: a report from iranKamran Sardari,Hesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2000-1
experimental kerosene poisoning in goatsMohammad Reza Aslani2000-1
Nasal mite of dogs: Pneumonyssus (Pneumonyssoides) caninumMehrdad Mohri2000-1
electrophoretic study of haemoglobin polymorphism in one-humped camel - camelus dromedariusMehrdad Mohri2000-1
haematology of persian fallow deer - dama mesopotamicaMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Reza Aslani2000-1
pervalence of subclinical coccidiosis in broiler-chicken farms in the municipality of mashhad, khoraGholam ali Kalidari2000-1
a case report of babesia caballi infection in a foalMohammad Reza Aslani2000-6
Concurrent Coccidiosis and Bovine papular....Hesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Reza Aslani2000-9
electrophoretic study of haemoglobin phenotypes in caspian miniature horsesMehrdad Mohri2000-12
effect of transient early hyperthyroidism on onset of puberty in suffolk ram lambsAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad2001-1
outbreak of osteodystrophia fibrosa in young goatsMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2001-9
Ethmoturbinate Adenocarcinoma in a Persian Fallow Deer - cervus dama mesopotamicaMohammadreza Emami2001-10
Repeated intravenius doses of all-trans-retinoyl B-D-glucuronide is not effectiv in the treatment ofGholam Reza Mohammadi2001-12
effects of analgesia of the distal interphalangeal joint and navicular bursa on experimental lamenesKamran Sardari2002-1
hyperlipidemia in caspian miniature horses; effects of undernutritionHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2002-1
Serum Biochemistry of Persian Fallow Deer (DamaMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Reza Aslani2002-2
Effects of Analgesia of the Distal Interphalangeal Joint and Navicular Bursa on Experimental Lameness Caused by Solar Pain in HorsesKamran Sardari,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Mehrdad Mohri2002-11
effects of analgesia of the distal interphalangeal joint and palmar digital nerves on lamenessKamran Sardari2002-12
Ocular manifestations in cattlc due to tropical theileriosisMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2002-12
repair of third metacarpal bone fracture in a foal using dcp and thomas splint -a case reportKamran Sardari2002-12
a case of ethmoid carcinoma in the sheep2003-1
a study about tick vectors of bovine theileriosis in an endemic region of iranMohammad Reza Aslani,Mohammad Reza Aslani2003-1
effects of number of parity parturition type of dam and season on serum total protein and serum protMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2003-1
experimental tribulus terrestris in sheep:clinical,laboratory and pathological findingsMohammad Reza Aslani2003-1
outbreak of tick paralysis in a nomadic sheep flock in iranKamran Sharifi2003-1
stringhalt in a caspian miniature horse in iranKamran Sardari2003-1
thyroid follicular adenoma in a horse a case report2003-1
Effect of Acetylcysteine on Experimental Corneal Wounds in DogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2003-1
Experimental Tribulus terrestris poisoning in sheep: clinical, laboratory and pathological findingsMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2003-1
Identification of Tick vectors of ovine theileriosis in an endemic region of IraMohammad Reza Aslani2003-6
An epidemiological study on babesia infection in smmal ruminants in Mashhad suburb area, ProvincMohammad Reza Aslani2003-10
Outbreak of tick paralysis in nomadic sheep flock in IranKamran Sharifi,Gholam Reza Mohammadi2003-11
A Study on prevention of abdominal adhesions by intra-operative heparin administration in dogsMehrdad Mohri2004-3
Fibrotic myopathy of the semitendinosus muscle in a thoroughbred foalKamran Sardari2004-3
The effect of imidocarb dipropionate on babesiosis in sheepMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2004-3
Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) toxicosis in sheepMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2004-3
Effects of oral iron supplementation on some haematological parameters and iron biochemistry in neonMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi,Nima Farzaneh2004-3
Experimcntal tribulusMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2004-3
use of pre-partum urine ph to predictHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2004-3
Mass Cyanide Intoxivation in SheepMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri,Gholam Reza Mohammadi,Kamran Sharifi2004-5
Determination of some blood parameters of fingerling sturgeon (Huso huso) in guilan province of iranMehrdad Mohri2004-6
A Survey of White Line Disease in Racehorse Population in North of Iran (Gonbad)Kamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri,Mohammadreza Emami2004-7
Congenital Bovine Epitheliogenesis Imperfecta: A Report of Three Cases from IranHesam A Seifi2004-12
Antimicrobial susceptibility of canine normal conjunctival flora in Shiraz, IranAli Asghar Sarchahi2005-1
Conjunctival flora in normal dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2005-1
The effects of trichlorfon (neguvon) against Sarcoptes scabiei var canisAli Asghar Sarchahi2005-1
Effects of oral administration of levamisole on non-specific immunity,Mehrdad Mohri2005-2
Relationships between fertility and serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus in dairy cowsHesam A Seifi2005-2
studies on hemoglobin polymorphism of two breed ofMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Reza Aslani2005-2
Analgesia Effects of Detomidine HCl When Administered into the Distal Interphalangeal Joint in Horses with Experimental Solar Pain.Kamran Sardari,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Mehrdad Mohri2005-2
Urethral extension and caslick surgery for infertility treatment in pneumovagina cases with sunken anus in holstein cowsKamran Sardari,Nima Farzaneh2005-2
Effects of preweaning parenteral supplementation of vitamin E and selenium on hematology, serum proteins, and weight gain in dairy calvesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2005-2
Relationships between fertility, serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus in dairy cowsHesam A Seifi,Nima Farzaneh,Mehrdad Mohri2005-3
Serum biochemistry of iranian turkmen (Akhal-Teke) horsesMehrdad Mohri,Kamran Sardari,Nima Farzaneh2005-3
Effects of totally intravenous thiopental anesthesia on cardiopulmonary and thermoregulatory system in donkeyMohammadreza Emami,Hesam A Seifi2005-3
Comparative acetaminophen absorption test as a diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the reticular groove reflexKamran Sharifi,Mehrdad Mohri2005-4
Studies on Haemoglobin polymorphism of Two Breeds of Iranian Sheep and Its Relationship to ConcentraMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2005-5
Effect of oral zinc supplementation on hematology, serum biochemistry,performance, and health in neonatal dairy calvesMohammad Azizzadeh,Mehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2005-6
AN UNDIFFERENTIATED ORONASAL CARCINOMA IN A DOGAlireza Kamrani,Kamran Sardari,Mohammadreza Emami2005-7
Effect of analgesia of the metacarpophalangeal joint in horses with lameness caused by solar painKamran Sardari2005-9
Cross pin fixation fr proximal fracture of the tibia in a foalKamran Sardari2005-11
Heinz body anaemia associated with onion (Allium cepa) toxicosis in a flock of sheepMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2005-11
Differentiation of heel pain from other hoof pain in horsesKamran Sardari,Hesam A Seifi2005-12
Labratory Effect of Thiopental Anesthesia In DonkeyMohammadreza Emami,Mehrdad Mohri,Kamran Sardari2005-12
Interpretation of bovine serum total calcium: effects of adjustment for albumin and total proteinHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2005-12
Sertoli Cell Tumor in a Pigeon (Columba livia)Jamshid Razmyar2005-12
Serum and whole blood inorganic phosphorus in lambs from birth to 400th day of life: effect of weaning as a cutoff point between neonatal and adult levelsKamran Sharifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2005-12
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multicida isolated from calves with dairy calf pneumoniaGholam Reza Mohammadi2006-2
Peripartal serum biochemical, haematological and hormonalNima Farzaneh,Mehrdad Mohri2006-2
Rupture of the peroneous tertius in a horseKamran Sardari2006-2
Using haematological and serum biochemical findings as prognostic indicators in calf diarrhoeaHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2006-2
Effects of topical Allicin on second intention wound healing in dogs (Histological aspects).Kamran Sardari,Ali Mirshahi,Mohammad Reza Aslani2006-2
Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus and other intestinal helminths of stray dogs in Mashhad area,IranKamran Sardari,Alireza Kamrani2006-2
Seroepidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area, IranGholam Reza Mohammadi,Massoud Talebkhan Garoussi,Nima Farzaneh,Amir Hooshang Fallah Rad2006-2
The frequency of photosensitization in a dairy cattlr herd infected by LeptospiresMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2006-2
Veterinarians and dairy nutrition management: basic concepts and design-it-yourself a veterinary oriented ration evaluation programKamran Sharifi2006-2
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Effects of Romifidine and/or Xylazine in Ketamine Anaesthesia in Dog: An Experimental StudyMohammadreza Emami2006-3
An epidemiological study on Anaplasma infection in cattle, sheep, and goats in Mashhad suburb, KhoraMohammad Reza Aslani2006-3
Post-parturient haemoglobinuria in Iranian river buffaloes: a preliminary studyHesam A Seifi2006-3
Seroprevalence of Leptospiral Infection in Rodents of DairyCattle Herds Complexes in Suburb of Mashhad-IranMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2006-4
Effects of oral irom supplementation of haematocrit, live weight gain and health in neonatal dairy cHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2006-5
In vitro detection of hepatocytotoxic metabolites from Drechslera biseptata: a contributing factor tMohammad Reza Aslani2006-5
Isolation and identification of facultative aerobic- anaerobic gram-positive bacteria in hatching eggsGholam ali Kalidari2006-5
The effects of immobilization and remobilization of the biochemical and cytological properties of syKamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2006-5
Serum biochemistry of ostrich (Striothio camelus) in IranMehrdad Mohri2006-7
Analgesia Effects of Detomidine HCI When Administered Into the Distal Interphalangeal Joint in HorseKamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri2006-9
Macroscopic aspects of wound healing (contraction and epithelialisation) after topical administration of allicin in dogsKamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri,Mohammadreza Emami,Ali Mirshahi,Mohammad Reza Aslani2006-9
Serum lipid and lipoprotein parameters of Turkman horsesMehrdad Mohri2006-9
Effects of Zn-7® on open wound healing in dogsKamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri,Mohammadreza Emami2006-10
CpG methylation patterns in the IFN promoter in naive T cells: Variations during Th1 and Th2 differentiation and between atopics and non-atopicsMohammad Reza Bassami2006-11
Effects of garlic (allium sativum) and its chief compound, allicin, on acute lethality of cyanide in rats. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 15: 211-213.Mohammad Reza Aslani2006-11
Pupillotonia in a Spitz dog: A case reportAli Asghar Sarchahi2007-1
Bacterial and fungal normal flora of the external ear canal of dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2007-1
Detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus using a nestedRT-PCR assay in bulk milk samples of dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-IranMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi,Mohammad Reza Bassami,Ehsanallah Afshari safavi2007-1
A case report of notoedric mange infestationJavad Khoshnegah2007-2
Arthroscopic Findings Following Experimental Cranial Cruciate Ligament Desmotomy in DogKamran Sardari2007-2
Nitrate intoxication due to ingestion of pigweed red-root (Amaranthus retroflexus) in cattleMohammad Reza Aslani2007-2
The Effects of Cytopathic and Noncytopathic Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus with Sperm Cells on In Vitro Fertilization of Bovine OocytesMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2007-2
Efficacy of dried colostrum powders in the prevention of diarrhea in neonatal Holstein ClavesHesam A Seifi2007-2
Experimental Oleander (Nerium oleander) poisoning in goats: Clinical and pathological studyMohammad Reza Aslani2007-2
Evaluation of palmar Digital Nerve Block and Distal Interphalangeal Joint Analgesia in Lame Horses Associated with Hoof Pain due to Sidebone FractureKamran Sardari2007-3
Evaluation of wound contraction and epithelialization after subcutaneous administration of TheranekrKamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri2007-3
Gingival vascular hamartoma in a young Holstein calfGholam Reza Mohammadi,Kamran Sardari2007-3
Local injection of a mixture of beta-ainopropionitril fumarate and sodium hyaluronate together withKamran Sardari2007-3
Metabolic changes in cows with or without retained fetal membranes in transition periodHesam A Seifi,Nima Farzaneh,Mehrdad Mohri2007-3
Prevalence of and Antibiotic susceptibility of Coagulase-Negatine Staphylococci Isolated from BovineAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad2007-3
Variations of energy-related biochemical metabolites during transition period in dairy cowsHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2007-3
Castor bean (Ricinus communis) toxicosis in a sheep flockMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri,Kamran Sharifi2007-3
Effect of CIDR and Different Doses of PMSG on Pregnancy and Lambing Rate Out of Breeding Season in Balouchi EwesAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad,Nima Farzaneh2007-3
Effect of transportation stress on blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid components in calvesGholam Reza Mohammadi2007-3
Effects of common anticoagulants (heparin, citrate and EDTA) on routine plasma biochemistry of cattlMehrdad Mohri2007-3
Mycoflora of cervicovaginal fluids in dairy cows with or without reproductive disordersMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2007-3
Prevalence of dairy heifer IMI and the associated bacteria before and after parturition as determined by use of bacterial culture, SCC, CMT and TBCAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad2007-3
The effect of magnesium sulfate in treatment of experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) poisoning inMohammad Reza Aslani2007-3
Clinical and Ultrasonographic Findings of Collagenase induced tendinitis in the horseHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2007-4
Effect of Heparin in Prevention of Experimental Abdominal Adhesions in RatAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2007-4
Baldness in a canary (Serinus canaria) associated with pseudomonas osteomyelitisJamshid Razmyar2007-6
Lacrimal Apparatus System in One-humped Camel of Iran (Camelus dromedarius): Anatomical and Radiological StudyAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2007-6
Cataract surgery in an African lion with anterior lens luxationKamran Sardari,Mohammadreza Emami2007-7
Effects of Common Anticoagulants on Routine Plasma Biochemistry of Horse and Comparison With SerumMehrdad Mohri,Kamran Sardari2007-7
First report of Neospora caninum-associated bovine abortion in Mashhad area, IranNima Farzaneh,Massoud Talebkhan Garoussi,Amir Hooshang Fallah Rad2007-7
First report of the Hadjelia truncata infestation in pigeons of IranGholam ali Kalidari2007-7
Ischaemia/Reperfusion Injury in Experimentally Induced abomasal volvulus in sheepKamran Sharifi,Kamran Sharifi2007-7
Effect of Isoflupredone Acetate With or Without Insulin on Energy Metabolism, Reproduction, Milk ProHesam A Seifi2007-8
Hematology and serum biochemistry of Holstein dairy calves: Age related changes and comparison with blood composition in adultsMehrdad Mohri,Kamran Sharifi2007-8
Abdominal distention due to omental bursitis in a calfKamran Sardari2007-10
Beak necrosis in broiler breeder roostersJamshid Razmyar2007-10
Chicken infectious anaemia virus infection among broiler chicken flocks in IranMohammad Reza Bassami2007-10
Ovarian activity in high and average producing Holstein cows under heat stress conditionsMehrdad Mohri2007-10
The Prevalence of Cardiac Dysrhthmias in Khozestan-Arab HorsesSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2007-10
Study on Distribution of Dairy Cattle Hoof Lesions and its Relation to Locomotion ScoringAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2007-11
Eosinophilic leukaemia in a cat.Javad Khoshnegah2007-12
The relationship between blood indicators of phosphorus status in cattleKamran Sharifi,Mehrdad Mohri2007-12
Distribution of steroidal saponins in Tribulus terrestris from different geographical regionsMohammad Reza Aslani2008-1
Effects of Acetylcysteine and Dexamethasone on Experimental Corneal Wounds in RabbitsAli Asghar Sarchahi2008-1
Effects of three steroidal compounds on estrus suppression in queensAli Asghar Sarchahi2008-1
Molecular Characterization of Iranian Infectious Bursal Disease VirusesJamshid Razmyar2008-1
Psittacine beak and feather disease in Iran, molecular and histopathologic detectionJamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Reza Bassami2008-1
The relationship between normocytic, hypochromic anaemia and iron concentration together with hepatic enzyme activities in cattle infected withFasciola hepaticaMehrdad Mohri2008-1
Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma in a pigeonKamran Sardari2008-2
Experimental infection of stray cats with human isolates of Helicobacter pyloriJavad Khoshnegah2008-2
Isolation and mulecular identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from ground beef samples collected from beef markets in MashhadMohammad Reza Bassami2008-2
Experimental Study of the Tendon Healing and Remodeling After Local Injection of Bone Marrow Myeloid Tissue in RabbitKamran Sardari2008-3
Molecular Identification of Streptococcus equi subsp. Equi and Streptococcus equi subsp. ZooepidemicGholam Reza Mohammadi2008-3
Back pain: A Significant Cause of Poor Performance in Show Jumping Horses (Diagnostic challenge and Treatment)Kamran Sardari2008-3
Palmar digital nerve block and bursal analgesia in lame horses due to exostosis of third phalanxKamran Sardari2008-3
Effect of collagen cross-linking inhibition by local applicationKamran Sardari2008-4
Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus antibodies in bulk tank milk of industrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-IranMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2008-4
Study on the prevalence of dairy cattle lameness and its effects of production indices in Iran. A locomotion scoring base studyAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2008-4
Evaluation of clinical examination for differential diagnosis of laemness by navicular apparatuseKamran Sardari,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2008-5
Anesthesia in Caspian poniesMehrdad Mohri2008-5
Isolation and identification of Campylobacter spp and Campylobacter coli from poultry carcasses by conventional and multiplex PCR method in Mashhad, IranMohammad Reza Bassami2008-5
Clinical evaluation of repeated propofol total intravenous anesthesia in dogAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2008-6
Coagulase negative Staphylococci and Staphylococcud aureus, the main organisms coausing pre and post calving heifer mastitis in a holstein dairy farmAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad2008-6
Detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in Feces and Milk Samples from Holstein Dairy Cows by PCRMohammad Reza Bassami2008-6
Effects of short-term supplementation of clinoptilolite in colostrum and milk on hematology, serum proteins, performance, and health in neonatal dairy calvesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2008-6
Effects of Short-term Supplementation of Clinoptilolite in Colostrum and Milk on the Concentration of Some Serum Minerals in Neonatal Dairy CalvesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2008-6
Pathological Evaluation of Two Techniques of Amniotic Membrane Patching on Experimentally Induced Corneal Lesions in DogsMohammad Azizzadeh,Mohammadreza Emami2008-6
Normal Cross – Sectional Anatomy of the Bovine Digit: Comparison of ComputedKamran Sardari2008-7
Maintenance of anaesthesia in sheep with isoflurane, desflurane or sevofluraneAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2008-8
Rumen and post-abomasal disappearance in lactating cows of amino acids and other components of barley grain treated with sodium hydroxide, formaldehyde or ureaMohammadreza Emami2008-8
A Clinical Report of Hiatal Hernia in an Osteoporotic AnimalHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2008-9
Evaluation of Allicin for the Treatment of ExperimentallyMohammad Reza Aslani2008-9
Atypical bovine lymphosarcoma in a Holstein cowHesam A Seifi2008-10
Effects of parenteral supply of iron and copper on hematology, weight gain, and health in neonatal dairy calvesMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2008-10
Growth Limits of Staphylococus aureus as a function of temperature, acetic acid, NaCl, and inoculum levelHesam A Seifi2008-10
Rapid differentiation between very virulent and classical infectious bursal disease viruses isolated in Iran by RTPCR/ REAJamshid Razmyar2008-10
Evaluation of Food Withholding time on Propofol Total Intravenous Anesthesia in SheepAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2008-11
Digital Amputation for the Salvage of Lame Dairy CowsAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2008-12
Ossifying fibroma in a canary-Serinus canariaJamshid Razmyar2008-12
Plasma biochemistry of one-humped camel (Camelus dromedariusMehrdad Mohri2008-12
Serum Constituents Analyses in Dairy Cows: Effects of Duration and Temperature of Storage of Clotted BloodEhsanallah Afshari safavi,Mehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2008-12
Comparison of the effects of different doses of acepromazine-xylazine on the electrocardiogram in dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2009-1
Effects of acepromazine-xylazine combinations on intraocular pressure, pupil size and heart rate in clinically normal dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2009-1
Effects of heparin, citrate, and EDTA on plasma biochemistry of sheep: comparision with serumMehrdad Mohri2009-1
Equine marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells: isolation, differentiation and culture optimizationHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2009-1
Identification of Salmonella spp. and Salmonella typhimurium by a multiplex PCR-based assay from poultry carcasses in Mashhad- IranMohammad Reza Bassami2009-1
Magnetic resonance imaging of the normal bovine digitKamran Sardari2009-1
Molecular identification of ovine Theileria species by a new PCR–RFLP methodMohammad Heidarpour2009-1
Prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis in some dairy herds of Khorasan Razavi province, northeast of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2009-1
Isolation and Identification of Non-coliform Gram-negative Bacteria in Hatching Eggs to Evaluate the Effect of Egg Fumigation by FormaldehydeGholam ali Kalidari2009-2
Experimental use of polyamide bands as an extra-articularrepair of the cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogsKamran Sardari2009-4
Factors Affecting Days Open in Holstein Dairy Cattle in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran; A Cox Proportional Hazard ModelMohammad Azizzadeh2009-4
Gastric ulcer in Arabian horses in Iran: Occurrence, hematology and biochemistryHesam A Seifi2009-4
Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus antibodies among the induatrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran -Massoud Talebkhan Garoussi2009-4
An outbreak of ulcerative stomatitis due to mouse barely (Hordeum murinum) in horseGholam Reza Mohammadi,Kamran Sardari2009-5
An unusual cutaneous fibroma in a heiferGholam Reza Mohammadi2009-5
Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase activity in dairy cowsAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2009-5
Variation of serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesiumMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2009-5
Analgesic Effects of Metoclopramide Following Conventional Ovariohysterectomy in BitchesHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2009-6
Prevalence of Theileria annulata in dairy cattle in Mashhad arae, IranMohammad Reza Aslani2009-6
Assessment of the acetaminophen absorption test as a diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the reticular groove reflex in lambsKamran Sharifi,Mehrdad Mohri2009-7
Role of Collagen Cross-Linking on Equine Wound Contraction and HealingKamran Sardari,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Mohammadreza Emami2009-7
Nephrolithiasis in two Arabian horsesMohammad Reza Aslani2009-8
Plasma biochemistry of ostrich (Struthio camelus): effectsMehrdad Mohri2009-8
Effects of acetylcysteine and dexamethasone on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in normal dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2009-9
Successful Treatment of a Subcutaneous Axillary Abscess Due to Staphylococcus Lentus in a RabbitJavad Khoshnegah,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2009-9
Reasons for culling of Holstein dairy cows in Neyshabur area in northeastern IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2009-10
The first report of Hepatozoon canis infection of a dog in IranJavad Khoshnegah,Mehrdad Mohri,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2009-11
Transient megaoesophagus following vincristine administration in a German shepherd dog: possible vincristine-induced neuropathyMasoud Rajabioun2009-11
Canine atopic/allergic dermatitis in Mashhad (North-East of Iran): clinical observationsJavad Khoshnegah2009-12
Detection of antibody against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis glycoprotein gE in aborted cattle in Mashhad, IranMohammad Azizzadeh2009-12
Isolation and characterization of a very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus from turkeyJamshid Razmyar2009-12
Acute pulmonary oedema and electrocardiographic changes following ketamine administration in a crossbreed dogAli Mirshahi2010-1
Associations among milk production traits 4 and glycosylated haemoglobin in dairy cattle; importance 5 of lactose synthesis potentialAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2010-1
Clinical comparison of primary versus secondary epilepsy in 125 catsAli Asghar Sarchahi2010-1
Comparison of reproductive parameters, plasma and milk E2 and P4 concentrations following application of Ovsynch-CIDR Vs two consecutive injections of PGF2 , in dairy Holstein cowsAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad2010-1
Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in dairy cattle in Iran: a case reportGholam Reza Mohammadi2010-1
Identification of Theileria species in sheep in the eastern half of Iran using nested PCR-RFLP and microscopic techniquesMohammad Heidarpour2010-1
Polymorphisms of the β-1,4 galactosyltransferase-I gene in HolsteinsAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2010-1
Prevalence of MAP in a Large Dairy Herd and its Effect on Reproductive and Production IndicesAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad,Mohammad Reza Bassami2010-1
Clinico-pathologic evaluation of canine heart worm infestationMehrdad Mohri2010-2
Effect of dexamethasone in combination with acetylcysteine at different times on corneal wound healing in dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2010-2
Individual and combined effect of meso-2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid and allicin on blood and tissue lead content in miceMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2010-2
The therapeutic potential of thiamine for treatment of experimentally-induced subacute lead poisoning in sheepMohammad Reza Aslani2010-2
Determination of normal values of some blood serum enzymes in Acipenser stellatus PallasMehrdad Mohri2010-3
Pulmonary Bulla in a Dog Secondary to BlastomycosisHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2010-3
Rectovaginal fistula and atresia ani in a kitten: a case reportHamideh Salari Sedigh,Masoud Rajabioun2010-3
1433η Protein is Detectable in Blood Serum and Fetlock Joint Synovial Fluid of High Performance HorsesKamran Sardari2010-4
Passive immune transfer in fat-tailed sheep: Evaluation withMehrdad Mohri2010-4
Effects of parenteral over-supplementation of vitamin A and iron onMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2010-5
Gross and histological study on the uterus of camels (Camelud dromedariusNima Farzaneh2010-6
Isolation and Identification of Campylobacter jejuni from Bulk Tank Milk in Mashhad-Iran2010-6
Phytochemical composition of the essential oils from three Apiaceae species and their antibacterial effects on food-borne pathogensMohammad Reza Bassami2010-6
Surgical repair of third-degree perineal laceration by Goetz technique in the mare: 7 cases (2000-2005)Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Kamran Sardari,Mohammadreza Emami2010-6
Effects of Parenteral Supply of Iron on RBC Parameters, Performance, and Health in Neonatal Dairy CalvesMehrdad Mohri2010-7
Effects of sutureless amniotic membrane patching with 2-Octyl cyanoacrylate (Dermabond) on experimental corneal alkali burn in dogsMohammad Azizzadeh2010-7
Laxative Effects ofRosa damasceneMill in DogsAlireza Kamrani2010-7
Nodular dermatitis as an atypical form of canine demodicosis in an English bulldogHamideh Salari Sedigh2010-7
Prevalence of Brucellosis in Horse North-East of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2010-7
Relationship between in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity of bovine subclinical mastitis isolates and treatment outcome in lactating dairy cowsNima Farzaneh,Hesam A Seifi2010-7
Relationship between in vitro susceptibility of bovine subclinical mastitis isolates and bacteriological outcome of intramammary treatment with cefquinomeNima Farzaneh,Hesam A Seifi2010-7
Effect of short term over-supplementation of ascorbic acid on hematology, serum biochemistry, and growth performance of neonatal dairy calvesHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2010-8
Effects of anionic salts supplementation on blood pH and mineral statusHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2010-8
Isolation and identification of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium from the eggs of retail stores in Mashhad- IranGholam ali Kalidari2010-8
Ultrasonographic Volumetry of the Canine Thyroid Gland: A Comparison of 2D, 3D Ultrasonography and Real Gland VolumeMasoud Rajabioun2010-8
Impact of milk components in recovery of the MS2 bacteriophage as an indicator of enteric virusesMohammad Reza Bassami2010-9
Accidental salinomycin intoxication in calvesMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2010-10
A very severe case of feline amyloidosis with spontaneous hepatic rupture and chronic renal failureJavad Khoshnegah2010-10
First Report of Dictyocaulus arnfieldi Infestation in a Horse in Mashhad, IranKamran Sharifi2010-10
Comparison of Two Regimens of Nigella sativa Extract for Treatment Subclinical Mastitis Caused by Staphylococcus aureusNima Farzaneh2010-10
Effect of three Immunostimulants on some of Indicators of Broilers' Immune ResponseMohammad Reza Bassami2010-10
Comparative evaluation in the use of topical corticosteroid in the management of corneal alkali burn ulcers in rabbitsMohammad Azizzadeh2010-11
Effect of bovine viral diarrhoea virus biotypes on adherence of sperm to oocytes during in-vitro fertilization in cattleMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2010-11
The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated onto beef slicesHesam A Seifi2010-11
The Histopathological Survey of Uterine Tissue in Holstein Dairy Cows with or without Recorded Reproductive DisordersMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2010-11
Variations of Energy Related Biochemical Metabolites During Periparturition Period in Fat-Tailed Baloochi Breed SheepHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2010-11
Evaluation of relationship between Rotavirus and Coronavirus infections with calf diarrhea by capture ELISAGholam Reza Mohammadi2010-12
Normal Left Ventricular Systolic Time Intervals Assessed by Pulsed Wave Doppler Echocardiography in Turkmen Horse of IranAli Mirshahi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2010-12
Effect of different treatment regimen with dexamethasone and acetylcysteine on corneal wound healing in rabbitsAli Asghar Sarchahi2011-1
Effect of prepartum administration of monensin on metabolism of pregnant ewesHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2011-1
Effects of latanoprost and pilocarpine combination on the intraocular pressure and pupil size of normal rabbitsAli Asghar Sarchahi2011-1
Effects of Short-Term Over-supplementation of Copper in Milk on Hematology, Serum Proteins, Weight Gain, and Health in Dairy CalvesMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Reza Aslani2011-1
Evaluation of anti-oxidative effects of propofol in experimental diabetesAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2011-1
Multiple-Locus Variable Number of Tandem Repeats Fingerprinting (MLVF) and Virulence Factor Analysis of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus SCCmec Type IIIBabak KHoramian Toosi2011-1
Seroprevalence of Neospora spp. in Horses in North East of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2011-1
seroprevalence ofToxoplasma gondii infection in dogs in Tehran, IranMohammad Azizzadeh2011-1
Two outbreaks of Pasteurella Multocida SepticemiaKamran Sharifi,Hesam A Seifi2011-1
A comparative study of the long-term effects of piroxicam and ketoprofen on the gastric mucosa, kidney, liver, and hematopoietic system of dogsJavad Khoshnegah,Alireza Kamrani,Mehrdad Mohri2011-2
Clinical evaluation of the sedative properties of acepromazine xylazine combinations with or without atropine and their effects on physiologic values in dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2011-2
Ectrodactyly in a mix breed dogHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Kamran Sardari,Ali Mirshahi2011-2
Effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on cutaneous regeneration and wound healing in dogs treatedwith dexamethasoneKamran Sardari,Mohammadreza Emami,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2011-2
Influence of Short-term, RepeatedFasting on the Skin Wound Healingof Female MiceKamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri2011-2
Prevalence of Cryptosporium spp. infection in some dairy herds of Mashhad(Iran) and its association with diarrhea in newborn calvesEhsanallah Afshari safavi,Gholam Reza Mohammadi2011-2
The efficacy and safety of long-term Helicobacter species quadruple therapy in asymptomatic cats with naturally acquired infectionJavad Khoshnegah2011-2
Evaluation of five resynchronization methods using different combinations of PGF2a, GnRH, estradiol and an intravaginal progesterone device for insemination in Holstein cowsNima Farzaneh,Hesam A Seifi2011-3
In vitro effects of nanosilver colloid on kinematic parameters of ram spermpezhman Mirshokraei2011-3
Isolation and Identification of campylobacter jejuni from poultry carcasses using conventional culture methods and multiplex PCR assayMohammad Reza Bassami2011-3
Molecular analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in one of the hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences: high prevalence of sequence type 239 (ST239) cloneSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES: HIGH PREVALENCE OF SEQUENCE TYPE 239 (ST239) CLONEBabak KHoramian Toosi2011-3
Parenteral Selenium and Vitamin E Supplementation to Lambs:Hematology, SerumBiochemistry, Performance, and Relationship with Other Trace ElementsMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Heidarpour,Hesam A Seifi2011-3
The effect of allicin on blood and tissue lead content in miceMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2011-3
Acute erythroid leukemia with multineage dysplasia in a catHamideh Salari Sedigh2011-4
Clinical and pathological study of experimentally- induced yewMohammad Reza Aslani,Syed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh,Mehrdad Mohri2011-4
Comparison of the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin or progesterone on pregnancy per artificial insemination in repeat-breeder dairy cowsBabak KHoramian Toosi,Nima Farzaneh,Massoud Talebkhan Garoussi,Mehrdad Mohri2011-4
Echocardiographic Measurement of Systolic Time Intervals In Healthy Great Dane DogsMasoud Rajabioun,Mohammad Azizzadeh2011-4
Effects of the Theranekron®”an alcoholic extract of the Tarantulacubensis”On Hematology and Serum Biochemical Properties in HorsesKamran Sardari,Mehrdad Mohri2011-4
Study on ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondiin affected herds of Khorasan Razavi Province,based on PCR detection of fetal brains and maternal serologyranMohammad Reza Bassami,Mohammad Azizzadeh2011-4
Conventional and extended intramamary therapy pf persistent subclinical mastitis using nafcillin-penicillin-dihydrostreptomyavin in lactating dairy cowsNima Farzaneh,Hesam A Seifi2011-5
Effect of Intramammary Injection of Nigella Sativa on Somatic Cell Count and Staphylococcus Aureus Count in Holstein Cows with S. aureus Subclinical MastitisNima Farzaneh2011-5
Evaluation of rumenocentesis practicability as a routine diagnostic technique in veterinary practiceGholam Reza Mohammadi2011-5
Metabolic predictors of post-partum disease and culling risk in dairy cattleHesam A Seifi2011-5
Risk factors for the development of behavior problems in a population of Iranian domestic dogs: Results of a pilot surveyJavad Khoshnegah,Mohammad Azizzadeh2011-5
A case report of atypical borreliosis in DogMahdieh Zaeemi2011-6
Acute oxalate intoxication associated to ingestion of eshnan (Seidlitzia rosmarinus) in sheepMohammad Reza Aslani,Mohammad Heidarpour2011-6
Addition of metoclopramide or tramadol on analgesic effects of lidocaine in epidural analgesia in rabbitHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2011-6
Bilateral Pancarpal Arthrodesis in a German Shepherd DogHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2011-6
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from raw milk of bovine subclinical mastitis in Tehran and MashhadBabak KHoramian Toosi2011-6
Comparative study of anatomy and histology on the ovary and oviduct in camel(Camelus dromedarius)Nima Farzaneh2011-6
Efficacy of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Activated By Thromboplastin-D on the Repair and Regeneration of Wounds in DogsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Kamran Sardari,Mohammadreza Emami2011-6
Identification of shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 in raw cow milk samples from dairy farms in Mashhad using multiplex PCR assayNima Farzaneh,Mohammad Reza Bassami2011-7
Prevalence of Leptospira hardjo antibody in bulk tank milk in some dairy herds in Mashhad suburbNima Farzaneh,Hesam A Seifi2011-7
Effects of dietary n-6:n-3 ratio on immune and reproductive systems of pullet chicksMohammad Reza Bassami2011-8
Efficacy of conventional and extended intra-mammary treatment of persistent sub-clinical mastitis with cefquinome in lactating dairy cowsNima Farzaneh,Hesam A Seifi2011-8
Characterisation and pattern of culling in Holstein-Friesian dairy herds in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast of IranMohammad Azizzadeh2011-9
Survey of canine Dirofilaria immitis infection in Caspian provinces of IranHesam A Seifi2011-9
Identification of different Theileria species (Theileria lestoquardi, Theileria ovis, and Theileria annulata) in naturally infected sheep using nested PCR–RFLPMahdieh Zaeemi2011-10
Increased levels of the 14-3-3 η and γproteins in the synovial fluid of dogs with unilateral cranial cruciate ligament ruptureKamran Sardari2011-10
Pentoxifylline induces capacitation and acrosome reaction and improves quality of motility in canine ejaculated spermatozoapezhman Mirshokraei2011-10
Time-kill study and synergistic activity of cell-wall inhibitor antibiotics in combination with gentamicin against Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faeciumBabak KHoramian Toosi2011-10
An abattoir-based study of hydatidosis in the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in Mashhad, IranMohammad Azizzadeh2011-11
Multiple-locus variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) fingerprinting (MLVF) and antibacterial resistance profiles of extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa among burnt patients in TehranBabak KHoramian Toosi2011-11
The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus in persistently infected cows in industrial dairy herds in suburb of Mashhad- IranMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi2011-11
Clinical, haematological and biochemical evaluation of eventual onion (Allium cepa) toxicity in goatsMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2011-12
Detection of Diplotriaena spp. from the body cavity of Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in Mashhad, IranJamshid Razmyar2011-12
Determination of normal blood biochemistry (electrolytesMehrdad Mohri2011-12
Evaluation of a modified acetaminophenabsorption test to estimate the abomasalemptying rate in Holstein-Friesian heifersKamran Sharifi,Mehrdad Mohri2011-12
Evaluation the Effects of Hoof Trimming on Bovine Leg Score Improvement and its DistributionAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2011-12
Isolation and characterization of Brachyspira species based on biochemical scheme and 16S rDNA partial sequencingJamshid Razmyar2011-12
Macroscopic evaluation of wound healing activity of the Persian shallot, Allium hirtifolium in ratHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2011-12
Prevalence of pigeon haemosporidians and effect of infection on biochemical factors in IranMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri2011-12
Seroepidemiology of Coxiella Burnetii in commercial dairy herds in northeast of IranMohammad Azizzadeh,Gholam Reza Mohammadi,Mohammad Heidarpour2011-12
Successful Surgical Ablation of Coelomic Granuloma in Pigeon (Columba livia)Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Jamshid Razmyar,Ali Mirshahi2011-12
A Case-Control Study of Association between Diarrhea in Newborn Calves and Infection with Rotavirus and Coronavirus in Some Industrial Dairy Herds of Mashhad Area, Iran in 2008Ehsanallah Afshari safavi,Gholam Reza Mohammadi2012-1
Antimicrobial susceptibility of one thousand bacterial isolates to five commonly used antibacterial agents in Iranian poultry industryAbolfazl Ghaniei2012-1
Clinical evaluation of the pocket technique for replacement of prolapsed gland of the third eyelid in dogsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2012-1
Effects of latanoprost and pilocarpine combination on the intraocular pressure and pupil size of dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2012-1
Erratum to: Effects of Short-Term Over-supplementation of Copper in Milk on Hematology, Serum Proteins, Weight Gain, and Health in Dairy CalvesMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Reza Aslani,Gholam Reza Mohammadi2012-1
Microbial diversity of the traditional Iranian cheeses Lighvan and Koozeh, as revealed by polyphasic culturing and culture-independent approachesMohammad Reza Bassami2012-1
Perineal urethrostomy in a cat following prepuce and perineal region injuryHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Samaneh Ghasemi,Ali Mirshahi2012-1
Prevalence of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) Antibodies in Bulk Tank Milk of Dairy Cattle Herds of Mashhad area, North East of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2012-1
A Survey on the Frequency of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Carriers in Cattle in North-East of Iran by RT-PCR: Implications for Revising Disease Control StrategyKamran Sharifi2012-2
Alveolar Echinococcosis Infection in a Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) In Mashhad, IranMohammadreza Emami,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2012-2
Evaluation and comparison of SYBR Green I Real-Time PCR and TaqMan Real-Time PCR methods for quantitative assay of Listeria monocytogenes in nutrient broth and milkMohammad Reza Bassami2012-2
Bacteriological Evaluation of Aloe vera L. Fresh Gel on Experimental Infected Full-Thickness Open Wounds Induced with Staphylococcus aureus in DogsMohammadreza Emami,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Samaneh Ghasemi2012-4
Canine Periodontal Stem Cells: Isolation, Differentiation Potential and Electronic Microscopic CharacterizationHamideh Salari Sedigh2012-4
Effect of probiotic (Bifidobacterum and Streptococc) on performance and serum parameters of broiler chickensGholam ali Kalidari2012-4
Factors affecting calf mortality in Iranian Holstein dairy herdsMohammad Azizzadeh2012-4
Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Cranium Bifidum with Meningocele in a LambAli Mirshahi,Hesam A Seifi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2012-4
A high prevalence of mupirocin and macrolide resistance determinant among Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from burnt patients.Babak KHoramian Toosi2012-5
An abattoir-based study on the prevalence of hydatidosis in livestock in Mashhad, IranMohammad Azizzadeh2012-5
Effect of tetracaine on intraocular pressure in normotensive and hypertensive eyes in rabbitsAli Asghar Sarchahi2012-5
Effects of concomitant administration of latanoprost and pilocarpine on the intraocular pressure of experimentally glaucomatous rabbitsAli Asghar Sarchahi2012-5
Iron deficiency anemia and seizure in a kittenAli Asghar Sarchahi2012-5
Production of bacteriocins by Enterococcus spp. isolated from traditional, Iranian, raw milk cheeses, and detection of their encoding genesMohammad Reza Bassami2012-5
Serological evaluation of relationship between viral pathogens (BHV-1, BVDV, BRSV, PI-3V, and Adeno3) and dairy calf pneumonia by indirect ELISA.Gholam Reza Mohammadi2012-5
A case report of mixed cutaneous round cells tumor in a cock (Gallus domesticus)Jamshid Razmyar2012-6
A comparative study on clinical pathology changes in experimentally infected sheep with active and arrested larvae of Haemonchus contortusMahdieh Zaeemi2012-6
Detection of Hepatozoon sp. in a Persian Leopard :Panthera pardus ciscaucasicaJavad Khoshnegah,Mehrdad Mohri,Ali Mirshahi2012-6
Effect of copper edetate injection in dry pregnant cows on hematology, blood metabolites, weight gain and health of calvesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2012-6
Histhopathologic Evaluation of Curative Impact of Aloe vera L. Fresh Gel on Healing of Eexperimental Infected Full-Thickness Open Wounds Induced with Staphylococcus aureus in DogsSamaneh Ghasemi,Mohammadreza Emami2012-6
Lead poisoning in cattle associated with batteries recycling: High lead levels in milk of nonsymptomatic exposed cattleMohammad Reza Aslani,Mohammad Heidarpour2012-6
Prevalence of ixodid tick infestation of sheep in the Arasbaran region of IranMohammad Azizzadeh2012-6
Reproductive performance in out-of-breeding season of fatty ewes using implant norgestomet with or without PMSGMassoud Talebkhan Garoussi,Nima Farzaneh,Mehrdad Mohri2012-6
Growth response and modeling the effects of Carum copticum essential oil, pH, inoculum level and temperature on Escherichia coli O157:H7Mohammad Azizzadeh2012-7
Oxidative stress and trace elements in camel (Camelus dromedarius) with liver cystic echinococcosisMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri2012-7
The therapeutic effect of Tarentula cubensisMehrdad Mohri2012-7
Using multiplex-PCR assay in identification of Escherichia coli O157: H7 isolated from hamburger samples in Mashhad, IranMohammad Reza Bassami2012-7
A serological study of Leishmania infantum in dogs of Khorasan Razavi province, IranJavad Khoshnegah2012-8
Age-dependent response to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides against organ invasion of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickensGholam ali Kalidari2012-8
Effects of Adipose Tissue Stem Cell Concurrent with Greater Omentum on Experimental Long-Bone Healing in Dogpezhman Mirshokraei2012-8
Experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) intoxication in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus)Syed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh,Mohammad Reza Aslani2012-8
Aberrant migration of Ascaridia galli in a Myna (Acridotheres tristis)Jamshid Razmyar2012-9
Acute‐phase protein concentration and metabolic status affect the outcome of treatment in cows with clinical and subclinical endometritisMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri,Amir Hooshang Fallah Rad2012-9
Bone tissue engineering with periosteal‐free graft and pedicle omentumpezhman Mirshokraei2012-9
Canine visceral leishmaniasis: relationships between oxidative stress, liver and kidney variables, trace elements, and clinical statusMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri,Javad Khoshnegah2012-10
Changes in serum iron concentration and hepatic enzyme activities in cattle infected with Theileria annulata and Babesia bigeminaMehrdad Mohri2012-10
The impact of allicin on lead-induced oxidative damage in selected organs of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio)Mohammad Reza Aslani2012-10
A retrospective study of abattoir condemnation due to parasitic infections and its economic importance in Ahwaz, south–western of IranMohammad Azizzadeh2012-11
Study on small ruminant lungworms and associated risk factors in northeastern IranMohammad Azizzadeh2012-11
A Preliminary Parasitological Survey of Hepatozoon Spp. Infection in Dogs in Mashhad, IranJavad Khoshnegah2012-12
Evaluation of biofilm production and characterization of genes encoding type III secretion system among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patientsBabak KHoramian Toosi2012-12
Isolation and Identification of Brachyspira pilosicoli from laying hens flocks, using conventional culture and molecular methods in Mashhad, IranMohammad Reza Bassami2012-12
Oxidative stress and trace elements before and after treatment in dairy cows with clinical and subclinical endometritisMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri,Amir Hooshang Fallah Rad2012-12
Prevalence and risk factors for canine leishmaniasis in Mashhad, North- east of IranMohammad Heidarpour,Javad Khoshnegah2012-12
Chemical composition, cell wall features and degradability of stem, leaf blade and sheath in untreated and alkali-treated rice strawMohammadreza Emami2013-1
Considering the effect of using JPEG images on accuracy results of radiology images and application programsAli Mirshahi2013-1
Detection and quantification of cell-free fetal DNA in ovine maternal plasma; use it to predict fetal sexpezhman Mirshokraei2013-1
Dry chemical processing and ensiling of rice straw to improve its quality for use as ruminant feedMohammadreza Emami2013-1
Effects of Monensin on Metabolism and Production in Dairy Saanen Goats in Periparturient PeriodHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2013-1
Effects of pomegranate seed oil on oxidative stress parameters and lipid profiles in ovariectomized ratsMohammad Heidarpour,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2013-1
Expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKN1, CDKN5) in developmentally competent and incompetent porcine oocytesAli Asghar Sarchahi2013-1
Isolation, Culture and Characterization of Chicken Primordial Germ CellsMohammad Reza Bassami2013-1
Normal pulsed wave Doppler echocardiographic parameters of Turkmen horses of IranAli Mirshahi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2013-1
The effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor administration on carbon monoxide neurotoxicity in ratsMohammad Azizzadeh2013-1
Treatment and long-term follow-up of cats with suspected primary epilepsyAli Asghar Sarchahi2013-1
Effect of long-term onion (Allium cepa) feeding on antioxidant enzymes in goat erythrocyteMohammad Heidarpour,Mohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2013-2
Evaluation of Copper Concentration in Subclinical Cases of White Muscle Disease and Its Relationship with Cardiac Troponin IMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2013-2
Fibromyxoma in the reticulo-omasal orifice of a cowGholam Reza Mohammadi2013-2
Gene expression of BDNF and its receptors, TrkB and p75 in the uterus and oviduct of pregnant and non-pregnant ewespezhman Mirshokraei2013-3
Investigation of Equine herpesvirus-1 and 4 infections in equine population of Iran by real-time PCRGholam Reza Mohammadi2013-3
Oxidative effects of long-term onion (Allium cepa) feeding on goat erythrocytesMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri2013-3
Rectal diverticulum in a terrier dog: A case reportHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Ali Mirshahi2013-3
Serum troponin I as an indicator of myocarditis in lambs affected with foot and mouth diseaseMehrdad Mohri2013-3
Survey of dermatological conditions in a population of domestic dogs in Mashhad, northeast of Iran (2007-2011)Javad Khoshnegah2013-3
Biofilm formation, hemolysin production and antimicrobial susceptibilities of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from the mastitis milk of dairy cows in Shahrekord district, Iranpezhman Mirshokraei2013-4
Diagnostic value of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), creatine kinase (CK), and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in selenium defciency in lambsMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2013-4
Pathological description and immunohistochemical demonstration of ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondii in IranMohammad Reza Bassami2013-4
Impact of Milk Components on Recovery of Viral RNA from MS2 BacteriophageMohammad Reza Bassami2013-5
Variations of energy biochemical metabolitesHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri,Nima Farzaneh2013-5
Frequency of hard-ticks and the influence of age and sex of camel on ticks infestation rates in one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) population in the northeast of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2013-6
Oxidant/antioxidant status in cattle with liver cystic echinococcosisMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri2013-7
Sodium selenite increases the transcript levels of iodothyronine deiodinases I and II in ovine and bovine fetal thyrocytes in vitroMohammad Reza Bassami2013-7
A rare congenital anomaly of wing in a pigeon chick-Columba liviaMasoud Rajabioun,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Jamshid Razmyar2013-8
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in ratMehrdad Mohri2013-8
A preliminary study on some potential toxic effects of Rosa damascena MillAlireza Kamrani,Mehrdad Mohri2013-9
Isolation, Identification and Virulence Gene Profiling of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Retail Doner Kebabs, IranMohammad Reza Bassami2013-9
Pathophysiology Marshallagia marshalli in experimentally infected lambHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2013-9
Polydipsia/polyuria syndrome in a Congo African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus), a case reportJamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Heidarpour,Masoud Rajabioun2013-9
Treatment of newly hatched chicken with CpG oligodeoxynucleotides decreases liver/spleen colonization of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickensGholam ali Kalidari2013-9
Expression dynamics of pluripotency genes in chicken primordial germ cells before and after colonization of the genital ridgesMohammad Reza Bassami2013-10
Preliminary assessment of the quantitative relationships between testicular tissue composition and ultrasonographic image attributes in the ramAli Mirshahi2013-10
Quality of bovine chilled or frozen-thawed semen after addition of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation to extenderMohammad Azizzadeh2013-10
Seroprevalence of avian influenza (H9N2) in broiler chickens in Northwest of IranAbolfazl Ghaniei2013-10
Molecular detection of Theileria spp in sheep and vector ticks in Fasa and Kazeroun areas, Fars Province, IranMohammad Heidarpour2013-11
Oxidant/antioxidant balance and trace elements status in sheep with liver cystic echinococcosisMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri2013-11
Transabdominal ultrasonography of the ruminal mucosa as a tool to diagnose subacute ruminal acidosis in adult dairy bulls: a pilot studyKamran Sharifi,Ali Mirshahi,Mehrdad Mohri2013-11
An unusual complication of endotracheal intubation in a dogAli Asghar Sarchahi2013-12
Central vestibular disease associated with Horner’s syndrome in a kittenAli Asghar Sarchahi2013-12
Evaluation of hooves’ morphometric parameters in different hoof trimming times in dairy cowsAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2013-12
Optimal thresholds of metabolic indicators of hepatic lipidosis in dairy cowsHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2013-12
PCR-based detection of cow and goat milk in sheep milk and dairy ‎products marketed in Mashhad city of IranJamshid Razmyar2013-12
Prevalence and Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium Spp in Pre-Weaned Dairy Calves in Mashhad Area,Province, Iran Khorasan Razavi.Gholam Reza Mohammadi2013-12
A survey on hepatic and renal trace elements status of sheep and goats in Zarrinshahr region, Isfahan, Iran: an abattoir studyKamran Sharifi2014-1
Bovine salmonellosis in Northeast of Iran: Frequency, genetic fingerprinting and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella spp.Hesam A Seifi2014-1
Comparison of gastric adverse effects of aspirin and celecoxib before and after eradicating Helicobacter spp. infection in dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2014-1
Cytochrome P450 isoforms are differently up-regulated in aflatoxin B1-exposed human lymphocytes and monocytesMohammad Reza Bassami2014-1
Development of An Indirect Enzyme-linked Immunosorb ent Assay (ELISA) for the detection and quantification of avian influ enza A, subtype H5 using a recombinant H5 antigen expressed in sf9 insect cell sMohammad Reza Bassami2014-1
Hematological changes before and after treatment in dairy cows with clinical and subclinical endometritisMohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri,Amir Hooshang Fallah Rad2014-1
Rupture of chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valve in a horse: a case reportAli Mirshahi2014-1
Skin colonization by Malassezia species in healthy neonatal calves and their damsHesam A Seifi2014-1
Wrapped omentum with periosteum concurrent with adipose derived adult stem cells for bone tissue engineering in dog modelpezhman Mirshokraei2014-1
Adjustment of pH and enzymatic treatment of barley straw by dry processing methodMohammadreza Emami2014-2
Genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diseased ostriches (Struthio camelus)Jamshid Razmyar,Gholam ali Kalidari2014-2
Isolation and identification of Helicobacter pullorum from caecal content of broiler chickens in Mashhad, IranMohammad Reza Bassami2014-2
Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi Infection in Horses in the North Khorasan Province ofHesam A Seifi2014-2
The first detection of Cytauxzoon felis in a wild cat (Felis silvestris) in IranMahdieh Zaeemi,Javad Khoshnegah2014-2
A simple method for isolation, culture, and in vitro maintenance of chicken spermatogonial stem cellsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2014-3
Isolation, antimicrobial susceptibility and mecA gene analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Iranian white cheesesJamshid Razmyar2014-3
Molecular characterization of Avian Adenoviruses in Iranian Broiler FlocksJamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Reza Bassami2014-3
Molecular diagnosis of mycoplasma conjunctivae in an outbreak of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in sheep.Syed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh,Jamshid Razmyar2014-3
Seroepidemiology of coxiellosis (Q fever) in sheep and goat populations in the northeast of IranMohammad Azizzadeh,Syed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2014-3
Seroepidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) population in northeast of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2014-3
Successful Surgical Removal of Crop Foreign Body in a Common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis): A Case ReportHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Ali Mirshahi,Jamshid Razmyar2014-3
Modeling the effects of Bunium persicum (Black Zira) essential oil, pH, inoculums size and temperature on the growth of Listeria monocytogenesHesam A Seifi2014-4
Molecular and serological detection of Theileria equi and Babesiacaballi infection in horses and ixodid ticks in IraniHesam A Seifi2014-4
Seroepidemiologic Survey of Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Tehran and Alborz Provinces of IranHesam A Seifi2014-4
An Epidemiological Survey of Setaria in the Abdominal Cavities of Iranian Sistani and Brahman Cattle in the Southeastern of IranMohammad Azizzadeh2014-6
An ice nucleation protein from Fusarium acuminatum: cloning, expression, biochemical characterization and computational modelingMohammad Reza Bassami2014-6
Identification of Coxiella burnetii by Touch-Down PCR assay in unpasteurized milk and dairy productsJamshid Razmyar2014-6
Modeling the growth of Staphylococcus aureus as affected by black zira (Bunium persicum) essential oil, temperature, pH and inoculum levelsMohammad Azizzadeh2014-6
Prevalence of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection in the northeast of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2014-6
Effect of caffeine supplementation on Immunity response of male broilers chicksMohammad Reza Bassami2014-7
Effect of caffeine supplementation on performance and carcass characteristics of male broilers chicksMohammad Reza Bassami2014-7
Ultrasonographic biometry of the normal eye of the Persian catAli Mirshahi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2014-7
A survey on intestinal parasites of golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) in the northeast of IranJavad Khoshnegah2014-8
Comparison of two methods of Marshallagia marshalli production donor sheepHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2014-8
Enhancement of Periodontal Healing by Application of a Novel Ointment Compared with Hyaluronic Acid, Histological Observation in Animal ModelKamran Sardari2014-8
Exogenous melatonin improves growth performance, intestinal microbiota, and morphology in temporarily feed restricted broilersMehrdad Mohri2014-9
Fungal flora of the hair coat of domestic golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with and without skin lesions in Mashhad, IranJavad Khoshnegah2014-9
Isolation of Mycoplasmaspp. from broiler flocks with respiratory syndrome in Mashhad, IranGholam ali Kalidari,Jamshid Razmyar2014-9
Sequence analasis of the VP1 gene in three very virulent Iranian infectious bursal disease virus strainsAbolfazl Ghaniei,Jamshid Razmyar2014-9
Sequence analysis of VP1 gene in three Iranian very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus strainsJamshid Razmyar2014-9
The effect of subacute intoxication of monensin on minerals and trace elements in goatsMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Heidarpour2014-9
Therapeutic effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum) pith and carpellary membrane extract on lead-induced toxicity in ratsMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri2014-9
Clinical, laboratory and pathological findings in sub-acute monensin intoxication in goatsMohammad Reza Aslani,Mehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Heidarpour2014-10
Effect of alcoholic extract of Tarantula cubensis on wound healing in dogsKamran Sardari2014-10
Intestinal colonization of different Brachyspira spp. in laying hensJamshid Razmyar2014-11
Aspergillosis outbreaks in ostrich flocks of eastern Iran during 2010–2012Abolfazl Ghaniei2014-12
Canine Heartworm in Southeastern of Iran with Review of di s - ease distributionMohammad Azizzadeh2014-12
Histopathological and molecular study of Neospora caninum infection in bovine aborted fetusesHesam A Seifi2014-12
Impacts of Feeding Selenium-Methionine and Chromium-Methionine on Performance, Serum Components, Antioxidant Status, and Physiological Responses to Transportation Stress of Baluchi Ewe LambsMohammad Heidarpour,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2014-12
Protective effects of pomegranate seed oil on ovariectomized rats as a model of postmenopausal osteoporosis; amultidetector computed tomography evaluationHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Ali Mirshahi2014-12
Arthroscopic surgery in racehorses with joint osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) or traumaSamaneh Ghasemi,Kamran Sardari,Ahmad Raza Mohamadnia,Ali Mirshahi,Masoud Rajabioun2015-1
Equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells: phenotype and growth characteristics, gene expression profile and differentiation potentialsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2015-1
Evaluating the prior knowledge of toxoplasmosis among students of Ferdowsi University of MashhadMohammad Azizzadeh2015-1
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis of light chain of immunoglobulin Y in Khorasan native chickensMohammad Reza Bassami2015-1
In vitro effect of nanosilver on gene expression of superoxide dismutases and nitric oxide synthases in chicken sertoli cellspezhman Mirshokraei2015-1
Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) improves antioxidant status in rat tissues following chronic diazinon intoxicationMohammad Heidarpour2015-1
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Ehrlichia canis Infection among Companion Dogs of Mashhad, North East of Iran, 2009–2010Javad Khoshnegah,Mehrdad Mohri2015-2
Effect of Met-Anandamide on Prevention of Hyperactivation, Cryo-Capacitation and Acrosome Reaction in Ram Semen Cryopreservationpezhman Mirshokraei2015-3
Molecular detection of equine piroplasms in donkeys (Equus asinus) in North Khorasan province, IranHesam A Seifi2015-3
Trichoepithelioma in a neonatal calfSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2015-4
Antibody response effect of fusing IgY and C3d gene segments to hemagglutinin9 (H9) gene on influenza DNA vaccines in chickenMohammad Reza Bassami2015-4
Employing XIAP to Enhance the Duration of Antigen Expression and Immunity Against an Avian Influenza H5 DNA VaccineMohammad Reza Bassami2015-4
Methylmercury-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Liver: Ameliorating Effect of Vitamin CMohammad Heidarpour2015-4
Ultrasonography of the supramammary lymph nodes for diagnosis of bovine chronic subclinical mastitisBabak KHoramian Toosi2015-4
A bioinformatic approach to check the spatial epitope structure of an immunogenic protein coded by DNA vaccine plasmidsMohammad Reza Bassami2015-5
Analysis and evaluation of antibacterial effects of new herbal formulas,AP-001 and AP-002, against Escherichia coli O157:H7Mohammad Reza Bassami2015-5
Canine nasal neuroendocrine carcinoma: case report with a brief review of the literatureAli Asghar Sarchahi2015-5
Seroepidemiology of Q fever in one-humped camel population in northeast IranGholam Reza Mohammadi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2015-5
A case report of typical leishmaniasis in dogMohammad Heidarpour,Mahdieh Zaeemi2015-6
A comparison analysis of Listeria monocytogenes isolates recovered from chicken carcasses and human by using RAPD PCRMohammad Reza Bassami2015-6
Characterization of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus strain isolates from animal feedstuffs in northeastern IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2015-6
Connexin-43: A possible mediator of heat stress effects on ram Sertoli cellspezhman Mirshokraei2015-6
Genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from broiler meat in Northeastern of IranJamshid Razmyar2015-6
Isolation and molecular typing of Clostridium perfringens isolated from minced meatJamshid Razmyar2015-6
Phylogenetic group determination of Escherichia coli isolated from broilers and layers with colibacillosisJamshid Razmyar2015-6
The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Listeria monocytogenes inoculated onto chicken meat portionsMohammad Azizzadeh2015-6
Automatic Quality Enhancement of Radiographic Images by Fuzzy LogicAli Mirshahi2015-7
GST-M1 is transcribed moreso than AKR7A2 in AFB1-exposed human monocytes and lymphocytesMohammad Reza Bassami2015-7
Surgical Repair of Lateral Patellar Luxation in Two FoalsSamaneh Ghasemi,Kamran Sardari,Ahmad Raza Mohamadnia,Ali Mirshahi,Masoud Rajabioun2015-7
Transplantation of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells with platelet-rich plasma accelerate distraction osteogenesis in a canine modelHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2015-7
Treatment of clinical endometritis in dairy cows by previously used controlled internal drug release devicesHesam A Seifi2015-7
Detection of Coxiella burnetii and sequencing the IS1111 gene fragment in bulk tank milk of dairy herdsJamshid Razmyar2015-8
Effect of Caffeine and trans-cinnamaldehyde on Growth Performance, Hematology, Stress Hormone, Immunity Response and Blood Parameters in Broiler ChickensMohammad Reza Bassami2015-8
Osteoarthritis and systemic infection caused by Candida Albicans in a common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis)Jamshid Razmyar,Ali Mirshahi,Mahdieh Zaeemi2015-8
The effect of mesenchymal stem cells as co-culture in in vitro nuclear maturation of ovine oocytespezhman Mirshokraei2015-8
Cloning and Expression of Fusion (F) and Haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) Epitopes in Hairy Roots of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum) as a Step Toward Developing a Candidate Recombinant Vaccine Against Newcastle DiseaseMohammad Reza Bassami2015-9
Comparison of a Point-of-Care Glucometer and a Laboratory Autoanalyzer for Measurement of Blood Glucose Concentrations in Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica)Mahdieh Zaeemi,Jamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Azizzadeh2015-9
Effects of Dexamethasone and Insulin AloneMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2015-9
Effects of heparin, citrate, and EDTA on plasma biochemistry of cat: comparison with serumMehrdad Mohri2015-9
Evaluation of fructosamine as a new biomarker for diagnosis of hepatic lipidosis in dairy cowsHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2015-9
In vitro acaricidal effects of Thyme essential oil, Tobacco extract and Carbaryl against Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae)Gholam ali Kalidari2015-9
Peritoneal fluid analysis in dairy cows suffering from peritonitisHesam A Seifi2015-9
Serological study of small ruminant lentiviruses in sheep population of Khorasan-e-Razavi province in IranSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh,Mohammad Azizzadeh2015-9
Application of esterase inhibitors: A possible new approach to protect unsaturated fatty acids from ruminal biohydrogenationAli Mirshahi2015-10
Photoimmunological properties of borage in bovine neutrophil in vitro modelSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2015-10
The effects of Ostertagia occidentalis somatic antigens on ovine TLR2 and TLR4 expressionMohammad Azizzadeh2015-10
Comparison of virulence factors and biofilm formation among Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human and bovine infectionsBabak KHoramian Toosi2015-11
An unusual necrotic myositis by C. perfringens in a German Shephered dog: a clinical report, bacteriological and molecular identificationHamideh Salari Sedigh,Masoud Rajabioun,Jamshid Razmyar,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2015-12
Comparative Study on Some Cardiopulmonary Effects, Anesthesia Quality and Recovery Time of Isoflurane vs Propofol in Domestic Pigeons (Columba Livia domestica)Mohammadreza Emami,Jamshid Razmyar,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2015-12
Electrocardiographic parameters in clinically healthy Balouchi sheepSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh,Mohammad Reza Aslani2015-12
Seroprevalence of leptospiral infection in feline population in urban and dairy cattle herds in Mashhad, IranJavad Khoshnegah2015-12
Tendon Healing with Allogenic Fibroblast and Static Magnetic Field in Rabbit Modelpezhman Mirshokraei2015-12
Phylogenetic analysis of Escherichia coli isolates from healthy and diarrhoeic calves in Mashhad, Iran.Mohammad Azizzadeh2016-1
Palmitoleate enhances quality of rooster semen duringchilled storageAbolfazl Ghaniei2016-1
Preliminary Evaluation of Learning Performance of the Simplest Bovine Trans-rectal Palpation Phantom for Training Veterinary Studentspezhman Mirshokraei2016-1
Serogroup identification and Virulence gene characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from chicken carcassesMohammad Reza Bassami2016-1
Using of Ileucecal Interposition as a Neo-stomach in Dogs with Total Gastrectomy (Presentation of a Novel Technique)Ahmad Raza Mohamadnia,Samaneh Ghasemi2016-1
A study of visceral leishmaniasis in owned dogs with dermal lesions in Mashhad area, Khorasan Razavi provinceJavad Khoshnegah2016-2
Comparison of virulence factors and capsular types of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from human and bovine infectionsBabak KHoramian Toosi2016-2
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in the One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in East and Northeast of IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2016-2
Genetic variation among Escherichia coli isolates from human and calves by using RAPD PCRHesam A Seifi2016-2
Metabolic profiles of high-yielding dairy cows with ovarian cysts formationpezhman Mirshokraei2016-2
Age related changes in serum biochemical profile of Saanen goat kids during the first three months of lifeMahdieh Zaeemi,Mehrdad Mohri2016-3
Canine Myiasis and Its Causal Agents in Northeastern IranHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2016-3
Construction and Quantitative Validation of Chicken CXCR4 Expression ReporterMohammad Reza Bassami2016-3
Permethrin-induced oxidative damage in liver of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and its attenuation by vitamin CMohammad Heidarpour2016-3
Treatment of Critical-Sized Calvarial Non-Union Defect Via Collagen-Polyglycolic Acid Scaffold Loading With Simvastatin in RabbitsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2016-3
Comparison of serum trace elements and antioxidant levels in terrierdogs with or without behavior problemsJavad Khoshnegah,Mohammad Heidarpour2016-4
Molecular epidemiology of Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus detected from ticks of one humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) population in northeastern IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2016-5
An experimental ovine Theileriosis: The effect of Theileria lestoquardi infection on cardiovascular system in sheepMehrdad Mohri,Syed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2016-6
An Outbreak of Yolk Sac Infection and Dead-in-shell Mortality in Common Canary (Serinus canaria) Caused by Klebsiella pneumoniaeJamshid Razmyar2016-6
Detection of eaeA, hlyA, stx1 and stx2 genes in pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from broilers affected with colibacillosisJamshid Razmyar2016-6
Effect of the rooster semen enrichment with oleic acid on the quality of semen during chilled storageAbolfazl Ghaniei2016-6
effects of cardiac Rehabilitation training on ABCA1 expression in lymphocytes of patient who underwent coronary artery biy-pass graftoperatioMohammad Reza Bassami2016-6
Effects of eCG in Milking Dairy Cows with High Levels of BUN and Synchronized with Ovsynch ProtocolAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Mohammad Heidarpour2016-6
Genomic diversity of Clostridium perfringens strains isolated from food and human sourcesJamshid Razmyar2016-6
Protective effect of tert butyl hydroquinone on diazinon-induced oxidative stress in brain and heart of male ratsMohammad Heidarpour2016-6
Therapeutic effects of a combined antibiotic-enzyme treatment on subclinical mastitis in lactating dairy cowsBabak KHoramian Toosi2016-6
Epidemiological Survey of Bovine Thelaziosis in Southeastern of IranMohammad Azizzadeh2016-7
Expression of Hemagglutinin–Neuraminidase and fusion epitopes of Newcastle Disease Virus in transgenic tobaccoMohammad Reza Bassami2016-7
Relationships between trace elements, oxidative stress and subclinical ketosis during transition period in dairy cowsMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Mohammad Heidarpour2016-7
Report of diabetes mellitus remission in a cat by orally administered glibenclamideHamideh Salari Sedigh,Masoud Rajabioun,Mehrdad Mohri2016-7
Seroepidemiological Study of Toxocariasis in the Owners of Domestic Cats and Dogs in Mashhad, Northeastern IranJavad Khoshnegah2016-7
In vitro responses of chicken macrophage-like monocytes following exposure to pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli ghosts loaded with a rational design of conserved genetic materials of influenza and Newcastle disease virusesMohammad Reza Bassami2016-8
The Effect of Marshallagia marshalli on Serum Gastrin Concentrations in Experimentally Infected LambsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2016-8
A retrospective survey of liver flukes in livestock based on abattoir data in Kermanshah, west of IranEhsanallah Afshari safavi2016-9
Microscopy and PCR-based detection of Leucocytozoon spp. in Iranian birds of preyJamshid Razmyar2016-9
Molecular characterization of Mycoplasma synoviae isolated from broiler chickens of West Azarbaijan province by PCR of vlhA geneAbolfazl Ghaniei2016-9
Facial Artery Myomucosal Flap, Pedicled Solely on the Facial Artery: Experimental Design Study on SurvivalHamideh Salari Sedigh2016-10
Impact of Lactic Acid on Formation of Biogenic Amines in Common CarpMohammad Azizzadeh2016-10
Parasitic burdens, egg output and heamathological and biochemical changes in naturally infected lambs with Dicrocoelium dendriticumGholam Reza Mohammadi,Mohammad Heidarpour,Mohammad Azizzadeh2016-10
Prevalence of high-level gentamicin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium in an Iranian hospitalBabak KHoramian Toosi2016-10
Survey of poultry carcass condemnations in abattoirs of West Azerbaijan province (North west of Iran)Abolfazl Ghaniei2016-11
A case report of partial bilateral hind limb adactyly in a male lamMasoud Rajabioun,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Samaneh Ghasemi2016-12
Carbomer 940 Hydrogel Enhances Capillary Blood Flow and Tissue Viability in a Skin Burn WoundMohammad Azizzadeh2016-12
Detection of equine herpesvirus-1 and equine herpesvirus-4 in mules and donkeys by real time PCRGholam Reza Mohammadi2016-12
Evaluation of Cardiac Size in the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Based on Radiographic MeasurementsAli Mirshahi,Jamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Azizzadeh2016-12
Evaluation of serum biochemical profile in Turkoman horses and donkeys infected with Theileria equiMahdieh Zaeemi,Gholam Reza Mohammadi2016-12
Isolation of Clostridium Difficile and Molecular Detection of Binary and A/B toxins in Feces of dogsHamideh Salari Sedigh,Jamshid Razmyar2016-12
Molecoular identification and successful treatment of Chlamydophila psittaci (genotype B) in a clinically affected Congo African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus)Jamshid Razmyar,Masoud Rajabioun,Mahdieh Zaeemi2016-12
Antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from different parts of the digestive tract of sheepEhsanallah Afshari safavi2017-1
Effects of in ovo injection of chrysin, quercetin and ascorbic acid on hatchability, somatic attributes, hepatic oxidative status and early post‐hatch performance of broiler chicksGholam ali Kalidari2017-1
Effects of testosterone enanthate and resistance training on myocardium in Wistar rats; clinical and anatomical pathologyMahdieh Zaeemi,Mehrdad Mohri2017-1
Effects of testosterone enanthate treatment in conjunction with resistance training on thyroid hormones and lipid profile in male Wistar ratsMahdieh Zaeemi2017-1
Effects of curcumin and nanocurcumin on growth performance, blood gas indices and ascites mortalities of broiler chickens reared under normal and cold stress conditionsMohammad Reza Bassami2017-2
Effects of neonatal diarrhea and other conditions on subsequent productive and reproductive performance of heifer calvesMohammad Azizzadeh,Nima Farzaneh2017-2
Effects of preanesthetic administration of metamizole on renal function, blood parameters and bone marrow cells in healthy dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi2017-2
Identification of Reliable Reference Genes for Quantitative Real-Time PCR in Equine Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes Treated by DoxycyclineSamaneh Ghasemi,pezhman Mirshokraei,Kamran Sardari2017-3
Modeling of Salmonella typhimurium growth under the effects of Carum copticum essential oil, temperature, pH and inoculum sizeMohammad Azizzadeh2017-3
Outcomes of testosterone enanthate on kidney of male Wistar rats subjected to resistance trainingMahdieh Zaeemi,Mehrdad Mohri2017-3
Relationships between oxidative stress, liver and erythrocyte injury, trace elements and parasite burden in sheep naturally infected with Dicrocoelium dendriticumGholam Reza Mohammadi,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Mohammad Heidarpour2017-3
Role of Coral, Demineralized Calf Fetal Growth Plate, and a Combination of the Two in Healing of Bone Defects in RabbitsAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2017-3
An outbreak of severe Macrorhabdus ornithogaster infection in common canaries (Serinus canarius domesticus), Molecular and pathological assayJamshid Razmyar2017-4
Analysis of antibiotic susceptibility profile and RAPD typing of Listeria monocytogenes isolatesMohammad Reza Bassami2017-4
Effect of early administration of equine chorionic gonadotropin and prostaglandin F2α on reproductive performance of postpartum dairy cowsHesam A Seifi,Nima Farzaneh2017-4
Isolation and identification of Listeria spp. in chicken carcasses marketed in northeast of IranMohammad Reza Bassami2017-4
Ostrich as a possible source of pathogenic strains of Clostridium difficileGholam ali Kalidari,Jamshid Razmyar2017-4
Effects of dexamethasone and insulin alone or in combination on reproduction in dairy cows in early lactationNima Farzaneh,Mehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2017-5
Generalized lower motor neuron paralysis associated with Toxocara canis in a husky puppyAli Asghar Sarchahi2017-5
Radiographic Evaluation of Normal Heart Size in Native Dog of Khorasan Province Using VHS MethodMasoud Rajabioun,Hamideh Salari Sedigh,Mohammad Azizzadeh2017-5
Stemness Signature of Equine Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem CellsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2017-5
A high prevalence of tylosin resistance among Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitisNima Farzaneh,Babak KHoramian Toosi2017-6
Bilateral Simple Ectopic kidney in a catMasoud Rajabioun,Hamideh Salari Sedigh,Ali Mirshahi2017-6
Canine penile hirudiniasis: an unusual cause of bleeding from the prepuceHamideh Salari Sedigh,Masoud Rajabioun2017-6
Detection of a Newly Described Bacteriocin, Perfrin, Among Clostridium perfringensIsolates from Healthy and Diseased Ostriches and Broiler Chickens in IranJamshid Razmyar2017-6
Evaluation of the protective effect of pentoxifylline on carrageenan-induced chronic non-bacterial prostatitis in ratsFarzad Hayati2017-6
Experimental Theileria lestoquardi infection in sheep: Biochemical and hematological changesMehrdad Mohri2017-6
Isolation and genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diarrheic dogs in IranHamideh Salari Sedigh,Jamshid Razmyar2017-6
Relationships between oxidative stress, haematology and iron profile in anaemic and non-anaemic calvesMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Heidarpour2017-8
The investigation on the relationship between dairy cow hygiene scores and intramammary infectionsSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Babak KHoramian Toosi2017-8
Antibacterial Activity of Zataria multiflora Boiss Essential Oil against Some Fish Spoilage BacteriaMohammad Azizzadeh2017-9
Apocrine sweat gland ductal carcinoma in a 5-year-old Arabian stallionSamaneh Ghasemi,Kamran Sardari2017-9
Control of Listeria Monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 Inoculated on Fish Fillets Using Alginate Coating Containing Lactoperoxidase System and Zataria multiflora Boiss Essential OilMohammad Azizzadeh2017-9
Histomorphometric and ultrasonographic evaluations of the rumen in sheepAli Mirshahi2017-9
Captopril attenuates diazinon-induced oxidative stress, a sub-chronic study in rat.Mohammad Heidarpour2017-10
The effect of platelet-rich plasma on human mesenchymal stem cell-induced bone regeneration of canine alveolar defects with calcium phosphate-based scaffoldsHamideh Salari Sedigh2017-10
Effects of resistance training and testosterone enanthate injections in low and high doses on hematological parameters in male Wistar ratsMahdieh Zaeemi2017-11
Effects of human adipose-derived stem cells and platelet-rich plasma on healing response of canine alveolar surgical bone defectsHamideh Salari Sedigh2017-11
In Vitro Evaluation of Equine Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes Viability Treated with DoxycyclineSamaneh Ghasemi,Kamran Sardari,pezhman Mirshokraei2017-11
Prevalence and fertility of sheep and cattle hydatid cysts in the northeast of Iran, investigation of some epidemiological factorsMohammad Azizzadeh2017-11
A Molecular and Serological Study on Visceral Leishmaniasis in Asymptomatic Stray Dogs in Mashhad ,IranJavad Khoshnegah2017-12
Detection of Mycoplasma bovis in bulk tank milk samples by nested PCR in Mashhad, Iranpezhman Mirshokraei,Babak KHoramian Toosi2017-12
Sensory Analysis of Fish Burgers Containing Ziziphora clinopodioides Essential Oil and Nisin: The Effect of Natural Preservatives and MicroencapsulationMohammad Azizzadeh2017-12
Subclinical Hypocalcemia in Dairy Cows: Pathophysiology, Consequences and MonitoringHesam A Seifi2017-12
The effect of Ziziphora clinopodioides essential oil and Nisin on chemical and microbial characteristics of fish burger during refrigerated storageMohammad Azizzadeh2017-12
Toxigenic Clostridium difficile in retail packed Chicken meat and broiler flocks in Northeastern IranJamshid Razmyar,Gholam ali Kalidari2017-12
17β-estradiol improves the efficacy of exploited autologous bone marrowderived mesenchymal stem cells in non-union radial defect healing: A rabbit modelpezhman Mirshokraei,Mohammadreza Emami,Ali Mirshahi2018-1
Effects of curcumin or nanocurcumin on blood biochemical parameters, intestinal morphology and microbial population of broiler chickens reared under normal and cold stress conditionsMohammad Reza Bassami2018-1
Histomorphometric and ultrasonographic evaluations of the abomasum in sheepAli Mirshahi2018-1
Survey of polycystic kidney disease and other urinary tract abnormalities using ultrasonography in Persian and Persian related cats in IranMasoud Rajabioun,Hamideh Salari Sedigh,Mohammad Azizzadeh2018-1
Evaluating the performance of IFAT, RDT, and semi-nested PCR for detection of Leishmania infantum infection on sera sample in symptomatic dogsHamideh Salari Sedigh,Mohammad Azizzadeh2018-2
Major and minor toxins of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diseased sheepGholam ali Kalidari,Jamshid Razmyar2018-2
Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in cerebrospinal fluid obtained from hospitalized patientsMohammad Reza Bassami2018-2
Allium Sativum Methanolic Extract (garlic) Improves Therapeutic Efficacy of Albendazole Against Hydatid Cyst: In Vivo StudyMohammad Heidarpour2018-3
Bacterial ghost of avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) serotype O78:K80 as a homologous vaccine against avian colibacillosisMohammad Reza Bassami,Mehrdad Mohri2018-3
Determination of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and copper contents in rooster seminal plasma and their effects on semen qualityAbolfazl Ghaniei2018-3
Effect of In Ovo Injection of VG/GA Vaccine, an Apathogenic Enteric Strain of Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Aluminum Hydroxide as an Adjuvant on Hatchability and Immune Response of Commercial PulletsMohammad Reza Bassami2018-3
The hematological profile changes in Saanen goat kids from birth to 3 months of ageMahdieh Zaeemi,Mehrdad Mohri2018-3
Effects of alginate coating incorporated with Bunium persicum essential oil and Lactoperoxidase system on inoculated Listeria monocytogenes in chicken breast filletsMohammad Azizzadeh2018-4
In vitro acaricidal effect of Melia azedarach ripe fruit extract against Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae)Gholam ali Kalidari2018-4
In vitro study of matrix metalloproteinases 1, 2, 9, 13 and serum amyloid A mRNAs expression in equine fibroblast-like synoviocytes treated with doxycyclineSamaneh Ghasemi,Kamran Sardari,pezhman Mirshokraei2018-4
Zataria multiflora would attenuate the hepatotoxicity of long-term albendazole treatment in mice with cystic echinococcosisMohammad Heidarpour2018-4
Effect of adjuvants on in ovo vaccination against Newcastle disease on hatchability, performance and antibody titres in commercial pulletsMohammad Reza Bassami2018-5
Histopathological Study of Protective Effects of Honey on Subacute Toxicity of Acrylamide-Induced Tissue Lesions in Rats’ Brain and LiverMohammad Azizzadeh2018-5
Immunobiologically relevant level of aflatoxin B1 alters transcription of key functional immune genes, phagocytosis and survival of human dendritic cellsMohammad Reza Bassami2018-5
Immunomodulatory and Anti-inflammatory Effects of ThymoquinoneFarzad Hayati2018-5
A study on clinical and laboratory features of natural poisoning with Tribulus terrestris in sheepSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2018-6
Antimicrobial resistance profile and prevalence of tetracycline resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolates from broiler chickens, Northwestern Iran.Abolfazl Ghaniei2018-6
Data on environmentally relevant level of aflatoxin B1-induced human dendritic cells' functional alterationMohammad Reza Bassami2018-6
Effect of four local anesthetics -tetracaine, proparacaine, lidocaine, and bupivacaine- on intraocular pressure in dogs.Ali Asghar Sarchahi2018-6
Expression of endogenous retroviruses in pre‐implantation stages of bovine embryoNima Farzaneh,pezhman Mirshokraei2018-6
An Overview of Hepatoprotective Effects of ThymoquinoneFarzad Hayati2018-7
Evaluation of Mastitis Impact on Lameness and Digital Lesions in Dairy CowsAhmad Raza Mohamadnia,Babak KHoramian Toosi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2018-7
ارزیابی مقایسه ای کنترل بیماری کوکسیدیوز در گله اجداد گوشتی با استفاده از داروهای ضدکوکسیدیواستات در مقایسه با عدم استفاده از کوکسیدیواستات و تعیین میزان OPGAbolfazl Ghaniei2018-8
Effects of carbomer 940 hydrogel on burn wounds: an in vitro and in vivo studyFarzad Hayati2018-8
جداسازی، شناسایی و تعیین حساسیت آنتیبیوتیکی استرپتوکوکوسهای گروه PCR غیرانتروکوکی- در برخی پرندگان با روشهای کشت و - D و CGholam ali Kalidari,Jamshid Razmyar2018-8
Evaluation of intravitreal injection of pentoxifylline in experimental endotoxin - induced uveitis in rabbitsMohammad Azizzadeh2018-9
Genetic Evaluation of Some Carcass Characteristics Assessed by in vivo Real Time Ultrasonography in Baluchi SheepAli Mirshahi2018-9
In vitro evaluation of acaricidal activity of aqueous ozone against Dermanyssus gallinaeGholam ali Kalidari2018-9
Recombinant production of a chimeric antimicrobial peptide in E. coli and assessment of its activity against some avian clinically isolated pathogensJamshid Razmyar2018-9
Relationship between fructusamine, glucose, total protein, and albumin concentrations of serum in late pregnancy and early lactation of dairy Saanen goatMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2018-9
Seroprevalence of brucellosis in different kinds of feline population in north-east of IranJavad Khoshnegah2018-9
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Enterococcus Species Isolated from Companion Birds and Poultry in the Northeast of IranGholam ali Kalidari,Jamshid Razmyar2018-10
Equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells: optimization of cell density in primary cultureHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2018-10
In vivo therapeutic efficacy of the Allium sativum ME in experimentally Echinococcus granulosus infected miceMohammad Heidarpour2018-10
Protective Effects of Thymoquinon on Pulmonary Disorders in Experimental StudiesFarzad Hayati2018-10
Effect of lactic acid and ajwain (Carum copticum) on the biogenic amines and quality of refrigerated common carp (Cyprinus carpio)Mohammad Azizzadeh2018-11
Endocrine and oxidative stress characteristics in different anesthetic methods during pneumoperitoneum in dogsMohammadreza Emami,Mehrdad Mohri2018-11
Canine visceral leishmaniosis: the relationship of blood serum thyroid hormones, lipids, and lipoproteins with clinical statusJavad Khoshnegah,Mohammad Heidarpour2018-12
Comparison of the effect of hemihydrate calcium sulfate granules and Cerabone on dental socket preservation: An animal experimentHamideh Salari Sedigh2018-12
Effect of Supplementation With Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Magnesium, and Zinc on Canine Behavioral Disorders: Results of a Pilot StudyMohammad Azizzadeh,Javad Khoshnegah2018-12
Evaluation of linoleic acid on lipid peroxidative/ antioxidative parameters, motility and viability of rooster spermatozoa during cold storageAbolfazl Ghaniei2018-12
Intra-vitreal injection of methotrexate in experimental endotoxin-induced uveitis in rabbitMohammad Azizzadeh2018-12
IL-5 in follicular fluid as a negative predictor of the intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomeMohammad Azizzadeh2019-1
The effects of dry period body condition score on some trace minerals, oxidative, and inflammatory indicators in transition dairy cowsHesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2019-1
The haematological, proinflammatory cytokines and IgG changes during an ovine experimental theileriosisMehrdad Mohri2019-1
Application of mesenchymal stem cells to enhance non‐union bone fracture healingHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Masoud Rajabioun2019-2
Physiological impact of extracellular vesicles on female reproductive system; highlights to possible restorative effects on female age-related fertilityMohammad Heidarpour2019-2
The Effect of Sodium Alginate Coating Incorporated with Lactoperoxidase System and Zataria multiflora boiss Essential Oil on Shelf Life Extension of Rainbow Trout Fillets During RefrigerationMohammad Azizzadeh2019-2
Effect of Chitosan Coating Nano-emulsion Containing Zataria multiflora and Bunium persicum Essential Oils on Escherichia Coli O157:H7 in Vacuum-packed Rainbow Trout FilletMohammad Azizzadeh2019-3
PCR assay targeting nox gene (NADH oxidase) for rapid identification of Brachyspiracanis in dogsJamshid Razmyar,Hamideh Salari Sedigh2019-3
Plasma biochemical and lipid panel reference intervals in common mynah -Acridotheres tristis-Mahdieh Zaeemi,Jamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Azizzadeh2019-3
Evaluating the correlation between adrenal gland dimensions and aortic diameter in healthy dogsAli Mirshahi,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Javad Khoshnegah2019-4
A study of clinical and pathological findings in an ovine experimental theileriosisMehrdad Mohri2019-5
Protective effects of glycyrrhizin on sub-chronic diazinon-induced biochemical, hematological alterations and oxidative stress indices in male Wistar ratsMohammad Heidarpour2019-5
Quercetin attenuates H2O2‐induced toxicity of rooster semen during liquid storage at 4°CAbolfazl Ghaniei2019-5
Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Emulsion and Nano-emulsion of Ziziphora clinopodioides Essential Oil against Escherichia coli O157:H7Mohammad Azizzadeh2019-6
Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Cobalt, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chrome, and Lead Concentrations in Liver and Muscle in Iranian Camel (Camelus dromedarius)Mohammad Azizzadeh2019-6
Effect of prostaglandin F2α and GnRH at the time of artificial insemination on reproductive performance of dairy cowsHesam A Seifi,Nima Farzaneh2019-6
Evaluation of the serum fructosamine concentrations in transition period and its relationship with serum proteins and energy characteristics in dairy cowsMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi,Mohammad Heidarpour2019-6
Full genome characterization of Iranian H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus from Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix), 2017: The first reportSeyed Ali Ghafouri2019-6
Inhibitory Effect of Nano-gel/emulsion of Chitosan Coating Incorporated with Ziziphora Clinopodioides Essential Oil and Nisin on Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Inoculated in Beef at Cold Storage ConditionMohammad Azizzadeh2019-6
The Antibacterial and Antioxidant Effects of Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citriodora) Essential OilsMohammad Azizzadeh2019-6
Phenotypic and genotypic study on antimicrobial resistance patterns of E. coli isolates from bovine mastitisBabak KHoramian Toosi2019-7
Characterization of Iranian canarypox and pigeonpox virus strainspezhman Mirshokraei,Jamshid Razmyar2019-8
Diagnostic accuracy of milk oxidation markers for detection of subclinical mastitis in early lactation dairy cowsAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad,Mohammad Heidarpour,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Babak KHoramian Toosi2019-8
Genotyping of avian infectious bronchitis virus in Iran: Detection of D274 and changing in the genotypes rateSeyed Ali Ghafouri2019-8
The design and application of a bacterial ghost vaccine to evaluate immune response and defense against avian pathogenic Escherichia coli O2:K1 serotypeMohammad Reza Bassami2019-8
Effect of probiotic administration route and dietary nutrient density on growth performance, gut health, and some hematological variables in healthy or Eimeria-infected broiler chickensGholam ali Kalidari2019-9
Introducing the Best Six Loci in Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit-Variable-Number Tandem Repeat (MIRU-VNTR) Typing for Mycobacterium TuberculosisGenotypingGholam Reza Mohammadi2019-10
Molecular Detection of Gamma Coronaviruses in Birds Parks, IranSeyed Ali Ghafouri2019-10
Autologous mitochondrial microinjection; a strategy to improve the oocyte quality and subsequent reproductive outcome during agingMohammad Heidarpour2019-11
Comparative study of “partial dietary cation-anion difference” strategy as a nutritional intervention for preventing subclinical hypocalcemia in dairy cattleMehrdad Mohri,Kamran Sharifi2019-11
Evaluation of the association between exosomal levels and female reproductive system and fertility outcome during aging: a systematic review protocolMohammad Heidarpour2019-11
Effect of exercise on some minerals, metabolites and enzyme activities in the serum of trained Arabian horsesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi,Kamran Sardari2019-12
Evaluating the effectiveness of two bovine mastitis vaccines and their influences on oxidant and antioxidant capacities of milkBabak KHoramian Toosi,Mohammad Heidarpour,Nima Farzaneh2019-12
High Prevalence of Cryptococcus neoformans and Isolation of Other Opportunistic Fungi From Pigeon (Columba livia) Droppings in Northeast IranJamshid Razmyar2019-12
Colostrum fails to prevent bovine/camelid neonatal neutrophil damage from AFB1Gholam Reza Mohammadi,Mehrdad Mohri2020-1
Effect of alginate coatings containing Zataria Multiflora Boiss essential oil in forms of coarse emulsion and Nano-emulsion on inoculated Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef filletsMohammad Azizzadeh2020-1
Effectiveness evaluation of thermo-stable vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND.TR.IR) produced by the Razi Institute in backyard poultry of Iran - 2015Seyed Ali Ghafouri2020-2
High prevalence of Prototheca spp. and isolation of fungal species in milk samples from cows suffering from mastitis in Mashhad city, northeast IranBabak KHoramian Toosi2020-2
Alginate coarse/nanoemulsions containing Zataria multiflora Boiss essential oil as edible coatings and the impact on microbial quality of trout filletMohammad Azizzadeh2020-3
Clinical, bacteriological and histopathological aspects of first-time pyoderma in a population of Iranian domestic dogs: a retrospective studyJavad Khoshnegah2020-3
Is Impregnation of Xenograft with Caffeine Effective on Bone Healing Rate in Mandibular Defects? A Pilot Histological Animal StudyHamideh Salari Sedigh2020-3
The Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Inoculated in Hamburger Using a Chitosan/Cellulose Nanofiber Film Containing the Nanoemulsion of Trachyspermum ammi and Bunium persicum Essential OilsMohammad Azizzadeh2020-3
بررسی تأثیر فلوفنامیک اسید به‌عنوان مهارکننده کانکسین بر روی ترمیم زخم‌های دیابتیFarzad Hayati2020-3
Comparison of autogenous and commercial H9N2 avian influenza vaccines in a challenge with recent dominant virusSeyed Ali Ghafouri2020-4
Effect of four local anesthetics (tetracaine, bupivacaine, lidocaine and proparacaine) on intraocular pressure in rabbits- Comparison of an applanation and a rebound tonometerAli Asghar Sarchahi2020-4
Encapsulation of Zataria multiflora Essential Oil in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Sensory Evaluation and Antibacterial Activity in Commercial SoupMohammad Azizzadeh2020-4
Chitosan-loaded nanoemulsion containing Zataria Multiflora Boiss and Bunium persicum Boiss essential oils as edible coatings: Its impact on microbial quality of turkey meat and fate of inoculated pathogensMohammad Azizzadeh2020-5
Inhibition of Staphylococcus Aureus on Hamburger by Chitosan Film Containing Nanoemulsion of Trachyspermum Ammi and Bunium Persicum Essential OilsMohammad Azizzadeh2020-5
Molecular Monitoring of D1466 Genotype of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus In Iran: A Retrospective Study (2013-2017)Seyed Ali Ghafouri2020-5
Outbreak Investigation of officially reported of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N8 subtype) in Iran- 2016Seyed Ali Ghafouri2020-5
Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in a commercial turkey breeder flockAbolfazl Ghaniei2020-5
Reverse Genetics Assembly of Newcastle Disease Virus Genome Template Using Asis-Sal-Pac BioBrick StrategyMohammad Reza Bassami2020-5
Survey of Toxocaraeggs on Dog Hair as a Potential Transmis- sion Route in Human Toxocariasis in Northeastern IranJavad Khoshnegah2020-5
Humoral immunity provided by a novel infectious bronchitis vaccine supplemented by bacterium-like particles (BLPs)Abolfazl Ghaniei2020-6
Identification of Aptamers that Specifically Bind to A1 Antigen by Performing Cell-on Human ErythrocytesMohammad Reza Bassami2020-6
The fowl adenovirus (Fadv-11) outbreak in Iranian broiler chicken farms: The first full genome characterization and phylogenetic analysisSeyed Ali Ghafouri2020-6
Short communication: Motivation to walk affects gait attributesAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2020-7
The Effects of Parenteral Iron Administration on Thyroid Hormones, Hematology, Oxidative Stress Characteristics, Performance, and Health in Neonatal Holstein CalvesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2020-7
Development of three multiplex-PCR assays for virulence profiling of different iron acquisition systems in Escherichia coliBabak KHoramian Toosi2020-8
Antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes in the Escherichia coli isolates obtained from ostrichAbolfazl Ghaniei2020-9
Evaluation of cardiac troponin I, atrial natriuretic peptide and some oxidative/antioxidative biomarkers in the serum and hemolysate of trained Arabian horses after exerciseMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi,Kamran Sardari2020-9
Spatial spread and emergence of reassortant H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in IranSeyed Ali Ghafouri2020-9
The Effects of administration of different parts of banana (Musa cavendish) fruit extracts and peel powder on the oxidative/antioxidative characteristics and some mineral concentrations in neonatal dairy calvesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2020-9
توسعه و یافتن الیگونوکلئوتیدها برای مارکرهای گلبول قرمز تیپ B با هدف کاربرد در انتقال داروییMohammad Reza Bassami2020-9
کولیک، به روزرسانی و پیشرفت هاSamaneh Ghasemi2020-9
Implementation of high-level biosecurity measures can reduce the baseline antibody titers of Newcastle disease in non-integrated layer flocks in northeast IranMohammad Reza Bassami2020-10
A Survey on Drinking Water Contamination to Indicator Bacteria in Dairy Farms of Mashhad SuburbSyed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2020-11
Prognostic role of follicular fluid tumor necrosis factor alpha in the risk of early ovarian hyperstimulation syndromeMohammad Azizzadeh2020-11
Design, development, and evaluation of the efficacy of a nucleic acid-free version of a bacterial ghost candidate vaccine against avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) O78:K80 serotypeGholam ali Kalidari2020-12
Effects of single injection of vitamin D3 on some immune and oxidative stress characteristics in transition dairy cowsMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2020-12
Genomic Detection of Bovine Digital Dermatitis Treponemes in Sole UlcersAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2020-12
Phylogenetic Study of the Recent Outbreak of Avian Influenza H5 Subtype in Turkeys of East Azerbaijan in 2018Seyed Ali Ghafouri2020-12
Preliminary study of Cytauxzoon felis infection in outdoor cats in Mashhad, IranMahdieh Zaeemi2020-12
Seroepidemiological feature of Chlamydia abortus in sheep and goat ‎population located in northeastern IranMohammad Azizzadeh,Syed Ali Reza Taghavi razavizadeh2020-12
Effect of sodium alginate coating containing clove ( Syzygium Aromaticum ) and lemon verbena ( Aloysia Citriodora ) essential oils and different packaging treatments on shelf life extension of refrigerated chicken breastMohammad Azizzadeh2021-1
Effects of Allium sativum on IFN-γ and IL4 concentrations in mice with cystic echinococcosisMohammad Heidarpour2021-1
Evaluation of MexAB-OprM efflux pump and determination of antimicrobial susceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa human and veterinary isolatesBabak KHoramian Toosi2021-1
Anthelmintic efficacy of fenbendazole and levamisole in native fowl in northern IranGholam ali Kalidari2021-2
بررسی مقدماتی توانمندی نوار پروژسترون گاوی (Rapid P4) در سنجش نیمه کمی پروژسترون در فاز فولیکولی سگ مادهMohammad Heidarpour,Masoud Rajabioun,pezhman Mirshokraei,Babak KHoramian Toosi2021-2
Addition of straw to the early-lactation diet: Effects on feed intake, milk yield, and subclinical ketosis in Holstein cowsHesam A Seifi2021-3
Amniotic fluid-derived exosomes improved spermatogenesis in a rat model of azoospermiaMohammad Heidarpour2021-3
Application of light emission diode irradiation during sperm swim-up selection skewed the primary sex ratio and improved bovine sperm qualitypezhman Mirshokraei2021-3
Monitoring selected behaviors of calves by use of an ear-attached accelerometer for detecting early indicators of diarrheaMohammad Azizzadeh2021-3
Parasitic causes of meat and organs in cattle at four slaughterhouses in Sistan‐Baluchestan Province, Southeastern Iran between 2008 and 2016Mohammad Azizzadeh2021-3
Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a delivery system of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil as a natural preservative for food applicationsMohammad Azizzadeh2021-3
بررسی سرمی و مولکولی شیوع آنفلوانزای پرندگان تحت تیپ H9N2 در بازارهای زنده فروشی پرندگان در سال 1395Seyed Ali Ghafouri2021-3
Aclinical survey on the electrocardiogramafterintravenous granisetron hydrochloride administration in clinically normal dogs»Hamideh Salari Sedigh2021-4
Evaluation of hormonal treatments for different scenarios of cystic ovarian follicles in dairy cattleHesam A Seifi,Nima Farzaneh2021-5
Supplementation of overripe pulp extract and green peel extract or powder of banana fruit peel (musa. cavendish) to diets of neonatal dairy calves: Effects on haematological, immunological and performance characteristicsMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2021-5
New outlook to vitamin D functions in dairy cows: non- classical importanceMehrdad Mohri2021-6
Seroprevalence of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus in one-humped camelsand itsribonucleic acid in ticks attached to one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) imported from Pakistan into IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2021-6
Stereomicroscopic Evaluation of Implant Healing in Over-Prepared Sites without Primary Stability and Grafted with a Combination of FDBA, Β-TCP and Silicate CementHamideh Salari Sedigh2021-6
طغیان‌های بیماری نیوکاسل و آنفلوانزای H9N2 در طیور بومی روستایی ایران در سال‌های 94-1393Seyed Ali Ghafouri2021-6
Comparison of iron chelators used alone or in combination with phlebotomy in common mynahs (Acridotheres tristis) with experimental iron storage diseaseMahdieh Zaeemi,Jamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Azizzadeh2021-7
Molecular characterization of circulating avian metapneumovirus, subgroup B, in broiler chickens, Iran, 2016-2018Seyed Ali Ghafouri2021-7
Use of a real-time location system to detect cows in distinct functional areas within a barnMohammad Azizzadeh2021-7
Veterinary medicine and farm animal practice in the era of footprints and One-Health conceptsKamran Sharifi2021-7
Assessment of Some Inflammatory Cytokines and Immunologic Factors in Dairy Cows with Subclinical KetosisHesam A Seifi,Mohammad Heidarpour2021-8
Milk metabolites, proteins and oxidative stress markers in dairy cows suffering from Staphylococcus aureus subclinical mastitis with or without spontaneous cureMohammad Heidarpour,Babak KHoramian Toosi2021-8
Age‐related changes in thyroid hormones, some serum oxidative biomarkers and trace elements and their relationships in healthy Saanen goat kids during the first three month of ageMahdieh Zaeemi,Mehrdad Mohri2021-9
Ameliorative role of trans-ferulic acid on induced oxidative toxicity of rooster semen by β-cyfluthrin during low temperature liquid storageAbolfazl Ghaniei2021-9
Effects of diode low-level laser therapy on healing of tooth extraction sockets: a histopathological study in diabetic ratsHamideh Salari Sedigh2021-9
Osteochondrosis dissecans OCD) in horses: hormonal and biochemical ‎study 19 cases)‎Ali Mirshahi,Mehrdad Mohri,Kamran Sardari,Kamran Sharifi2021-9
Protein Electrophoresis of Serum and Heparinized Plasma in the Common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis)Mahdieh Zaeemi,Mohammad Heidarpour,Jamshid Razmyar2021-9
The effects of Zataria multiflora aromatic water and nano emulsion of Z. multiflora essential oil on the serum level of IFN-γ and IL-4 in mice with hydatidosisMohammad Heidarpour2021-9
Clinical and Histological Evaluation of Tissue Healing in Beveled or Perpendicular Vertical Releasing IncisionHamideh Salari Sedigh2021-10
Comparison of Synovial Fluid Composition in Distended and Normal Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath of Horses A Pilot Study)Samaneh Ghasemi,Ali Mirshahi,Mehrdad Mohri,Ahmad Raza Mohamadnia2021-10
Monitoring udder health status using somatic cell counts in Holstein dairy herds located in north east of Iran and effectiveness of 10-point mastitis control programBabak KHoramian Toosi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2021-10
Optimizing the synthesis and purification of MS2 virus like particlesMohammad Reza Bassami2021-10
The effects of single intramuscular injection of vitamin D3 on minerals, hormone, and bone markers responses of multiparous Holstein cows fed a diet with negative dietary cation anion differenceMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2021-10
The relationship of metabolic parameters and milk acute-phase protein with the outcome of treatment of Staphylococcus aureus subclinical mastitis in dairy cowsBabak KHoramian Toosi,Mohammad Heidarpour2021-10
Effects of vitamin D3 injection in close‐up period on insulin resistance and energy balance in transition dairy cowsMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2021-12
Rare case of hemangiopericytoma in a domestic short hair catFarzad Hayati2021-12
Assessing machine learning techniques in forecasting lumpy skin disease occurrence based on meteorological and geospatial featuresEhsanallah Afshari safavi2022-1
Effect of different dry period duration on milk components and serum metabolites, and their associations with the first conception rate in multiparous Holstein dairy cowsNima Farzaneh2022-1
Effects of isoflavone supplementation on endometrial thickness, endometrial hyperplasia, and cancer in ovariectomized catsFarzad Hayati2022-1
Methicillin and vancomycin resistant isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis recovered from bovine mastitisBabak KHoramian Toosi2022-1
Protective effect of chitosan‐loaded nanoemulsion containing Zataria multiflora Boiss and Bunium persicum Boiss essential oils as coating on lipid and protein oxidation in chill stored turkey breast filletsMohammad Azizzadeh2022-1
Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Diarrheic Neonatal Dairy Calves: Matching Small Intestinal and Fecal Isolates in Terms of Isolation Rates and Antimicrobial ResistanceAli Mirshahi,Kamran Sharifi2022-2
Stability of implants supported by three types of bone grafting materials in dogsHamideh Salari Sedigh2022-2
Detection of i>Treponema/i> phylotypes from digital dermatitis lesions and effect ‎of different phylotypes on lesion sizeAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2022-3
Evaluation of resistance to fluoroquinolones and determination of mutations in gyrA and parC genes in Escherichia coli isolated from raw milk of dairy cows with coliform mastitis in Khorasan Razavi province IranBabak KHoramian Toosi2022-3
Status epilepticus caused by canine distemper virus in a striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena)Ali Asghar Sarchahi2022-3
Effects of subcutaneous progesterone injection on ewes as a short-time estrus synchronization protocol: A preliminary studyMasoud Rajabioun,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Babak KHoramian Toosi2022-4
Fabrication of Platelet-Rich Fibrin-Coated Polycaprolactone/Hydroxyapatite (PCL-HA/PRF) 3D Printed Scaffolds for Bone Tissue EngineeringHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2022-4
Simultaneous pyometra and pregnancy in a female dogAli Mirshahi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2022-5
Effect of intermittent fasting on saving zone of stasis in burn wounds in ratsEhsanallah Afshari safavi,Farzad Hayati2022-6
Estimation of gestational age using ultrasonography in Baluchi sheepBabak KHoramian Toosi,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Masoud Rajabioun2022-6
Hirudin as an anticoagulant in hematology and plasma biochemistry of dog: comparison with EDTA and serumMehrdad Mohri2022-6
Prevalence of Prototheca and Fungal Contamination of Bulk Milk Tank of Industrial Dairy Cattle Herds in IranBabak KHoramian Toosi2022-6
The relationships of body condition score, Thyroxin, and health condition with serum energy indices, insulin like growth factor-1, and lipids profile over the transition period in Holstein dairy cows.Hesam A Seifi,Mehrdad Mohri2022-6
Detection of canine distemper virus in cerebrospinal fluid, whole blood and mucosal specimens of dogs with distemper using RT‐PCR and immunochromatographic assaysAli Asghar Sarchahi2022-7
Evaluation of wound-healing efficiency of a functional Chitosan/Aloe vera hydrogel on the improvement of re-epithelialization in full thickness wound model of ratMohammad Azizzadeh2022-7
How to maintain and transport equine adipose tissue for isolating mesenchymal stem cells?Samaneh Ghasemi,pezhman Mirshokraei2022-7
Peppermint essential oil‐loaded solid lipid nanoparticle in gelatin coating: Characterization and antibacterial activity against foodborne pathogen inoculated on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet during refrigerated storageMohammad Azizzadeh2022-7
A review on developments of in-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of hybrid PCL-based natural polymers nanofibers scaffolds for vascular tissue engineeringHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Masoud Rajabioun2022-8
Antimicrobial Effect of Chitosan Coating Prepared by Neutral Electrolyzed Water against Inoculated Escherichia coli O157: H7 on Rainbow trout filletsMohammad Azizzadeh2022-8
Effects of Various Anticoagulants on Biochemistry Analytes From Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica)Mohammad Heidarpour,Mehrdad Mohri2022-8
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Develops the Complications of Assisted Reproductive TechnologiesMohammad Azizzadeh2022-8
A retrospective study on diaphragmatic hernia in catsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Masoud Rajabioun,Ali Mirshahi2022-9
Changes and relations of 25(OH) vitamin D and some inflammatory and oxidative stress indicators in healthy dairy cows during transition periodNima Farzaneh,Mehrdad Mohri2022-9
Comparison of the effects of tylosin and tilmicosin as a systemic treatment of dry Holstein cowsNima Farzaneh,Nima Farzaneh,Hesam A Seifi,Hesam A Seifi,Babak KHoramian Toosi,Babak KHoramian Toosi2022-9
Evaluation of Newcastle disease virus vaccine effectiveness in dogs with neurological signs of canine distemperAli Asghar Sarchahi2022-9
Incomplete Caudal Duplication with Correction of Pygomelia in a DogFarzad Hayati,Ali Mirshahi2022-9
Standing oral surgery for the management of mandible and maxilla fractures in horses: A case series of 15 horsesSamaneh Ghasemi,Kamran Sardari2022-9
The effects of age, sex, breed, diet, reproductive status and housing condition on the amounts of 25(OH) vitamin D in the serum of healthy dogs: Reference valuesAli Asghar Sarchahi,Mehrdad Mohri2022-9
A case report of hyperdontia developmental abnormality in the lambAli Mirshahi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2022-10
Death due to migration of a wooden skewer foreign body from gastrointestinal tract to the lung in a dogAli Asghar Sarchahi2022-10
Phenotypic and genotypic determination of β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated from raw milk and clinical mastitis samples, Mashhad, IranBabak KHoramian Toosi2022-10
Ultrasonographic measurement of the adrenal gland‐to‐abdominal aortic ratio as a valuable method of estimating normal adrenal size in rabbitsAli Mirshahi,Ali Asghar Sarchahi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2022-10
Effect of medetomidine, midazolam, ketamine, propofol and isoflurane on spinal reflexes in healthy dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2022-11
Evaluation of the anti-Newcastle disease vaccine serum on dogs with canine distemperAli Asghar Sarchahi2022-11
Isolation and evaluation of the efficacy of bacteriophages against multidrug-resistant (MDR), methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and biofilm-producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus recovered from bovine mastitisBabak KHoramian Toosi2022-11
Protective effects of Biebersteinia multifida on sub-chronic toxicity of DZN in male Wistar rats: biochemical, hematological, and oxidative stress indicesMohammad Heidarpour2022-11
Radiographic Reference Intervals for Cardiac Size in Common Mynahs (Acridotheres tristis)Ali Mirshahi,Jamshid Razmyar,Mohammad Azizzadeh2022-11
Ameliorative effects of crocin against electromagnetic field-induced oxidative stress and liver and kidney injuries in miceMahdieh Zaeemi2022-12
Clinical and mycological features of dermatophytosis in domestic cats at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Veterinary Teaching HospitalJavad Khoshnegah2022-12
Effect of processed barley grain on in vitro rumen fermentation and fate of nitrogen6 metabolismMehrdad Mohri2022-12
Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Prototheca spp. recovered from bovine mastitis in terms of antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation abilityBabak KHoramian Toosi2022-12
Histopathological and Biochemical Evaluation of Albendazole in the Treatment of Infected Mice with Hydatid CystMohammad Heidarpour2022-12
Pre- and post-treatment oxidative stress markers, serum amyloid A and metabolic variables in dairy cows with Staphylococcus aureus subclinical mastitisBabak KHoramian Toosi,Mohammad Heidarpour2023-1
Saving zone of stasis in burn wounds by nanoliposomal Mg‐ATPFarzad Hayati2023-1
Variations of some adipokines pro-inflammatory cytokines oxidative stress biomarkers and energy characteristics during the transition period in dairy cowsMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2023-1
Correlations of whole blood heavy metals with serum immunological and oxidative markers during the early dry period and transition period of dairy cattleHesam A Seifi,Mohammad Heidarpour2023-2
Efficacy of a commercial mixed botanical formula in treatment and control of coccidiosis in poultryAbolfazl Ghaniei2023-2
Susceptibility of domestic and companion animals to SARS-CoV-2: a comprehensive reviewGholam Reza Mohammadi2023-2
Effects of cold stress on growth performance, carcass traits and tibia attributes in broiler chickens with thiram‐induced dyschondroplasiaMahdieh Zaeemi2023-3
Effects of Probiotic Lactobacilli plantarum in Treatment of Experimentally Induced Periodontal Disease in RabbitsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2023-3
Evaluation of therapeutic effects of an herbal mixture (Echinacea purpurea and Glycyrrhiza glabra) for treatment of clinical coccidiosis in broilersSeyed Ali Ghafouri,Abolfazl Ghaniei2023-3
Investigating the Preventive Effect of Herbal Medicine (Allium sativum, Artemisia annua, and Quercus infectoria) against Coccidiosis in Broiler ChickensAbolfazl Ghaniei,Seyed Ali Ghafouri2023-3
Prevalence of canine distemper in dogs referred to Veterinary Hospital of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, IranAli Asghar Sarchahi,Javad Khoshnegah2023-3
The anti-echinococcal activity of crocin in mice experimentally infected with Echinococcus granulosusMohammad Heidarpour2023-3
Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate and Meloxicam in Experimental Acute Spinal Cord InjuryHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2023-4
Effect of different oocyte retrieval and culture methods on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes derived from vitrified ovarian tissue slicespezhman Mirshokraei2023-4
Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolated from humans and animals in northeastern IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2023-4
Molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine mastitis and poultry based on PCR-RFLP of Spa geneBabak KHoramian Toosi2023-4
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Colistin Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolated from Bovine MastitisBabak KHoramian Toosi2023-4
Uterine Horn Intussusception in a Chihuahua BitchSamaneh Ghasemi,Mohammadreza Emami,Ali Mirshahi2023-4
Fungal isolation and identification from parrot excreta in northeast Iran: A threat to human healthAbolfazl Ghaniei2023-5
In vitro investigation of canine periodontal ligament-derived mesenchymal stem cells: A possibility of promising tool for periodontal regenerationHamideh Salari Sedigh2023-5
Investigating the Prevalence of i>Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis/i> (MAP) in Industrial Dairy herds using Ziehl-Neelsen Staining, Culture, and PCR in Mashhad, IranGholam Reza Mohammadi2023-5
A Review of Pharmacological and Cell-based Therapies in Spinal Cord InjuryHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2023-6
Comparison of Two Anesthetic Inhalant Agents (Isoflurane and Sevoflurane) on Induction and Recovery from Anesthesia, Physiological Effects, Hematocrit, and Biochemistry Profiles in Domestic Pigeons (Columba Livia Domestica)Mohammadreza Emami,Mehrdad Mohri2023-6
Efficacy of propolis and triple antibiotic paste as intra-canal medicaments for revascularisation of immature teeth in dogs: a comparative studyHamideh Salari Sedigh2023-6
Association of precalving serum NEFA concentrations with postpartum diseases and reproductive performance in multiparous Holstein cows: Cut‐off valuesMehrdad Mohri,Hesam A Seifi2023-7
Congenital kyphoscoliosis associated with thoracic hemivertebrae in a 9‐month‐old Racking fillySamaneh Ghasemi,Ali Mirshahi2023-7
The Importance of Neutrophils in Osteoarthritis: Current Concepts and Therapeutic PerspectivesSamaneh Ghasemi2023-7
Effect of ultrasonographic lung consolidation on health and growth in dairy calves: A longitudinal studyGholam Reza Mohammadi,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Ali Mirshahi2023-8
Radiographic assessment of normal parameters of forelimb distal phalanx in Turkmen horsesAli Mirshahi,Kamran Sardari,Mohammad Azizzadeh2023-8
Simultaneously administration of cabergoline and PMSG reduced the duration of estrus induction in Anestrous BitchesHamideh Salari Sedigh,pezhman Mirshokraei,Masoud Rajabioun2023-8
A comparison of bacteriological culture serological and qPCR methods detecting Brucellosis in ewes with a history of abortionMohammad Azizzadeh,pezhman Mirshokraei2023-9
Comparison of serum 25(OH) vitamin D, parathormone and immunity marker concentrations between dogs with transmissible venereal tumour and healthy dogsMehrdad Mohri2023-9
i>Salvia verticillata/i> Improved Cognitive Deficits in a Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Rat ModelHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2023-9
Micro‑computed tomography analysis of mineral attachment to the implants augmented by three types of bone grafts: An experimental study in dogsHamideh Salari Sedigh2023-9
Phenotypic and genotypic study of resistance to Zinc and Cadmium salts in methicillin-resistant Staphylococci isolated from humans and domestic animalsBabak KHoramian Toosi2023-9
Fluctuation of the prevalence of beak and feather disease virus in captive psittacines in IranAbolfazl Ghaniei2023-10
Function Assessment of a Fabricated Artificial Vascular Graft in Sheep Carotid ArteryHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Masoud Rajabioun2023-10
Productive and metabolic responses of Holstein dairy calves to different milk dry matter concentrations and two free water provision schedulesHesam A Seifi2023-10
Canine sperm motility is associated with telomere shortening and changes in expression of shelterin genespezhman Mirshokraei2023-11
Influence of ketamine, propofol or isoflurane on intraocular pressure, heart rate and blood pressure in healthy dogs premedicated with medetomidine and midazolamAli Asghar Sarchahi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2023-11
Surgical correction of stenotic nares using a single pedicle advancement flap technique in three brachycephalic catsHamideh Salari Sedigh,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2023-11
An update on characterisation and applications of mesenchymal stem cells from chickens with challenges and prospective reviewAbolfazl Ghaniei2023-12
Anticoccidial effects of tannin-based herbal formulation (Artemisia annua, Quercus infectoria, and Allium sativum) against coccidiosis in broilersSeyed Ali Ghafouri,Abolfazl Ghaniei2023-12
Cell-Based Regenerative Endodontics for the Treatment of Irreversible Pulpitis: An In Vivo InvestigationHamideh Salari Sedigh2023-12
Cryptosporidium infection in lambs: prevalence and potential risk factors in villages of Mashhad city eastern IranMohammad Azizzadeh,Gholam Reza Mohammadi2023-12
Plasmid-Mediated colistin resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from neonatal dairy calves without prior consumption of colistin: A threat to public healthKamran Sharifi2023-12
Radiology versus RT-PCR for detection of proventricular dilatation disease in psittacinesAbolfazl Ghaniei,Ali Mirshahi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2023-12
Serum concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in apparently healthy cats regarding age, gender, breed, diet type, reproductive status, and housing conditionJavad Khoshnegah,Mehrdad Mohri2023-12
The impact of immediate versus delayed mini-screw placement on alveolar bone preservation and bone density following tooth extraction: evidence from a canine modelHamideh Salari Sedigh2023-12
Ultrasonographic evaluation of the supramammary lymph nodes and udder’s tissue in Saanen goat and its relation with subclinical mastitisMasoud Rajabioun,Babak KHoramian Toosi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2023-12
Determination of normal radiographic indices of heart size in pigeonAli Mirshahi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2024-1
Effect of vitamin D on oxidative stress indices and ram semen parametersMehrdad Mohri,pezhman Mirshokraei2024-1
Evaluation of Protective Effects of Pomegranate Seed Oil on Experimental Osteoporosis in RatsAli Mirshahi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-1
Immediate administration of hTERT-MSCs-i>IDO1/i>-EVs reduces hypoalbuminemia after spinal cord injuryHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-1
Improving quality of trout fillet using gelatin coating-contain peppermint essential oil loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (PEO-SLN)Mohammad Azizzadeh2024-1
Sugar‐free aerated chocolate: Production, investigation of bubble features using X‐ray computed tomography and image processingAli Mirshahi2024-1
Chitosan Gel Containing Hypericum perforatum Extract Inhibiting Effect on Oxidative Stress in Burn Wounds of RatsAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2024-2
Feline dermatoses at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran): 154 cases (2009–2020)Mohammad Azizzadeh,Javad Khoshnegah2024-2
Evaluation of close up antimicrobial therapies for treatment and prevention of subclinical mastitis in the herds with high prevalence of Staphylococcus aureusAmir Hooshang Fallah Rad,Mohammad Heidarpour,Mohammad Azizzadeh,Babak KHoramian Toosi2024-3
Review of exosomes and their potential for veterinary medicineMohammad Heidarpour2024-3
The histopathological assessment of wound healing after using adipose-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells with Tragacanth gum hydrogel and human amniotic membrane as dressingHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-3
Effects of ketamine propofol and isoflurane on electrocardiographic variables in clinically healthy dogs premedicated with medetomidine and midazolamAli Asghar Sarchahi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-4
The effect of hydatid cyst protoscolex somatic antigens on full‐thickness skin wound healing in mouseHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-4
Effect of Captopril on Paraplegia caused by Spinal Cord Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in RatsHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-5
Histopathologic aspects of pancreatic islet cell tumor in a dogJavad Khoshnegah,Ali Mirshahi2024-5
Newcastle Disease Vaccination Program in Broilers Using an Apathogenic Heat-Resistant VaccineSeyed Ali Ghafouri,Abolfazl Ghaniei2024-6
Preparation and evaluation of controlled released implant containing mesoporous selenium nanoparticles loaded with curcumin in spinal cord injuries in an animal model of ratHossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-6
Cytotoxic Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on MCF-7 Cancer Cell LineMohammad Azizzadeh2024-7
Comparative Investigation of Photobiomodulation in Diabetes-Impaired Alveolar Bone Healing: A Histomorphometrical and Molecular StudyHamideh Salari Sedigh2024-9
Effects of acepromazine, xylazine and propofol on spinal reflexes in healthy dogsAli Asghar Sarchahi,Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi2024-9
Study on fungal contaminants in aborted calves of cattle herds in IranHesam A Seifi2024-9
Surgical Treatment of Primary Mast Cell Tumor in Mucosal Surface of Lower Lip in a Dog: A Case ReportAli Mirshahi2024-9
Veterinary medical education in the 21st century: Old presumptions and new problemsKamran Sharifi2024-9
Histopathological evaluation of the viability of auto-transplanted ovary following vitrification-thawing process in rabbit as an animal modelAhmad Raza Mohamadnia,Ahmad Raza Mohamadnia2024-10
Molecular Isolation of Treponema spp from Ovine Footrot Lesions Finding Evidence for Contagious Ovine Digital DermatitisAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2024-10
Clinical pathology and molecular examination of Babesia spp. infection in dogs; Mashhad, Northeast IranMahdieh Zaeemi2024-11
Evaluation of weight gain on each limb in lame and healthy cows by designing a separate scale for weighing each limbAhmad Raza Mohamadnia2024-11
Identification of staphylococci and Corynebacterium spp. isolated from milk and cow teat skin samples using PCR and their association with new IMI, hyperkeratosis, and teat conditionNima Farzaneh,Babak KHoramian Toosi2024-11
Genotypic and Phenotypic Characteristics of the Phylogenetic Groups of Escherichia Coli Isolates From Ostriches in IranAbolfazl Ghaniei2024-12
Hematologic and electrocardiographic findings in sub-acute experimental monensin toxicosis in goatsMehrdad Mohri,Mohammad Heidarpour2024-12
Molecular Insights into Trypanosoma evansi Prevalence in Dromedary Camels of Northern IranGholam Reza Mohammadi,Mohammad Azizzadeh2024-12
Primary soft palate canine transmissible venereal tumour in a neutered Siberian husky dog (Canis lupus familiaris)Hossein Kazemi Mehrjerdi,Hamideh Salari Sedigh,Masoud Rajabioun,Mehrdad Mohri2024-12
First report of Saemundssonia lari on yellow-legged gull (larus michahellis) from Iran2025-1
Serum 25(OH) Vitamin D Concentrations in Horses: Effects of Age, Gender, Breed, Skin Colour and SeasonMehrdad Mohri2025-1
Nanotechnology for effective bovine mastitis treatment: Applications in biosensors and vaccinesBabak KHoramian Toosi2025-2
Investigating the efficacy of liquid crystal nano cubosomes containing dorzolamide and timolol for drug delivery to the corneaAli Asghar Sarchahi2025-4