عنوان مقاله نویسندگان تاریخ انتشار
Erysipelothrix septicaemia in neonatal lambsمهرناز راد,احمدرضا موثقی۱۹۹۸-۱
Nasal mite of dogs Pneumonyssus (Pneumonyssoides) caninum in Iranاحمدرضا موثقی۱۹۹۸-۱
Subcutaneous Lipoma in a Neonatal Calfاحمدرضا موثقی۱۹۹۸-۲
The immune response of cattle, persistently infected with noncytopathic BVDV, after superinfection with antigenically semi-homologous cytopathic BVDVعلیرضا حق پرست۱۹۹۸-۳
Molecular cloning and sequencing of the cDNA for dog interleukin-4علیرضا حق پرست۱۹۹۹-۱
Nasal mite of dogs: Pneumonyssus (Pneumonyssoides) caninumاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۰-۱
pervalence of subclinical coccidiosis in broiler-chicken farms in the municipality of mashhad, khoraغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۰-۱
Selection of T-cell epitopes from foot-and-mouth disease virus reflects the binding affinity to different cattle MHC class II moleculesعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۰۰-۷
Concurrent Coccidiosis and Bovine papular....احمدرضا موثقی,مهرناز راد,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۰-۹
pathological study of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes of camelsمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۱-۳
Outbreak of Osteodystrophia Fibrosa in Young Goatsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۱-۹
Ethmoturbinate Adenocarcinoma in a Persian Fallow Deer - cervus dama mesopotamicaاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۱-۱۰
experimental reconstruction of teat mucosa by vestibular mucosal graft in cows. a histopathologic anمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۲-۱
primary evaluation of methenamine as a npn compound with probable effects on increasing ruminal escaمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۲-۱
an epidemiological study on ovine babesiosis in the mashhad suburb area,province of khorasan, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۲-۱
Prevalence of Theileria spp. infection in sheep in South Khorasan province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۲-۳
An Outbreak ofYersinia pseudotuberculosisInfection in Lambsاحمدرضا موثقی,مهرناز راد۲۰۰۲-۹
a case of ethmoid carcinoma in the sheepاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۳-۱
a study about tick vectors of bovine theileriosis in an endemic region of iranغلامرضا رزمی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۳-۱
thyroid follicular adenoma in a horse a case reportاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۳-۱
Experimental Tribulus terrestris poisoning in sheep: clinical, laboratory and pathological findingsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۳-۱
immunization of sheep with phage mimotopes against dermatophilosisغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۳-۱
Identification of Tick vectors of ovine theileriosis in an endemic region of Iraغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۳-۶
An epidemiological study on babesia infection in smmal ruminants in Mashhad suburb area, Provincغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۰۳-۱۰
Malaria parasites lacking eef1a have a normal S/M phase yet grow more slowly due to a longer G1 phaseعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۰۳-۱۱
A Study on prevention of abdominal adhesions by intra-operative heparin administration in dogsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۴-۳
A Survey on Dermatophilosis in Sheep in the North of Iranغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد۲۰۰۴-۳
Spontaneous nephroblastoma in a rainbowtroutاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۴-۳
Clinical and Pathological Aspects of Experimental Oleander (Nerium oleander) Toxicosis in Sheepاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۴-۳
Detection of the keratinolytic activity of agriculture and mount barker strain dermatophilus congoleغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۴-۳
Experimcntal tribulusاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۴-۳
Mass Cyanide Intoxivation in Sheepمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۴-۵
Pathological study of ovaries of non-pregnant camels (Camelus dromedarius) slaughtered in Iranحسین نورانی۲۰۰۴-۱۲
Effect of centrifugation of milk samples on bacteriologic cultureمهرناز راد۲۰۰۵-۱
Puzzling peptides from a phage display libraryغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۵-۲
Trials to Induce Protective Immunity in Mice and Sheep by Application of Protoscolex and Hydatid Fluid Antigen or Whole Body Antigen of Echinococcus granulosusغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۰۵-۲
اثر سولفات مس بر ساختار كبد و عملكرد جوجه هاي گوشتياحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۵-۳
Toltrazuril treatment to control diaplacental Neospora caninum transmission in experimentally infectغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۵-۳
تغييرات هيستوپاتولوژيك مثانه پس از پيوند آن با ايليوم (يك مطالعه تجربي در سگ)احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۵-۳
Toltrazuril treartment to control diaplacental N.caninum transmission in experimentally infected pregnant miceغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۵-۳
A report of canine tick paralysis caused by ornithodorus lahorensisغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۵-۵
The first report of abdominal mesothelioma in a ram in Iranاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۵-۵
Pathological study of the uterine tubes in non-pregnant camels (Camelus dromedarius) slaughtered in Yazd province, Iran.حسین نورانی۲۰۰۵-۹
Heinz body anaemia associated with onion (Allium cepa) toxicosis in a flock of sheepاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۵-۱۱
Effects of topical allicin on second-intention wound healing in dogs-histological aspectsمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۶-۲
Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus and other intestinal helminths of stray dogs in mashhad area, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۶-۲
Protective Immunity in Mice with Whole Body of Echinococcus granulosusغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۰۶-۲
Seroepidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۶-۲
An epidemiological study on Anaplasma infection in cattle, sheep, and goats in Mashhad suburb, Khoraغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۰۶-۳
Seroprevalence of Leptospiral Infection in Rodents of DairyCattle Herds Complexes in Suburb of Mashhad-Iranجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۶-۴
Severe and Diffuse Nodular Hyperplasia of Jejunum Due to Eimeria Species in an Iranian Native Kidحسین نورانی۲۰۰۶-۴
Gentamicin and phenylbutazone nephrotoxicity in a calfحسین نورانی۲۰۰۶-۵
Isolation and identification of facultative aerobic- anaerobic gram-positive bacteria in hatching eggsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۶-۵
Pleural Mesothelioma in a Sheepحسین نورانی۲۰۰۶-۵
Detection of hydatid fluid and protoscolices antigens in sheep with hydatidosisغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۶-۷
Immunization of lambs with whole body Echinococcus granulosusغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۶-۸
Immunization of rabbits against Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick using antigen derived from whole tick and gut extractغلامرضا رزمی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۰۶-۸
Effects of Zn-7® on open wound healing in dogsمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۶-۱۰
Contagious ecthyma: case report and reviewحسین نورانی,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۶-۱۲
Protection against Listeria monocytogenes by ODN containing CpG motifs in BALB/c and C57BL/6 miceمهرناز راد,علی احمد آشکار۲۰۰۷-۲
Bovine blood neutrophil acyloxyacyl hydrolase (AOAH) activity during endotoxin and coliform mastitisجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۷-۲
Effects of Short Dry Periods on Performance and Metabolic Status in Holstein Dairy Cowsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۷-۲
The First Report of Intracranial Meningioma in a Donkeyحسین نورانی۲۰۰۷-۲
The role of interleukine-12 in protection induced by CpG ODN against Listeria monocytogenes in BALB/c and C57BL/6مهرناز راد۲۰۰۷-۲
Vascular Hamartoma in the Gingiva of a Calfحسین نورانی۲۰۰۷-۲
Effect of walnut leaf, coriander and pomegranate on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan induced diabetic ratsمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۳
Embryonal nephroma in an adult fowlاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۷-۳
Gingival vascular hamartoma in a young Holstein calfمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۳
Castor bean (Ricinus communis) toxicosis in a sheep flockمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۳
Deterction of midgut antigens of hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick using SDS-PAGE and Western blotغلامرضا رزمی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۷-۳
Effect of Fumitory, Celery and Lemon on Blood Glucose and Histopathology of Pancreas of Alloxan Diabetic Ratsمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۳
Effect of prolonged low level Inclusion of Aflatoxin B, into diet on performance, Nutrent Digestibilمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۳
Ischaemia/reperfusion injury in experimentally induced abomasal volvulus in sheepمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۳
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of chickenMyD88andTRIFgenesاشرف میامئی۲۰۰۷-۳
Prevalence of Ixodid ticks on cattle in Mazandarn Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۷-۳
Innovative restriction site created PCR-RFLP for detectionحسن برجی۲۰۰۷-۴
Isolation of DNA from A Single Helminth Using New Developedحسن برجی۲۰۰۷-۴
Immunization of lambs against infection with Echinucoccus Granulosus using protoscolices and hydatid fluid antigensغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۰۷-۵
First report of Neospora caninum-associated bovine abortion in Mashhad area, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۷
First report of the Hadjelia truncata infestation in pigeons of Iranغلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۷-۷
Hematology and serum biochemistry of Holstein dairy calves: Age related changes and comparison with blood composition in adultsسمانه عیدی۲۰۰۷-۸
Molecular G typing of bovine rotaviruses in Iranاشرف میامئی۲۰۰۷-۸
Hepatocellular carcinoma in a sheepحسین نورانی۲۰۰۷-۱۲
Increase in Escherichia coli Inoculum Dose Accelerates CD8+ T-Cellجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۸-۱
Application of a modified human enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit for diagnosis of hydatidosis in sheepغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۸-۲
Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma in a pigeonاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۸-۲
Oesophageal and gastric gongylonemiasis in a donkeyغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۸-۲
T lymphocyte proliferative capacity and CD4+/CD8+ratio in primiparous and pluriparous lactating cowsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۸-۲
Experimental Study of the Tendon Healing and Remodeling After Local Injection of Bone Marrow Myeloid Tissue in Rabbitفاطمه ناصری۲۰۰۸-۳
Molecular Identification of Streptococcus equi subsp. Equi and Streptococcus equi subsp. Zooepidemicمهرناز راد,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۸-۳
The Influence of Dietary Zinc-Methionine Substitution for Zinc Sulfate on Broiler Chick Performanceعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۰۸-۳
Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus antibodies in bulk tank milk of industrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iranعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۰۸-۴
Effects of Short-term Supplementation of Clinoptilolite in Colostrum and Milk on the Concentration of Some Serum Minerals in Neonatal Dairy Calvesمحسن ملکی۲۰۰۸-۶
The Ultra Structural Study of Blastema in Pinna Tissues of Rabbits with Transmission Electron Microscopeفاطمه ناصری۲۰۰۸-۶
Idiopathic lingual fossa ulcer in cattle in Iranاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۸-۷
Effect of Prebiotic Fermacto® on Gut Development and Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Diet Low in Digestible Amino Acidsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۸-۸
Atypical bovine lymphosarcoma in a Holstein cowاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۸-۱۰
Immunization of rabbits against Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum using larval and nymphal extractsعلی مشاوری نیا,غلامرضا رزمی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۰۸-۱۰
Reproductive Cycle of the Sea Urchin Echinometra mathaei. (Echinodermatidea: Echinoidea) in Bostaneh, Persian Gulf, Iranفاطمه ناصری۲۰۰۸-۱۱
The effect of dry period length reduction to 28 days on the performance of multiparous dairy cows in the subsequent lactationجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۸-۱۱
Cerebral coenurosis in a goat: pathological findings and literature reviewحسین نورانی۲۰۰۹-۱
Fatal splenic rupture caused by an atypical malignantاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۹-۱
Phagocytic and bactericidal activity of blood and milk-residentneutrophils against Staphylococcus aureus in primiparous andmultiparous cows during early lactationجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۹-۲
Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus antibodies among the induatrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran -علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۰۹-۴
An unusual cutaneous fibroma in a heiferاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۹-۵
Double outlet right ventricle in a calfحسین نورانی۲۰۰۹-۵
Evaluation of Echinococcus granulosus coproantigens by Dot-blotting in dogsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۹-۵
Subcutaneous cellulitis of the thigh due to grass awn migration in a German shepherd dogحسین نورانی۲۰۰۹-۵
Symptoms of bovine endocardial hydatidosisحسین نورانی۲۰۰۹-۵
Genetic evidence for conspecificity between Dermacentor marginatus and Dermacentor niveusعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۰۹-۶
In vivo effect of albendazole and mebendazole on hydatid cyst of miceغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۹-۶
Pathological study on lungs of dromedary camels slaughtered in the central part of Iranحسین نورانی۲۰۰۹-۶
Prevalence of Theileria annulata in dairy cattle in Mashhad arae, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۹-۶
Role of collagen cross-linking on equine wound contraction and healingاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۹-۷
The effect of selenium sources and supplementation on neutrophil functions in dairy cowsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۰۹-۷
Antibody response against hydatid fluid, protoscolex and whole body of Echinococcus granulosus antigens in lambsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۹-۹
Successful Treatment of a Subcutaneous Axillary Abscess Due to Staphylococcus Lentus in a Rabbitمهرناز راد۲۰۰۹-۹
Primary pericardial mesothelioma in a sheepاحمدرضا موثقی,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۹-۱۰
Evaluation of antibody against hydatid fluid, protoscolex and adult worms of Echinococcus granulosus antigens by ELISA in miceغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۹-۱۱
Evaluation of the Tissue Reactions and Cytokine Patterns Induced by Alternaria alternata in Miceزهرا موسوی۲۰۰۹-۱۱
The first report of Hepatozoon canis infection of a dog in Iranاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۰۹-۱۱
Detection of antibody against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis glycoprotein gE in aborted cattle in Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد۲۰۰۹-۱۲
Epidemiological study on haemoparasites of dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۹-۱۲
Fecal and Molecular Survey of Neospora caninum in Farm and Household Dogs in Mashhad Areaغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۹-۱۲
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria infections in dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in abattoir of Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی,احمدرضا موثقی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی,محسن ملکی۲۰۰۹-۱۲
Survey of Dogs’ Parasites in Khorasan Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۰۹-۱۲
Evaluation of the correlation between tissue reaction and cytokines patterns induced by Alternaria alternata in mice.زهرا موسوی۲۰۱۰-۱
Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in dairy cattle in Iran: a case reportمهرناز راد۲۰۱۰-۱
Prevalence of thin-walled Sarcocystis cruzi and thick-walled Sarcocystis hirsuta or Sarcocystis hominis from cattle in Iranحسین نورانی۲۰۱۰-۱
Ostrich tendon (new xenogenic) transplantation in rabbit modelحسین نورانی۲۰۱۰-۲
بررسی نقش احتمالی مانهمیا همولیتیکا در موارد پنومونی گوسفند در منطقه گرمسارمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۰-۳
A Serological Study and Subsequent Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii From Aborted Ovineغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۰-۴
A study on gastrointestinal helminths of camels in Mashhad abattoir, Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی,احمدرضا موثقی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی,محسن ملکی۲۰۱۰-۶
A survey of Neospora caninum-associated bovine abortion in large dairy farms of Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۰-۶
Gastrointestinal infection with Bracyspira spp in a filly with chronic diarrhea : a case reportاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۰-۶
Transovarial Transmission of Babesia ovis by Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Hyalomma marginatumغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۰-۶
A rare case of septicemia due to Bacteroides melaninogenicus in a Holstein cowاحمدرضا موثقی,مهرناز راد۲۰۱۰-۷
Role of neutrophils in protection of udder from infection in high yielding dairy cowsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۰-۷
Use of Somatic and Excretory- Secretory Antigens of Fasciola hepatica in Diagnosis of Sheep by ELISAغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۰-۷
Antibody Responses to Hydatid Cyst in Experimentally Infected Lambsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,حسن برجی۲۰۱۰-۸
DNA Aptamers selected as a molecular probe for diagnosis of cancerous cellsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۰-۸
Isolation and characterization of Vibrio ( Listonella) anguillarum from catfishمهرناز راد۲۰۱۰-۸
Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus antibodies and antigen among the aborted cows in industrial dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area - Iranغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۰-۸
An unusual migration of Taenia hydatigena larvae in a lambحسین نورانی۲۰۱۰-۹
Quantification of Expression of Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by Real-Time Quantitative PCRعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۰-۹
Simultaneous Detection of Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by Touchdown PCRعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۰-۹
Accidental salinomycin intoxication in calvesاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۰-۱۰
First Report of Dictyocaulus arnfieldi Infestation in a Horse in Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۰-۱۰
A very severe case of feline amyloidosis with spontaneous hepatic rupture and chronic renal failureاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۰-۱۰
Effect of bovine viral diarrhoea virus biotypes on adherence of sperm to oocytes during in-vitro fertilization in cattleجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۰-۱۱
The abattoir condemnation of meat because of parasitic infection, and its economic importance: results of a retrospective study in north–eastern Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۰-۱۱
Virulence gene profiles and intimin subtypes of Shiga toxin‐producingEscherichia coliisolated from healthy and diarrhoeic calvesمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۰-۱۱
Evaluation of relationship between Rotavirus and Coronavirus infections with calf diarrhea by capture ELISAاشرف میامئی۲۰۱۰-۱۲
Fresh autogenous and allogenous tendon graft in rabbit modelحسین نورانی۲۰۱۱-۱
Two outbreaks of Pasteurella Multocida Septicemiaمهرناز راد,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۱
Effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on cutaneous regeneration and wound healing in dogs treatedwith dexamethasoneاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۲
Influence of Short-term, RepeatedFasting on the Skin Wound Healingof Female Miceمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۱-۲
Prevalence of Cryptosporium spp. infection in some dairy herds of Mashhad(Iran) and its association with diarrhea in newborn calvesسیدابوالقاسم نقیبی,مهرناز راد۲۰۱۱-۲
Molecular Study of Sheep Malignant Theileriosis at Barka Region in the Sultanate of Omanالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۱-۳
Clinical and pathological study of experimentally- induced yewاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۴
Increasing of serum nitric oxide metabolites in chicken Eimeria infectionحسین نورانی۲۰۱۱-۴
Study on ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondiin affected herds of Khorasan Razavi Province,based on PCR detection of fetal brains and maternal serologyranغلامرضا رزمی,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۴
Fungitoxicity of Zataria multiflora essential oil against various Malassezia species isolated from cats and dogs with Malassezia dermatitisسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۱-۵
In vitro effects of very low levels of aflatoxin B1 on free radicalsproduction and bactericidal activity of bovine blood neutrophilsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۱-۵
The comparative morphology of Marshallagia marshalli and ostertagia occidentalis(Nematoda,Strongylida,Trichostrongylidea) by scnning electron microscopyحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۱-۵
Acute oxalate intoxication associated to ingestion of eshnan (Seidlitzia rosmarinus) in sheepاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۶
Down-Regulation of CD14 Transcripts in human glioblastoma cell line U87 MGعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۱-۶
Effect of formaldehyde exposure on pulmonary function tests of veterinary students in anatomy laboratoryمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۱-۶
Efficacy of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Activated By Thromboplastin-D on the Repair and Regeneration of Wounds in Dogsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۶
A comparison of different kinds of Malassezia species in healthy dogs and dogs with otitis externa and skin lesionsسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۱-۷
Prevalence of Leptospira hardjo antibody in bulk tank milk in some dairy herds in Mashhad suburbغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۱-۷
Generation of an Enriched Pool of DNA Aptamers for a HER2 Overexpressing Cell Line selected by Cell –SELEXغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۱-۸
Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum and Hyalomma dromedarii (Acar:Ixodidae) imbibe bovine blood in vitro by utilizing an artificial feeding systemغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۱-۸
Molecular Characterization of Malassezia Species Isolated from Dog with and Without Otitis and Seborrhoeic Dermatitisسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۱-۸
Status of some oxidative stress biomarkers in sheep naturally infected with theileriosisغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۱-۸
Congenital hepatic fibrosis in an aborted calfاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۹
An abattoir-based study of hydatidosis in the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۱-۱۱
The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus in persistently infected cows in industrial dairy herds in suburb of Mashhad- Iranعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۱-۱۱
A survey on endoparasites and ectoparasites of stray cats from Mashhad (Iran) and association with risk factorsحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Detection of Diplotriaena spp. from the body cavity of Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Determination the frequency of Ixodid ticks on the sheep in Khorasan Razavi province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Macroscopic evaluation of wound healing activity of the Persian shallot, Allium hirtifolium in ratمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Molecular detection and antibacterial susceptibility of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) strains isolated from healthy and diarrhoeic dogsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Prevalence and pathological lesion of Trichomonas gallinae in pigeons of Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Prevalence of pigeon haemosporidians and effect of infection on biochemical factors in Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Seroepidemiology of Coxiella Burnetii in commercial dairy herds in northeast of Iranعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۱-۱۲
Successful Surgical Ablation of Coelomic Granuloma in Pigeon (Columba livia)محسن ملکی۲۰۱۱-۱۲
A Case-Control Study of Association between Diarrhea in Newborn Calves and Infection with Rotavirus and Coronavirus in Some Industrial Dairy Herds of Mashhad Area, Iran in 2008مهرناز راد,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۲-۱
Amino acid diversity of antigenic sites of Iranian type O foot-and-mouth disease virusعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۲-۱
An unusual squamous cell carcinoma in a sheep: a case reportحسین نورانی۲۰۱۲-۱
Prevalence of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) Antibodies in Bulk Tank Milk of Dairy Cattle Herds of Mashhad area, North East of Iranعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۲-۱
Alveolar Echinococcosis Infection in a Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) In Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی,محسن ملکی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۲-۲
A study of tick fauna in Tandoureh National Park, Khorasan Razavi province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۲-۳
A survey of ecto- and endo-parasites of domestic pigeons (Columba livia) in Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۲-۳
Ileal hypertrophy, strongyle cecal lesions and dysmotility in a horseعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۲-۳
Bacteriological Evaluation of Aloe vera L. Fresh Gel on Experimental Infected Full-Thickness Open Wounds Induced with Staphylococcus aureus in Dogsمهرناز راد۲۰۱۲-۴
Evaluation of the nutritional value of sunflower meal and its effect on performance, digestive enzyme activity, organ weight, and histological alterations of the intestinal villi of broiler chickensمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۲-۴
Isolation of Enterococcus raffinosus from an ostrich chick with diarrhoeaمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۲-۴
Quinolone resistance among Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli of animal originمهرناز راد۲۰۱۲-۴
Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Cranium Bifidum with Meningocele in a Lambمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۲-۴
An abattoir-based study on the prevalence of hydatidosis in livestock in Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۲-۵
Serological evaluation of relationship between viral pathogens (BHV-1, BVDV, BRSV, PI-3V, and Adeno3) and dairy calf pneumonia by indirect ELISA.اشرف میامئی۲۰۱۲-۵
Concurrent infection with Malassezia pachydermatis and canine demodicosis in an immunocompromised dogسمانه عیدی,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۲-۶
Histhopathologic Evaluation of Curative Impact of Aloe vera L. Fresh Gel on Healing of Eexperimental Infected Full-Thickness Open Wounds Induced with Staphylococcus aureus in Dogsمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۲-۶
Importance of Elastase Production in Development of Invasive Aspergillosisزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۲-۶
Prevalence of ixodid tick infestation of sheep in the Arasbaran region of Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۲-۶
Cloning, and Molecular Characterization of Polymorphic Iranian Isolate Theileria annulata Surface Protein (Tasp)الهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۲-۷
Evaluation of the Antifungal Activity of Zataria multiflora, Geranium herbarium, and Eucalyptus camaldolensis Essential Oils on Saprolegnia parasitica–Infected Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Eggsزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۲-۷
Identification of Dactylogyrus spp. and other parasites of common carp in norheast in Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۲-۷
Oxidative stress and trace elements in camel (Camelus dromedarius) with liver cystic echinococcosisحسن برجی۲۰۱۲-۷
A serological study of Leishmania infantum in dogs of Khorasan Razavi province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۲-۸
Age-dependent response to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides against organ invasion of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickensمهرناز راد۲۰۱۲-۸
Experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) intoxication in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus)احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۲-۸
Serodiagnosis of sheep hydatidosis with hydatid fluid, protoscolex, and whole body of Echinococcus granulosus antigensغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست,حسن برجی۲۰۱۲-۸
Aberrant migration of Ascaridia galli in a Myna (Acridotheres tristis)حسن برجی۲۰۱۲-۹
Molecular typing of avian Escherichia coli isolates by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR)مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۲-۹
A survey of Nosema apis infection in apiaries of North Khorasan province, Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۲-۱۰
Study on Salmonella contamination of traditionally produced edible poultry eggsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۲-۱۰
A retrospective study of abattoir condemnation due to parasitic infections and its economic importance in Ahwaz, south–western of Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۲-۱۱
Study on small ruminant lungworms and associated risk factors in northeastern Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۲-۱۱
A Preliminary Parasitological Survey of Hepatozoon Spp. Infection in Dogs in Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۲-۱۲
Antimicrobial Activity of Artemisia absinthium Against Surgical Wounds Infected by Staphylococcus aureus in a Rat Modelمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۲-۱۲
Biochemical characterizations and Genotyping by RAPD-PCR analyses of Malassezia spp. from pityriasis versicolor and seborrhoeic dermatitis patientsسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۲-۱۲
Investigation of selected biochemical parameters in sheep naturally infected with theileriosisغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۲-۱۲
Molecular detection of Theileria spp. in sheep and vector ticks in the North Khorasan Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۲-۱۲
Trichinella Infection in Wildlife of Northeast of Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۲-۱۲
Shepherd dogs as a common source for Salmonella enterica serovar Reading in Garmsar, Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۳-۱
The effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor administration on carbon monoxide neurotoxicity in ratsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۳-۱
The hard ticks (Ixodidae) fauna of livestock in Sari suburb, Northern Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۳-۱
An ultrastructural investigation of the blood neutrophils in camel (Camelus dromedariusجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی,محسن ملکی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۳-۲
Fibromyxoma in the reticulo-omasal orifice of a cowاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۳-۲
Molecular Detection of Theileria Spp. and Babesia Spp. in Sheep and Ixodid Ticksغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۳-۲
Investigation of Equine herpesvirus-1 and 4 infections in equine population of Iran by real-time PCRاشرف میامئی۲۰۱۳-۳
Mite infestation of honeybee (Apis mellifera) in apiaries of North East of Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۳-۳
Seroepidemiologcal Investigation of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Stray and Owned Dogs In Alborz Province, Central Iran Using Direct Agglutination Testالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۳-۳
Serum troponin I as an indicator of myocarditis in lambs affected with foot and mouth diseaseاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۳-۳
Survey of dermatological conditions in a population of domestic dogs in Mashhad, northeast of Iran (2007-2011)احمدرضا موثقی,مهرناز راد۲۰۱۳-۳
Pathological description and immunohistochemical demonstration of ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondii in Iranغلامرضا رزمی,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۳-۴
مطالعه ورم پستان کلینیکی کلی فرمی گاوهای شیری هلشتاین در اطراف شهرستان گرمسارمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۳-۴
Frequency of hard-ticks and the influence of age and sex of camel on ticks infestation rates in one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) population in the northeast of Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۳-۶
Gingival myiasis of camel (Camelus dromedarius) caused by Wohlfahrtia magnificaعلی مشاوری نیا,محسن ملکی,حسن برجی۲۰۱۳-۶
New data on the chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of passerine birds in East of Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۳-۶
Pathological study on liver of dromedary camelsحسین نورانی۲۰۱۳-۶
Prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in slaughtered camels in Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۳-۶
Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Responses of A549 Epithelial Cells to Antimicrobial Peptide Brevinin-2Rعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۳-۶
Serodiagnosis of human hydatidosis with an ELISA developed based on antigens derived from sheep hydatid cysts and comparison with a commercial human ELISA kitغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,حسن برجی۲۰۱۳-۶
The mRNAexpression study on small amount of Theileria annulata lymph node biopsy sample using SMART-cDNA technologyالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۳-۶
Oxidant/antioxidant status in cattle with liver cystic echinococcosisحسن برجی۲۰۱۳-۷
The Effect of Antimicrobial Peptide Temporin-Ra on Cell Viability and Gene Expression of Pro-inflammatory Factors in A549 Cell Lineعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۳-۷
Biologically relevant doses of mixed aflatoxins B and G up-regulate MyD88, TLR2, TLR4 and CD14 transcripts in human PBMCsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۳-۸
Indirect Chemiluminescence-based Determination of Catecholamines in Pharmaceutical Formulations by Furandicarboxylate Derivative as a Novel Blue Fluorescer in Peroxyoxalate-H2O2 Systemجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۳-۸
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in ratعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۳-۸
Pathophysiology Marshallagia marshalli in experimentally infected lambحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی۲۰۱۳-۹
Treatment of newly hatched chicken with CpG oligodeoxynucleotides decreases liver/spleen colonization of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickensمهرناز راد۲۰۱۳-۹
Bacterial contamination of dead-in-shell embryos in ostrich hatcheries and antimicrobial resistance patterns of isolated Escherichia coliمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Copro-DNA test for diagnosis of canine echinococcosisحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Crocetin Attenuates Spatial Learning Dysfunction and Hippocampal Injury in a Model of Vascular Dementiaاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Effect of Cytosolic Extract of Alternaria Alaternata Fungus on Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Phagocytosis Ability and T-Lymphocyte Proliferation in the Presence of Myelin Basic Proteinهادی محب علیان۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Molecular surveillance of Theileria ovis, Theilerialestoquardi and Theileria annulata infection in sheep and ixodid ticks in Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Viral Evasion and Subversion Mechanisms of the Host Immune Systemعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Length of dsRNA (poly I:C) drives distinct innate immune responses, depending on the cell typeمهرناز راد۲۰۱۳-۱۱
Molecular detection of Theileria spp in sheep and vector ticks in Fasa and Kazeroun areas, Fars Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۳-۱۱
Oxidant/antioxidant balance and trace elements status in sheep with liver cystic echinococcosisحسن برجی۲۰۱۳-۱۱
Estimating the rate of transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum to aborted fetuses in seropositive dams in Mashhadغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۳-۱۲
Naturally occurring level of mixed aflatoxins B and G stimulate toll-like receptor-4 in bovine mononuclear cellsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۳-۱۲
Prevalence and Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium Spp in Pre-Weaned Dairy Calves in Mashhad Area,Province, Iran Khorasan Razavi.غلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۳-۱۲
Application of recombinant Cryptosporidium parvum P23 for isolation and preventionالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۴-۱
Bovine salmonellosis in Northeast of Iran: Frequency, genetic fingerprinting and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella spp.مهرناز راد۲۰۱۴-۱
Cytochrome P450 isoforms are differently up-regulated in aflatoxin B1-exposed human lymphocytes and monocytesجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۴-۱
Effect of honey as an immunomodulator against invasive aspergillosis in BALB/c miceزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۴-۱
Epidemiological study of hydatidosis in the dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) of different regions of Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۴-۱
Isolation and molecular identification of Avibacterium paragallinarum in suspected cases of infectious coryzaمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۴-۱
Preventive and Control Programme for Brucellosis in Human and Animalsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۴-۱
Serodiagnosis of Brucella Infection in Aborted Cattle by an Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in some Dairy Herds in Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد۲۰۱۴-۱
Skin colonization by Malassezia species in healthy neonatal calves and their damsسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۴-۱
The first molecular investigation ofLawsonia intracellularisin dromedary camelsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۴-۱
Genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diseased ostriches (Struthio camelus)مهرناز راد,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۴-۲
Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi Infection in Horses in the North Khorasan Province ofغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۴-۲
The first detection of Cytauxzoon felis in a wild cat (Felis silvestris) in Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۴-۲
Comparative evaluation of the antifungal activity of Borage (Borago officinalis) and Camellia sinesis (Green tea) leaves against various Aspergillus and Candida strainsسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۴-۳
Molecular detection of Babesia spp in sheep and vector ticks inthe North Khorasan province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۴-۳
Seroepidemiology of coxiellosis (Q fever) in sheep and goat populations in the northeast of Iranجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۴-۳
Seroepidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) population in northeast of Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۴-۳
Aflatoxin B1 interferes with the antigen-presenting capacity of porcine dendritic cellsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی,جلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۴-۴
Effects of saffron (Crocus sativus) petal ethanolic extract on hematology, antibody response, and spleen histology in ratsعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۴-۴
Mites associated with passerine birds in eastern Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۴-۴
Molecular and serological detection of Theileria equi and Babesiacaballi infection in horses and ixodid ticks in Iraniغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۴-۴
Quenching effect of deferoxamine on free radical-mediated photon production in luminol and ortho-phenanthroline-dependent chemiluminescenceجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۴-۴
Purification of ISS protein from avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain χ1378 by affinity chromatographyالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۴-۵
Sudden death in a foal due to Tyzzer’s disease: a case reportعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۴-۵
An Epidemiological Survey of Setaria in the Abdominal Cavities of Iranian Sistani and Brahman Cattle in the Southeastern of Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۴-۶
Environmentally Relevant Level of Aflatoxin B1 Dysregulates Human Dendritic Cells Through Signaling on Key Toll-Like Receptorsجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۴-۶
IL-17A concentration of seminal plasma and follicular fluid in infertile men and women with various clinical diagnosesعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۴-۶
Isolation of Aspergillus species from Nasal Cavity and Bedroom of Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in Mashhad, Iranسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۴-۶
Morphological Evaluation of Testis Tissue of Rats in Various Time Points after Diabetes Type 1 Inductionعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۴-۶
Prevalence of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection in the northeast of Iranعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۴-۶
A survey on intestinal parasites of golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) in the northeast of Iranحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۴-۸
Comparison of two methods of Marshallagia marshalli production donor sheepحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی۲۰۱۴-۸
Cranial Mesenteric Arterial Obstruction Due To Strongylus vulgaris Larvae in a Donkey (Equus asinus)حسن برجی,زهرا موسوی۲۰۱۴-۸
Survey on O157:H7 enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in cattle in Golestan province, Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۴-۸
Effects of Hypericum perforatum extract on IgG titer, leukocytes subset and spleen index in ratsعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۴-۹
Fungal flora of the hair coat of domestic golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with and without skin lesions in Mashhad, Iranسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۴-۹
Isolation of Mycoplasmaspp. from broiler flocks with respiratory syndrome in Mashhad, Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۱۴-۹
The effect of subacute intoxication of monensin on minerals and trace elements in goatsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۴-۹
Clinical, laboratory and pathological findings in sub-acute monensin intoxication in goatsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۴-۱۰
Molecular characterization, genetic diversity and antibacterial susceptibility ofEscherichia coliencoding Shiga toxin 2f in domestic pigeonsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۴-۱۰
Prevalence and Resistance Profiles of Enteropathogenic and Shiga ToxinProducing Escherichia coli in Diarrheic Calves in Mashhad and Garmsar Districts, Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۴-۱۰
Influence of xylanase and vitamin A in wheat-based diet on performance, nutrients digestibility, small intestinal morphology and digesta viscosity in broiler chickensحسین نورانی۲۰۱۴-۱۱
Antioxidant and anticoccidial effects of garlic powder and sulfur amino acids on Eimeria-infected and uninfected broiler chickensغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Canine Heartworm in Southeastern of Iran with Review of di s - ease distributionحسن برجی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Detection of verotoxin (Shiga-like toxin)-producing and eae harboring Escherichia coli in some wild captive and domestic Equidae and Canidaeمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
First report of hepatic cysticercosis in a rook (Corvus frugilegus) (Passerifomes, Corvidaeحسین نورانی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Histopathological and molecular study of Neospora caninum infection in bovine aborted fetusesاحمدرضا موثقی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Isolation of Small Number of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocyst Using Immunochromatographyالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Pathological findings of slaughtered camels’ (Camelus dromedaris) kidneys in Najaf-Abad, Iranحسین نورانی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Prevalence and distribution of gastrointestinal helminths in free range chickens in Mashhad, northeast of Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Synophthalmia in a Holstein cross calfحسین نورانی۲۰۱۴-۱۲
Evaluation of antifungal activity of hydroalcoholic extracts of Citrullus colocynthis fruitسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۵-۱
Evaluation of Different Primers for Detection of Brucella in Human and Animal Serum Samples by Using PCR Methodغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۱
G-CSF Administration Attenuates Brain Injury in Rats Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning via Different Mechanismsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۵-۱
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis of light chain of immunoglobulin Y in Khorasan native chickensعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۱
High soil and groundwater arsenic levels induce high body arsenic loads, health risk and potential anemia for inhabitants of northeastern Iranجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۵-۱
Molecular genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus from dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) in eastern Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۵-۱
Outbreak of ovine congenital toxoplasmosis in Iran, confirmed by different diagnostic methodsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۵-۱
The effects of Spirulina on nitric oxide production in peritoneal macrophages of Balb/C mice with systemic candidiasisزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۵-۲
Virulence profiling and genetic relatedness of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from humans and ruminantsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۵-۲
A survey of intestinal parasites in a population in Q azvin, north of I ranحسن برجی۲۰۱۵-۳
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in the patients refered to medical laboratories in Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۵-۳
Molecular detection of equine piroplasms in donkeys (Equus asinus) in North Khorasan province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۵-۳
Trichoepithelioma in a neonatal calfاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۵-۴
Antibody response effect of fusing IgY and C3d gene segments to hemagglutinin9 (H9) gene on influenza DNA vaccines in chickenغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۴
Employing XIAP to Enhance the Duration of Antigen Expression and Immunity Against an Avian Influenza H5 DNA Vaccineعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۴
A bioinformatic approach to check the spatial epitope structure of an immunogenic protein coded by DNA vaccine plasmidsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۵
Analysis and evaluation of antibacterial effects of new herbal formulas,AP-001 and AP-002, against Escherichia coli O157:H7مهرناز راد۲۰۱۵-۵
Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Rat brain tissue after exposure to mobile phone radiationمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۵-۵
Seroepidemiology of Q fever in one-humped camel population in northeast Iranجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۵-۵
A comparison analysis of Listeria monocytogenes isolates recovered from chicken carcasses and human by using RAPD PCRمهرناز راد۲۰۱۵-۶
Geogenic thallium and lead pollution in soils and potential risk of toxicity: A report from Iranجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۵-۶
Aflatoxins of type B and G affect porcine dendritic cell maturationin vitroجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۵-۶
An epidemiological survey on intestinal helminths of stray dogs in Mashhad, North-east of Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۵-۶
Detection of lytA, pspC, and rrgA genes in Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from healthy childrenمهرناز راد۲۰۱۵-۶
Genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from broiler meat in Northeastern of Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۱۵-۶
Isolation and molecular typing of Clostridium perfringens isolated from minced meatمهرناز راد۲۰۱۵-۶
Prevalence and Intensity of Paramphistomum Spp. In Cattle from South-Eastern Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۵-۶
Stressed (acute) mice display neuroimmunodysregulation and defective innate immune response against coliform infectionجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۵-۶
Use of an in vitro model in tissue engineering to study wound repair and differentiation of blastema tissue from rabbit pinnaفاطمه ناصری۲۰۱۵-۶
GST-M1 is transcribed moreso than AKR7A2 in AFB1-exposed human monocytes and lymphocytesجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۵-۷
Infestation and pathological lesions of some lymph nodes induced by Linguatula serrata nymphs in sheep slaughtered in Shahrekord Area (Southwest Iran)حسین نورانی۲۰۱۵-۷
Detection of Salmonella spp. from some wild captive herbivores in Iran and determination of serogroup, antibiotic susceptibility and presence of invA gene in the isolated strainsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۵-۸
Detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in faeces of healthy calves in Mashhad, Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۱۵-۸
Effect of culture and maturation on human monocyte-derived dendritic cell surface markers, necrosis and antigen bindingجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۸
Molecular characterization of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus from Iran by sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2)الهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۵-۸
Osteoarthritis and systemic infection caused by Candida Albicans in a common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis)احمدرضا موثقی,سمانه عیدی۲۰۱۵-۸
What should be taken into account during study on immunoregulatory effects of helminths: a critical analyzing on “Downregulation of immune responses in asthmatic patients by ES products of Marshallagia marshalli”علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۸
Gastrointestinal helminths of the Caspian snowcock (Tetraogallus caspius) partridge from the North Khorasan province, Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۵-۹
In vitro acaricidal effects of Thyme essential oil, Tobacco extract and Carbaryl against Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae)علی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۵-۹
In vitro histological investigation of interactions between rat decellularized large intestine scaffold and human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cellsفاطمه ناصری۲۰۱۵-۹
Serological study of small ruminant lentiviruses in sheep population of Khorasan-e-Razavi province in Iranاشرف میامئی۲۰۱۵-۹
Application of esterase inhibitors: A possible new approach to protect unsaturated fatty acids from ruminal biohydrogenationعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۱۰
Photoimmunological properties of borage in bovine neutrophil in vitro modelجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۵-۱۰
Prevalence of tick infestation in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) brought for slaughter in Mashhad abattoir, Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۵-۱۰
The effects of Ostertagia occidentalis somatic antigens on ovine TLR2 and TLR4 expressionحسن برجی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۵-۱۰
A study on the presence of some potential virulence genes and quinolone resistance in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from chickens in Northeast of Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۱۵-۱۲
Genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus from goats and sheep indicating G7 genotype in goats in the Northeast of Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۵-۱۲
Prevalence of Shiga Toxin-Producing and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in Wild and Pet Birds in Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۵-۱۲
Ticks fauna of sheep and goats in some suburbs of Mazandaran province, Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۵-۱۲
Phylogenetic analysis of Escherichia coli isolates from healthy and diarrhoeic calves in Mashhad, Iran.مهرناز راد,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۶-۱
Evaluation of Five Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Assays for Diagnosis of the Shiga Toxin 2f-Producing <i>Escherichia coli</i>مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۶-۱
Isolation and comparative investigation of vaginal mycoflora in feline population of urban and dairy cattle herdsسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۶-۱
Serogroup identification and Virulence gene characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from chicken carcassesمهرناز راد۲۰۱۶-۱
Serological study of Toxoplasma gondii infection in Turkoman horses in the North Khorasan Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۱
A study of visceral leishmaniasis in owned dogs with dermal lesions in Mashhad area, Khorasan Razavi provinceغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۶-۲
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in the One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in East and Northeast of Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۲
Detection of Coxiella burnetii in aborted fetuses of cattle and sheep using polymerase chain reaction assay in Mashhad city, Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۱۶-۲
Genetic variation among Escherichia coli isolates from human and calves by using RAPD PCRمهرناز راد۲۰۱۶-۲
Identification and characterization of a cathepsin L-like cysteine protease from Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatusالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۶-۲
Isolation and Genotyping of <i>Toxoplasma gondii</i> Strains in Ovine Aborted Fetuses in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۶-۲
Nasal and Indoors Fungal Contamination in Healthy Subjectsسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۶-۲
Up-Regulation of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Chemokine Production in Avian Influenza H9N2 Virus-Infected Human Lung Epithelial Cell Line (A549)علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۲
Canine Myiasis and Its Causal Agents in Northeastern Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۶-۳
Prevalence and clonal distribution of avian Escherichia coli isolates harboring increased serum survival (iss) geneمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۶-۳
Protective and hypoglycemic effects of celery seed on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: experimental and histopathological evaluationاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۶-۳
Treatment of Critical-Sized Calvarial Non-Union Defect Via Collagen-Polyglycolic Acid Scaffold Loading With Simvastatin in Rabbitsحسین نورانی۲۰۱۶-۳
Molecular characterization of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli hemolysin gene (EHEC- hlyA )-harboring isolates from cattle reveals a diverse origin and hybrid diarrheagenic strainsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۶-۴
Comments on Prevalence of Sarcocystis spp. and Hammondia spp. microcysts in esophagus tissue of sheep and cattle emphasized on their morphological differencesغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۵
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Iran: Time to Look Closerمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۶-۵
Evaluation of recombinant P23 protein as a vaccine for passive immunization of newborn calves against Cryptosporidium parvumالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۶-۵
Identification and characterization of Theileria ovis surface protein (ToSp) resembled TaSp in Theileria annulataالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۶-۵
Interaction Between Helminths and Toll-Like Receptors: Possibilities and Potentials for Asthma Therapyحسن برجی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۵
Molecular epidemiology of Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus detected from ticks of one humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) population in northeastern Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۵
A contribution on rodents fauna of the Jaz Murian depressionغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۶
A contribution on rodents fauna ofthe Jaz Murian depression, southeast Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۶
An experimental ovine Theileriosis: The effect of Theileria lestoquardi infection on cardiovascular system in sheepغلامرضا رزمی,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۶-۶
Design and Construction of Chimeric VP8-S2 Antigen for Bovine Rotavirus and Bovine Coronavirusعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۶
Fungicidal effect of Origanum vulgare essential oil against Candida glabrata and its cytotoxicity against macrophagesزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۶-۶
Gasterophilosis in Turkmen horses caused by Gasterophilus pecorum (Diptera, Oestridae)علی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۶-۶
Genomic diversity of Clostridium perfringens strains isolated from food and human sourcesمهرناز راد۲۰۱۶-۶
Production and characterization of egg yolk antibody (IgY) against recombinant VP8-S2 antigenعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۶
Targeting Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) in Nano- Adjuvants: Current Perspectivesعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۶
The antimicrobial activity of green tea extract against the major food born bacteriaهادی محب علیان۲۰۱۶-۶
Wound healing effects of Artemisia sieberi extract on the second degree burn in mice skinحسین نورانی۲۰۱۶-۶
Epidemiological Survey of Bovine Thelaziosis in Southeastern of Iranحسن برجی۲۰۱۶-۷
Inorganic arsenic can be potent granulotoxin in mammalian neutrophils in vitroجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۶-۷
Comparison of Fecal Egg Counts and ELISA for the diagnosis of Dicrocoelium Dendriticum infectionغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۶-۸
The Effect of Marshallagia marshalli on Serum Gastrin Concentrations in Experimentally Infected Lambsحسن برجی,غلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی۲۰۱۶-۸
Comparative study on the role of gelatin, chitosan and their combination as tissue engineered scaffolds on healing and regeneration of critical sized bone defects: an in vivo studyسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۶-۹
Ectoparasites of Stray Dogs in Mazandaran, Gilan and Qazvin Provinces, North and Center of Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۶-۹
Microscopy and PCR-based detection of Leucocytozoon spp. in Iranian birds of preyغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۹
Parasitic burdens, egg output and heamathological and biochemical changes in naturally infected lambs with Dicrocoelium dendriticumمحسن ملکی,حسن برجی۲۰۱۶-۱۰
The Semelil (ANGIPARS™) ameliorates cardiac functional disturbances after experimental chronic myocardial infarction model in rabbitمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۶-۱۰
A survey on parasites of long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) in northeast of Iranعلی مشاوری نیا,حسن برجی۲۰۱۶-۱۱
A preliminary study on the protein profile of Marshallagia marshalliاحمدرضا موثقی,محسن ملکی,علیرضا حق پرست,حسن برجی۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Anaplasma spp. identification in hard ticks of Iran: First report of Anaplasma bovis in Haema physalis inermisالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Anti inflammatory potentials of Excretory/Secretory (ES) and somatic products of Marshallagia marshalli in allergic airway inflammation in BALB/C miceحسن برجی,احمدرضا موثقی,محسن ملکی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Establishment of an Artificial Tick Feeding System to Study Theileria lestoquardi Infectionغلامرضا رزمی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Evaluation of serum biochemical profile in Turkoman horses and donkeys infected with Theileria equiغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Genetic identification of cattle hydatid cyst isolates from northeast and southwest Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Induction of a balanced Th1/Th2 immune responses by co-delivery of PLGA/ovalbumin nanospheres and CpG ODNs/PEI-SWCNT nanoparticles as TLR9 agonist in BALB/c miceمحسن ملکی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Temporal and spatial distribution and species diversity of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in the eastern region of caspian seaالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Whole-Genome Characterization and Strain Comparison of VT2f-ProducingEscherichiacoliCausing Hemolytic Uremic Syndromeمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Downregulation of immune responses in asthmatic humans by ES products of Marshallagia marshalliحسن برجی۲۰۱۷-۱
Effects of testosterone enanthate and resistance training on myocardium in Wistar rats; clinical and anatomical pathologyزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۷-۱
Light and electron microscopic investigation of semelil (angiparstm) on therapeutic process after chronic myocardial infarction in rabbitمحسن ملکی۲۰۱۷-۱
Response letter to “What should be taken into account during study on immunoregulatory effects of helminths: a critical analyzing on downregulation of immune responses in asthmatic patients by ES products of Marshallagia marshalliحسن برجی۲۰۱۷-۱
A report of the unusual lesions caused by Thelazia gulosa in cattleعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۷-۲
Molecular detection of Neospora caninum infection in ovine aborted fetuses, in Mashhadغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۷-۳
Molecular identification of Echinococcus granulosus strain in stray dogs from Northeastern Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۷-۳
Outcomes of testosterone enanthate on kidney of male Wistar rats subjected to resistance trainingزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۷-۳
Relationships between oxidative stress, liver and erythrocyte injury, trace elements and parasite burden in sheep naturally infected with Dicrocoelium dendriticumمحسن ملکی,حسن برجی۲۰۱۷-۳
An outbreak of severe Macrorhabdus ornithogaster infection in common canaries (Serinus canarius domesticus), Molecular and pathological assayاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۷-۴
Analysis of antibiotic susceptibility profile and RAPD typing of Listeria monocytogenes isolatesمهرناز راد۲۰۱۷-۴
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evaluation of arsenic contaminated waters in an argillic alteration zoneجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۷-۴
Isolation and identification of Listeria spp. in chicken carcasses marketed in northeast of Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۱۷-۴
Molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii infection in aborted fetuses in sheep in Khorasan Razavi province,Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۷-۴
Role of platelet gel embedded within gelatin scaffold on healing of experimentally induced critical-sized radial bone defects in ratsسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۷-۴
A study of ectoparasites in wild rodents of the Jaz Murian area in the southeast of Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۷-۵
Effectiveness of tissue engineered chitosan-gelatin composite scaffold loaded with human platelet gel in regeneration of critical sized radial bone defect in ratسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۷-۵
Generalized lower motor neuron paralysis associated with Toxocara canis in a husky puppyحسن برجی۲۰۱۷-۵
Somatic extracts of Marshallagia marshalli downregulate the Th2 associated immune responses in ovalbumin-induced airway inflammation in BALB/c miceمحسن ملکی,احمدرضا موثقی,حسن برجی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۷-۵
A high prevalence of tylosin resistance among Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitisمهرناز راد۲۰۱۷-۶
Comparative study on the healing potential of chitosan, polymethylmethacrylate, and demineralized bone matrix in radial bone defects of ratسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۷-۶
Experimental Theileria lestoquardi infection in sheep: Biochemical and hematological changesغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۷-۶
Necrotic ulcerative dermatitis due to simultaneous infections of Malassezia and Microsporum gallinae in a pigeon (Columba livia domestica)سمانه عیدی,حسین نورانی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۷-۶
A study of ectoparasites in wild rodents of Jaz Murian area in the northeast of Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۷-۷
Effectiveness of tissue engineered based platelet gel embedded chitosan scaffold on experimentally induced critical sized segmental bone defect model in ratسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۷-۷
In vitro and in vivo antihydatid activity of a nano emulsion of Zataria multiflora essential oilحسن برجی۲۰۱۷-۷
Chitosan/gelatin/platelet gel enriched by a combination of hydroxyapatite and beta-tricalcium phosphate in healing of a radial bone defect model in ratسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۷-۸
Seasonally Feed-Related Aflatoxins B1 and M1 Spread in Semiarid Industrial Dairy Herd and Its Deteriorating Impacts on Food and Immunityجلیل مهرزاد سلاکجانی۲۰۱۷-۸
Serological and molecular studies on visceral leishmaniosis in stray dogs in Torbat-e-Heidareih areaغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۷-۸
Apocrine sweat gland ductal carcinoma in a 5-year-old Arabian stallionاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۷-۹
Co-delivery of Dual Toll-Like Receptor Agonists and Antigen in Poly(Lactic-Co-Glycolic) Acid/Polyethylenimine Cationic Hybrid Nanoparticles Promote Efficient In Vivo Immune Responsesمحسن ملکی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۷-۹
Molecular and serological detection of Neospora caninum in multiple tissues and CSF in asymptomatic infected stray dogs in Tehran, Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۷-۹
Pathological findings of severe pancreatolithiasis in a cowحسین نورانی۲۰۱۷-۹
Detection of Hammondia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Sarcocystis spp. by different methods in slaughtered sheepغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۷-۱۰
Enhancement of the Therapeutic Effect of Albendazole on Cystic Echinococcosis using a Herbal Productحسن برجی۲۰۱۷-۱۰
Morphological and Molecular (28S rDNA) characterization of Dactylogyrus spp. in Cyprinus carpio and Ctenopharyngodon idella in Mashhad, Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۷-۱۰
Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous: An Appropriate Bioceramic in Regeneration of Critical-Sized Radial Bone Defects in Ratsسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۷-۱۱
A Molecular and Serological Study on Visceral Leishmaniasis in Asymptomatic Stray Dogs in Mashhad ,Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Detection of Mycoplasma bovis in bulk tank milk samples by nested PCR in Mashhad, Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Detection of small number of Giardia in biological materials prepared from stray dogsالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Fungal Pollution in the Homes of Respiratory Allergic Patients in Mashhad City,Northeast Iranسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Prevalence of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies in Bulk Milk of Dairy Cattle,Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Rodents helminth parasites in different region of Iranحسن برجی,علی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Molecular investigation of Lawsonia intracellularis in diarrheic and healthy captive ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۸-۱
Evaluating the performance of IFAT, RDT, and semi-nested PCR for detection of Leishmania infantum infection on sera sample in symptomatic dogsغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۸-۲
Isolation and purification of glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs) in the schizont stage of Theileria annulata and determination of antibody response to GPI anchors in vaccinated and infected animalsعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۸-۲
Major and minor toxins of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diseased sheepغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۸-۲
Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in cerebrospinal fluid obtained from hospitalized patientsمهرناز راد۲۰۱۸-۲
A sensitive electrochemical aptasensor based on single wall carbon nanotube modified screen printed electrode for detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۸-۳
Allium Sativum Methanolic Extract (garlic) Improves Therapeutic Efficacy of Albendazole Against Hydatid Cyst: In Vivo Studyحسن برجی۲۰۱۸-۳
Bacterial ghost of avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) serotype O78:K80 as a homologous vaccine against avian colibacillosisمهرناز راد۲۰۱۸-۳
Clinical and pathological findings of enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma of goatحسین نورانی۲۰۱۸-۳
Detection of Grillotia erinaceus (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) in Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Perciformes: Carangidae) from the Persian Gulfحسن برجی۲۰۱۸-۳
Effect of In Ovo Injection of VG/GA Vaccine, an Apathogenic Enteric Strain of Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Aluminum Hydroxide as an Adjuvant on Hatchability and Immune Response of Commercial Pulletsعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۸-۳
Pathogenic potential of Shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli strains of caprine origin: virulence genes, Shiga toxin subtypes, phylogenetic background and clonal relatednessمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۸-۳
A survey on endoparasites in wild rodents of the Jaz Murian depression and adjacent areas, southeast of Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۸-۴
Healing potentials of polymethylmethacrylate bone cement combined with platelet gel in the critical-sized radial bone defect of ratsسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۸-۴
In vitro acaricidal effect of Melia azedarach ripe fruit extract against Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae)علی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۸-۴
Zataria multiflora would attenuate the hepatotoxicity of long-term albendazole treatment in mice with cystic echinococcosisحسن برجی۲۰۱۸-۴
Designing of potential vaccine candidates of fused cathepsin L and tropomyosin genes of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) tick larvaالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۸-۵
Effect of adjuvants on in ovo vaccination against Newcastle disease on hatchability, performance and antibody titres in commercial pulletsعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۸-۵
Histopathological Study of Protective Effects of Honey on Subacute Toxicity of Acrylamide-Induced Tissue Lesions in Rats’ Brain and Liverزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۸-۵
Reconstruction of radial bone defect in rat by calcium silicate biomaterialsسوده علیدادی۲۰۱۸-۵
A study on clinical and laboratory features of natural poisoning with Tribulus terrestris in sheepحسین نورانی۲۰۱۸-۶
Engineering, Cloning and Expression of DNA Sequence Coding of OMP31 Epitope of Brucella melitensis linked to IL-2 in Escherichia coliعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۸-۷
A Parasitologic and Molecular Survey of Hepatozoon canis Infection In Stray Dogs In Northeastern Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۸-۸
Expression of interleukin-15 in canine mammary carcinoma: relationships with histologic grades, Bcl-2, recurrence, and overall survivalمحسن ملکی,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۸-۸
Genetic characterisation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in pets and veterinary personnel in Iran: new insights into emerging methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius (MRSP)مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۱۸-۸
جداسازی، شناسایی و تعیین حساسیت آنتیبیوتیکی استرپتوکوکوسهای گروه PCR غیرانتروکوکی- در برخی پرندگان با روشهای کشت و - D و Cغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۸-۸
اثر تزریق شکمبهای عصاره آبی محصولات فرعی پسته بر توازن نیتروژن و فراسنجههای تخمیری شکمبه در گوسفندان نر بلوچیعلیرضا حق پرست,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۸-۹
In vitro evaluation of acaricidal activity of aqueous ozone against Dermanyssus gallinaeعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۸-۹
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Enterococcus Species Isolated from Companion Birds and Poultry in the Northeast of Iranغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۸-۱۰
In vivo therapeutic efficacy of the Allium sativum ME in experimentally Echinococcus granulosus infected miceحسن برجی۲۰۱۸-۱۰
Toxocara sero-prevalence and its relationship with allergic asthma in asthmatic patients in north-eastern Iran.حسن برجی۲۰۱۸-۱۰
Antimicrobial activity of an antimicrobial peptide against amastigote forms of Leishmania majorالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۸-۱۲
Effect of betaine versus arsenite‐induced alterations of testicular oxidative stress and circulating androgenic indices in ratsزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۸-۱۲
Genotyping of human cystic echinococcosis in Northeastern Iranحسن برجی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی۲۰۱۸-۱۲
Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of a short cationic peptide against promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania major -MHRO/IR/75/ER-: An in vitro studyالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۹-۱
Isolation and Purification of the Schizont Stage of Theileria annulata from Host Leukocytes through Novel Biochemical Techniquesعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۹-۱
The haematological, proinflammatory cytokines and IgG changes during an ovine experimental theileriosisغلامرضا رزمی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۹-۱
A survey on Toxocara cati eggs on the hair of stray cats: A potential risk factor for human toxocariasis in Northeastern Iranمحسن ملکی,علیرضا حق پرست,حسن برجی۲۰۱۹-۲
Antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic effects of ethanolic Ferula assa-foetida oleo-gum-resin extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic wistar ratsحسین نورانی۲۰۱۹-۲
Assessment of Signal Peptides to Optimize Interleukin 2 -IL-2- Folding and Expressionعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۹-۲
Genetic Characterization of Argas persicus From Iran by Sequencing of Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COX1) and 16s rRNA Genesالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۹-۲
Comment on “Intestinal Helminths in Different Species of Rodents in North Khorasan Province, Northeast of Iran”حسن برجی۲۰۱۹-۳
Evaluation of the Common Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius -Insecta: Hemiptera: Cimicidae- Susceptibility to λ- Cyhalothrin, Malathion, and Diazinon in Northeastern Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۹-۳
Production and Purification of Specific IgY Against InvG Protein of Salmonella typhimuriumعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۹-۳
A study on the concentration of heavy metals and histopathological changes in Persian jirds (Mammals; Rodentia), affected by mining activities in an iron ore mine in Iranزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۹-۴
Molecular Detection and Genotyping of Intestinal Microsporid-ia from Stray Dogs in Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۹-۴
A study of clinical and pathological findings in an ovine experimental theileriosisغلامرضا رزمی,محسن ملکی,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۱۹-۵
A serological and parasitological study of Toxoplasma gondii infection in stray cats of Mashhad area, Khorasan Razavi Province.غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۹-۶
The Eff ect of resistance training and growth hormone injection on circulating IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels in a rat modelزهرا موسوی۲۰۱۹-۷
Characterization of Iranian canarypox and pigeonpox virus strainsحسین نورانی۲۰۱۹-۸
The design and application of a bacterial ghost vaccine to evaluate immune response and defense against avian pathogenic Escherichia coli O2:K1 serotypeغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۱۹-۸
Determination of the effective dose of Curcumin alone and in combination with antimicrobial peptide CM11 on promastigote forms of Iranian strain of L. major (MRHO / IR / 75 / ER)الهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۱۹-۱۰
In vitro Acquisition and Retention of Low-Pathogenic Avian Influenza H9N2 by Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae)علی مشاوری نیا۲۰۱۹-۱۰
In vitro activities of 15 antifungal drugs against a large collection of clinical isolates of Microsporum canisسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۹-۱۱
In vivo immunogenicity assessment and vaccine efficacy evaluation of a chimeric tandem repeat of epitopic region of OMP31 antigen fused to interleukin 2 (IL-2) against Brucella melitensis in BALB/c miceعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۱۹-۱۱
High Prevalence of Cryptococcus neoformans and Isolation of Other Opportunistic Fungi From Pigeon (Columba livia) Droppings in Northeast Iranسمانه عیدی۲۰۱۹-۱۲
Prevalence and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in stray cats in Mashhad area, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۱۹-۱۲
High prevalence of Prototheca spp. and isolation of fungal species in milk samples from cows suffering from mastitis in Mashhad city, northeast Iranسمانه عیدی۲۰۲۰-۲
تایپینگ مولکولی و تفکیک گونه های بروسلا جداسازی شده از سقط جنین دام های اهلی در شمال و شرق ایرانغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد۲۰۲۰-۲
Clinical, bacteriological and histopathological aspects of first-time pyoderma in a population of Iranian domestic dogs: a retrospective studyمهرناز راد,احمدرضا موثقی۲۰۲۰-۳
Marshallagia marshalli Antigen Strengthens Dendritic Cell Medi-ated T Lymphocyte Regulation on Asthmatic Patientsهادی محب علیان,حسن برجی۲۰۲۰-۳
Public health aspects of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains in sheep and goats of Bakhtiari pastoral tribe, Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۰-۳
Virulence factors analysis and antibiotic resistance of uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from patients in northeast of Iranطاهره غلام حسینی مقدم۲۰۲۰-۴
A study on isolation and molecular identification of Bordetella avium from Iranian commercial and backyard broiler turkeys; 2016-2018مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۰-۵
Molecular detection of Theileria annulata in dairy cattle and vector ticks in the Herat area , Afghanistanغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۰-۵
Outbreak of avian mycobacteriosis in a commercial turkey breeder flockحسین نورانی۲۰۲۰-۵
Reverse Genetics Assembly of Newcastle Disease Virus Genome Template Using Asis-Sal-Pac BioBrick Strategyعلیرضا حق پرست,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۰-۵
Survey of Toxocaraeggs on Dog Hair as a Potential Transmis- sion Route in Human Toxocariasis in Northeastern Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۰-۵
Histopathological, ultrastructural and molecular examination of Sarcocystis spp. in sheep of Mashhad area, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iranحسین نورانی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۰-۶
Humoral immunity provided by a novel infectious bronchitis vaccine supplemented by bacterium-like particles (BLPs)علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۰-۶
Identification of Aptamers that Specifically Bind to A1 Antigen by Performing Cell-on Human Erythrocytesعلیرضا حق پرست,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۰-۶
Melatonin inhibits Benzo(a)pyrene-Induced apoptosis through activation of the Mir-34a/Sirt1/autophagy pathway in mouse liverزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۰-۶
Molecular Typing Of Cephalosporin Resistant Serovars Of Salmonella Enterica From Poultry And Farm Animalsمهرناز راد,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۰-۶
Effects of in ovo injection of nanocurcumin and vitamin E on antioxidant status, immune responses, intestinal morphology and growth performance of broiler chickens exposed to heat stressهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۰-۷
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) isolates from diarrheic children: An unresolved diagnostic paradigm existsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۰-۷
Mesenchymal stem cells engineered by modified polyethylenimine polymer for targeted cancer gene therapy, in vitro and in vivoحسین نورانی۲۰۲۰-۷
Ameliorating Effects of Vitamin E on Morphological and Histological Alterations and Oxidative Stress Factors Assessment Against Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle-Induced in Mice Testisحسین نورانی۲۰۲۰-۸
Development of three multiplex-PCR assays for virulence profiling of different iron acquisition systems in Escherichia coliغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۰-۸
Distribution of Toxocara cati larvae in experimentally infected BALB/c miceحسن برجی۲۰۲۰-۸
Evaluation of the effect of Toxocara cati infection in the mouse model of allergic asthma: Exacerbation of allergic asthma symptoms and Th2 types of responseمحسن ملکی,علیرضا حق پرست,حسن برجی۲۰۲۰-۸
Filarial worms: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diversity in animals from Iran with emphasis on human casesحسن برجی۲۰۲۰-۸
Antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes in the Escherichia coli isolates obtained from ostrichغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۰-۹
The Effects of administration of different parts of banana (Musa cavendish) fruit extracts and peel powder on the oxidative/antioxidative characteristics and some mineral concentrations in neonatal dairy calvesعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۰-۹
توسعه و یافتن الیگونوکلئوتیدها برای مارکرهای گلبول قرمز تیپ B با هدف کاربرد در انتقال داروییغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۰-۹
Influence of Eimeria spp. infection and dietary inclusion of arginine on intestine histological parameters, serum amino acid profile and ileal amino acids digestibility in broiler chicksهادی محب علیان,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۰-۱۰
Molecular prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in sheep from Isfahan, Iran as detected in heart samples by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۰-۱۰
The effects of short term growth hormone administration and resistance training on the histopathology and mutation of the BRAF gene (T1799A) in thyroid tissue of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)زهرا موسوی۲۰۲۰-۱۰
Evaluation of chromium accumulation and resulting histopathological changes in Libyan jirds (Mammals, Rodentia), affected by effluent from Ghazghan leather industrial town, Iranزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۰-۱۱
Design, development, and evaluation of the efficacy of a nucleic acid-free version of a bacterial ghost candidate vaccine against avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) O78:K80 serotypeغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۰-۱۲
Nanoscale bioceramics in bone tissue engineering- An Overviewسوده علیدادی۲۰۲۰-۱۲
Preliminary study of Cytauxzoon felis infection in outdoor cats in Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۰-۱۲
Proteomic analysis of soluble protein extract of adult Toxocara catiحسن برجی۲۰۲۰-۱۲
Ameliorative Effects of Caffeic Acid Against Arsenic-Induced Testicular Injury in Miceزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۱-۱
Antimicrobial resistance patterns and phylogenetic analysis of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains from goats using both Clermont phylogenetic schemesمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۱-۱
Combination of Chitosan and Myxovirus Resistance Oligonucleotide: An Efficient and Safe Natural Adjuvant against Influenza Virusغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۱-۱
Effects of Allium sativum on IFN-γ and IL4 concentrations in mice with cystic echinococcosisحسن برجی,هادی محب علیان۲۰۲۱-۱
Evaluation of MexAB-OprM efflux pump and determination of antimicrobial susceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa human and veterinary isolatesمهرناز راد۲۰۲۱-۱
Molecular detection of Theileria spp. and Babesia spp. in sheep and vector ticks in Ramsar and Tonkabon areasofMazandaran Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۱-۱
Subchronic neurotoxicity of diazinon in albino mice: Impact of oxidative stress, AChE activity, and gene expression disturbances in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus on mood, spatial learning, and memory functionحسین نورانی۲۰۲۱-۱
Synthesis and Biological Properties of Silver Chloride Nanoparticles Using Cell-free Extracts of Aeromonas hydrophila and Antibacterial Activity against Drug-Resistant Bacteriaغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد۲۰۲۱-۱
Anthelmintic efficacy of fenbendazole and levamisole in native fowl in northern Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۱-۲
Identification and Immunological Characterization of Somatic Proteins from Adults of Toxocara cati by Proteomics Techniqueحسن برجی۲۰۲۱-۲
Molecular characterization and antimicrobial resistance of potentially human‐pathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from riding horsesمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۱-۳
Occurrence, pathotypes, and antimicrobial resistance profiles of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains in animal source food products from public markets in Mashhad, Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۲۱-۳
Parasitic causes of meat and organs in cattle at four slaughterhouses in Sistan‐Baluchestan Province, Southeastern Iran between 2008 and 2016حسن برجی۲۰۲۱-۳
A Cell-Based Subtractive Panning Strategy for Selection of Conformation-Specific Single-Chain Variable-Fragment (scFv) against Dimerization Domain of EGFRغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۱-۵
Supplementation of overripe pulp extract and green peel extract or powder of banana fruit peel (musa. cavendish) to diets of neonatal dairy calves: Effects on haematological, immunological and performance characteristicsعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۱-۵
The Effects of in ovo Injection of Nanocurcumin and Vitamin E on Immune Responses and Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens under Heat Stressهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۱-۵
بررسی تولید متالوبتالاکتامازها و ردیابی ژن های blaVIM-1,2 و blaIMP-1,2 در جدایه های سودوموناس آئروژینوزا در نمونه های بالینی مراکز درمانی استان خراسان رضویغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد۲۰۲۱-۵
36 J.Vet.Parasitol.200-0064-480/$2.50 © IAAVP, India PCR-RFLP for the identification Theileria spp. in dairy cattle and Hyalomma anatolicum in North East Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۱-۶
A Study of Association of Toxoplasma gondii Infection With Schizophrenia in Mashhad Area, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۱-۶
Dysregulation of Ovine Toll-Like Receptors 2 and 4 Expres-sion by Hydatid Cyst-Derived Antigensنوشین مهر سلیمانی,سیدابوالقاسم نقیبی,حسن برجی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۱-۶
Seroprevalence of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus in one-humped camelsand itsribonucleic acid in ticks attached to one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) imported from Pakistan into Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۱-۶
Evaluation of curcumin and CM11 peptide alone and in combination against amastigote form of Iranian strain of L. major (MRHO/IR75/ER) in vitroالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۲۱-۸
Morphological and Molecular Investigation of Anaplasma Infection in Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Bushehr Province, Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۲۱-۸
Parasitological and pathological findings of coccidiosis in an experimental infection caused by Eimeria ahsata in lambsحسین نورانی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۱-۸
VEGF-C and p53 Gene Expression in the Normal and Neoplastic Mammary Gland of Canines: A Pilot Studyاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۲۱-۸
Detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase genes among Escherichia coli isolates from urinary tract infection in Mashhadغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهرناز راد۲۰۲۱-۹
Pathology, immunohistochemistry and molecular study of cattle screened by comparative tuberculin test for diagnosis latent form of Johne’s diseaseحسین نورانی۲۰۲۱-۹
The effects of Zataria multiflora aromatic water and nano emulsion of Z. multiflora essential oil on the serum level of IFN-γ and IL-4 in mice with hydatidosisحسن برجی۲۰۲۱-۹
Molecular typing and prevalence of extended‐spectrum β‐lactamase genes in diarrhoeagenicEscherichia colistrains isolated from foods and humans in Mashhad, Iranمهرناز راد۲۰۲۱-۱۰
The effect of cartilage and bacteria-derived glycoproteins as a biological dressing on wound healingفاطمه ناصری,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار,حسین نورانی۲۰۲۱-۱۰
An Integrated Perspective on Virulence-Associated Genes (VAGs), Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), and Phylogenetic Clusters of Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Avian Escherichia coliمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۱-۱۱
The identification of single strand DNA aptamers which specifically bind to platelets using cell-SELEX techniqueعلیرضا حق پرست,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۱-۱۱
High prevalence of clonally related multiple resistant Salmonella Infantis carrying class 1 integrons in broiler farmsمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۱-۱۲
In vitro acaricidal activity of Melia azedarach ripe fruit extract against Hyalomma excavatum Acari: Ixodidae)علی مشاوری نیا۲۰۲۱-۱۲
Introducing a new anti-i>Rhipicephalus/i> (i>Boophilus/i>) microplus tick recombinant vaccine candidate using cathepsin and tropomyosin multi-epitope geneالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۲۱-۱۲
Molecular diagnosis of dermatophyte isolates from canine and feline dermatophytosis in Northeast Iranسمانه عیدی۲۰۲۱-۱۲
Protective effect of betaine against gentamicin-induced renal toxicity in mice: a biochemical and histopathological studyزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۱-۱۲
Rare case of hemangiopericytoma in a domestic short hair catمحسن ملکی۲۰۲۱-۱۲
Design and assessment of novel synthetic peptides to inhibit quorum sensing-dependent biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosaمهرناز راد,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۲-۱
Exacerbation of allergic asthma by somatic antigen of Echinococcus granulosus in allergic airway inflammation in BALB/c miceمحسن ملکی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۲-۱
Methicillin and vancomycin resistant isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis recovered from bovine mastitisمهرناز راد۲۰۲۲-۱
Clonal relatedness and antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella serovars isolated from humans and domestic animals in Iran: a one health perspectiveمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۲-۲
Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Diarrheic Neonatal Dairy Calves: Matching Small Intestinal and Fecal Isolates in Terms of Isolation Rates and Antimicrobial Resistanceمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۲-۲
Anti-Tumor Effect of Marshallagia marshalli Somatic Antigen on Inhibition Cell Growth of K562هادی محب علیان,حسن برجی۲۰۲۲-۳
Use of a gyrB PCR-RFLP method to diagnose tuberculosis and identify the causative Mycobacterium sp. in cattle and humansسوده علیدادی۲۰۲۲-۳
Fabrication of Platelet-Rich Fibrin-Coated Polycaprolactone/Hydroxyapatite (PCL-HA/PRF) 3D Printed Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineeringحسین نورانی۲۰۲۲-۴
Ferula assa‐foetida oleo gum resin ethanolic extract alleviated the pancreatic changes and antioxidant status in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats: A biochemical, histopathological, and ultrastructural studyحسین نورانی۲۰۲۲-۴
Prevalence and Seasonality of Adult and Arrested Larvae of Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Sheep from Mashhad City, Northeastern Iraحسن برجی۲۰۲۲-۴
Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Molecular Detection of Integrons, Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim Resistance of Extra Drug-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolatesغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۲-۵
A review on Babesia spp and tick vectors in animals in Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۲-۶
Co-existence of mixed meibomian gland and ductal adenoma with an apocrine sweat gland cyst in a dog: histological and immunohistochemical analysesسوده علیدادی,حسین نورانی۲۰۲۲-۶
Effect of intermittent fasting on saving zone of stasis in burn wounds in ratsمحسن ملکی۲۰۲۲-۶
Pathologic findings of acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma coexisting with cutaneous cryptococcosis in a Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata)سوده علیدادی۲۰۲۲-۶
Performance of Immunohistochemistry vs Real-time PCR Methods for Detecting Mycobacterial Infections of Cattle Screened by Comparative Tuberculin Test.حسین نورانی۲۰۲۲-۶
Bovine salpingitis: Histopathology, bacteriology, cytology and transcriptomic approaches and its impact on the oocyte competenceحسین نورانی۲۰۲۲-۷
Detection of canine distemper virus in cerebrospinal fluid, whole blood and mucosal specimens of dogs with distemper using RT‐PCR and immunochromatographic assaysهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۲-۷
Geographical patterns and mechanisms of Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758, and Cimex hemipterus Fabricius, 1803 (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) resistance to insecticides: a systematic review and meta-analysisعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۲۲-۷
Melatonin improves arsenic-induced hypertension through the inactivation of the Sirt1/autophagy pathway in ratزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۲-۷
Possible Relationship of Novel Phylogenetic Structure With Antimicrobial Resistance, Biofilm Formation, and Hemolytic Activity in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC)غلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۲-۸
Protection of Calves Against Cryptosporidiosis by Hyperimmunization of Pregnant Cattle Colostrum Using Oocyst Whole Antigensالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۲۲-۸
Evaluation of Newcastle disease virus vaccine effectiveness in dogs with neurological signs of canine distemperهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۲-۹
Ticks parasitizing songbirds in Iran with new host records Metastigmata: Ixodidae)علی مشاوری نیا۲۰۲۲-۹
Cysticercus bovis infection in slaughtered cattle in Mashhad abattoirغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۲-۱۰
Effects of Bisphosphonates on Bone Fracture Healing: An Overview on New Preclinical Animal and Clinical Studiesسوده علیدادی۲۰۲۲-۱۰
Antimicrobial resistance, virulence associated genes and phylogenetic background versus plasmid replicon types: the possible associations in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC)مهدی عسکری بدوئی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۲-۱۱
Evaluation of the anti-Newcastle disease vaccine serum on dogs with canine distemperهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۲-۱۱
Ameliorative effects of crocin against electromagnetic field-induced oxidative stress and liver and kidney injuries in miceمحسن ملکی۲۰۲۲-۱۲
Clinical and mycological features of dermatophytosis in domestic cats at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Veterinary Teaching Hospitalسمانه عیدی۲۰۲۲-۱۲
Histopathological and Biochemical Evaluation of Albendazole in the Treatment of Infected Mice with Hydatid Cystزهرا موسوی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۲-۱۲
Interactions between Innate Immunity System and Echinococcus granulosus: Permission for Vaccine Developmentحسن برجی۲۰۲۲-۱۲
Investigation of Potentially Zoonotic Helminth Parasites of Allactaga elater in Sarakhs, Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۲-۱۲
Different light programs affect the titer of vaccination of Newcastle in broiler chickenمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۳-۱
Diffuse and Massive Endocardial Sarcocystosis in a Lambحسین نورانی۲۰۲۳-۱
Distribution of antimicrobial resistance and some widespread extended-spectrum beta-lactamase genes in different phylogroups of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli STEC) isolates of ruminant originمهدی عسکری بدوئی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۳-۱
Melatonin ameliorates arsenic‐induced cardiotoxicity through the regulation of the Sirt1/Nrf2 pathway in ratsزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۳-۱
Molecular detection and occurrence of vancomycin resistance genes (van A, B, C1, C2/C3) among Enterococcus species isolated from farm ostrichesمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۳-۱
Anti-Tumor Effect of Protoscolex Hydatid Cyst Somatic Antigen on Inhibition Cell Growth of K562هادی محب علیان,حسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۳
CRISPR-Cas9 as a Potential Cancer Therapy Agent: An Updateحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۳
Molecular serotyping of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) of animal origin in Iran reveals the presence of important non-O157 seropathotypesمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۳-۳
Prevalence of canine distemper in dogs referred to Veterinary Hospital of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iranهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۳-۳
The anti-echinococcal activity of crocin in mice experimentally infected with Echinococcus granulosusحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۳
Trichinella spiralis as a Potential Antitumor Agent: An Updateحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۳
Canine Myxoid Liposarcoma in Iran- a clinical reportزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۳-۴
Effects of oral exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles on liver small intestine and kidney in rat by LM and TEMحسین نورانی۲۰۲۳-۴
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Colistin Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolated from Bovine Mastitisهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۳-۴
Therapeutic effects of ADU-S100 as STING agonist and CpG ODN1826 as TLR9 agonist in CT-26 model of colon carcinomaسوده علیدادی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۳-۴
Antitumor Mechanisms of Molecules Secreted by Trypanosoma cruzi in Colon and Breast Cancer: A Reviewحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۵
Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Peppermint Extract on Growth Performance, Intestinal Microbiota, Liver and Intestine Histopathology of Cyprinus carpioسوده علیدادی۲۰۲۳-۵
Fungal isolation and identification from parrot excreta in northeast Iran: A threat to human healthسمانه عیدی۲۰۲۳-۵
Live attenuated Leishmania infantum centrin deleted mutant (LiCen) as a novel vaccine candidate: A field study on safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy against canine leishmaniasisغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۳-۶
The emergence of novel Iranian variants in sheeppox and goatpox viral envelope proteins with remarkably altered putative binding affinities with the host receptorحسین نورانی۲۰۲۳-۶
The mouse model of chronic asthma: Airway remodelling and disease exacerbation by somatic antigen of Echinococcus granulosusمحسن ملکی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۶
Unveiling the Zoonotic Significance of Toxocariasis in Humans: The Role of Toxocara canisحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۶
Current status of nano‐vaccinology in veterinary medicine scienceحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۷
Epidemiological study on equine coccidiosis in North and Northeast of Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۷
First report of deutonymph Myianoetus, Willmann, 1937 (Acari: Astigmata) from Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۲۳-۷
Hypericum perforatum against SARS-CoV-2. A Narrative Reviewهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۳-۷
Association between proliferation status of infected and non-infected mononuclear cells with tissue lesions in acute bovine theileriosisمحسن ملکی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۳-۸
The first molecular isolation of Halicephalobus gingivalis from horses in Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۸
Effects of kefir on liver function tests and histopathological changes in rats exposed to aflatoxin B1زهرا موسوی۲۰۲۳-۹
Phenotypic and genotypic study of resistance to Zinc and Cadmium salts in methicillin-resistant Staphylococci isolated from humans and domestic animalsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۳-۹
Immunotherapy with STING and TLR9 agonists promotes synergistic therapeutic efficacy with suppressed cancer-associated fibroblasts in colon carcinomaسوده علیدادی,علیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۳-۱۰
Melatonin Attenuates Arsenic-Induced Neurotoxicity in Rats Through the Regulation of miR-34a/miR-144 in Sirt1/Nrf2 Pathwayزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۳-۱۰
An Improved Multiplex-Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Simultaneous Identification and Discrimination of Emerging Escherichia and Shigella Speciesغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۳-۱۱
Assessment of antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer effects of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles using Teucrium polium extractغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۳-۱۱
Case report of congenital goitre in a goat kid: Clinical and pathological findingsحسین نورانی۲۰۲۳-۱۱
Challenges and Prospective of Enhancing Hydatid Cyst Chemotherapy by Nanotechnology and the Future of Nanobiosensors for Diagnosisنوشین مهر سلیمانی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۱۱
Echinococcus granulosus as a Promising Therapeutic Agent against Triplenegative Breast Cancerحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۱۱
Phenotypic and genotypic investigation of antimicrobial resistance and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production among Escherichia coli isolated from bovine mastitisمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۳-۱۱
A potential cure for tumor‐associated immunosuppression by Toxoplasma gondiiحسن برجی۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Cryptosporidium infection in lambs: prevalence and potential risk factors in villages of Mashhad city eastern Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Detection and characterization of potentially hybrid enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) strains isolated from urinary tract infectionمهدی عسکری بدوئی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Parasitological and molecular study of nosemosis in migratory apiaries in Hormozgan Province, southern Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Plasmid-Mediated colistin resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from neonatal dairy calves without prior consumption of colistin: A threat to public healthمهرناز راد,مهدی عسکری بدوئی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Targeted co-delivery of FOXM1 aptamer and DOX by nucleolin aptamer-functionalized pH-responsive biocompatible nanodelivery system to enhance therapeutic efficacy against breast cancer: in vitro and in vivoغلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Testing the Sensitivity of the Tropical Bed Bug Cimex hemipterus (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) to Deltamethrin, Phoxim and Propetamphos in Eastern Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۲۳-۱۲
The Hepatorenal Protective Potential of Caffeic Acid Consumption on the Arsenic-Exposed Syrian Miceزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Distribution and molecular analysis of Subtilase cytotoxin gene (subAB) variants in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) isolated from different sources in Iranمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۴-۱
Evaluation of Protective Effects of Pomegranate Seed Oil on Experimental Osteoporosis in Ratsزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۴-۱
Melatonin attenuates liver injury in arsenic‐treated rats: The potential role of the Nrf2/HO‐1, apoptosis, and miR‐34a/Sirt1/autophagy pathwaysزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۴-۱
The Combinational Effect of Inulin and Resveratrol on the Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Level in a Rat Model of Diabetic Nephropathyسوده علیدادی۲۰۲۴-۱
A survey of parasitic infections in Psittaciformes and Passeriformes in Mashhad, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۲
Chitosan Gel Containing Hypericum perforatum Extract Inhibiting Effect on Oxidative Stress in Burn Wounds of Ratsمحسن ملکی۲۰۲۴-۲
Parasites of Stray Cats in Iran: A Parasitological and Histopathological Studyسوده علیدادی۲۰۲۴-۲
An investigation of the prevalence of equine filariosis in North and Northeast of Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۳
Antimicrobial resistance, β-lactamase genotypes, and plasmid replicon types of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from different animal hostsغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۴-۳
Evaluation of Anti-Nociceptive, Anti-Inflammatory, and Anti-Fibrotic effects of noscapine against a rat model of Achilles tendinopathyزهرا موسوی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۴-۳
Gill parasites of Schizocypris altidorsalis (Pisces: Cyprinidae), a threatened freshwater fish in Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۳
The histopathological assessment of wound healing after using adipose-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells with Tragacanth gum hydrogel and human amniotic membrane as dressingحسین نورانی,حسین نورانی۲۰۲۴-۳
The effect of hydatid cyst protoscolex somatic antigens on full‐thickness skin wound healing in mouseحسین نورانی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۴
Advances in Detecting Cystic Echinococcosis in Intermediate Hosts and New Diagnostic Tools: A Literature Reviewحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۵
Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of mesenchymal stem cell therapy on parasitic drug resistanceحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۵
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-mitophagy effects of trans sodium crocetinate on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in BALB/C57 miceزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۴-۵
Histopathologic aspects of pancreatic islet cell tumor in a dogحسین نورانی۲۰۲۴-۵
Protective effects of pomegranate peel extract on the gill liver and kidney in experimental cadmium poisoning in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)سوده علیدادی۲۰۲۴-۵
Evaluating the Toxocara cati extract as a therapeutic agent for allergic airway inflammationمحسن ملکی,علیرضا حق پرست,حسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۶
Exploring the integration of nanotechnology in the development and application of biosensors for enhanced detection and monitoring of colorectal cancerحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۶
Investigating Hydropericardium Syndrome with Different Histopathological Techniques in Broiler Chickensزهرا موسوی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۴-۶
Morphometric Characteristics and Species Identification of Bed Bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in Eastern Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۲۴-۶
Cytotoxic Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on MCF-7 Cancer Cell Lineهادی محب علیان۲۰۲۴-۷
Gastrointestinal parasites of cats in the Middle East (2000−2023): A literature reviewحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۷
Design, Synthesis and In Vivo Evaluation of a Candidate Fusion Epitopic Construct Vaccine Based on M2e, HA1, HA2, NA and NP Fragments of the Highly Pathogenic Avian H5N1 Influenza Virusعلیرضا حق پرست۲۰۲۴-۸
Morphometrical and molecular identification of Echinococcus granulosus genotypes in wild canids in north of Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه,حسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۸
Study of histopathological effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) on the thyroid gland of ratsمحسن ملکی۲۰۲۴-۸
The Prevalence of Infection with Gastrointestinal Helminths in Free-Range Poultry of Zabol, Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۸
An estimation of vertical transmission of Neospora caninum in dairy cattle, in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iranمحسن ملکی,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۴-۹
Antidiabetic and Protective Effects ofi> Ferula assa-foetida/i> L. oleo Gum Resin Ethanolic Extract on the Testis of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats: A Histopathological Studyحسین نورانی۲۰۲۴-۹
Evaluation of the In-Vitro Effects of Albendazole, Mebendazole, and Praziquantel Nanocapsules against Protoscolices of Hydatid Cystنوشین مهر سلیمانی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۹
Investigating the virulence-associated genes and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia fergusonii Isolated from diseased ostrich chicksمهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۴-۹
Molecular and in silico analyses for detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and highly pathogenic enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) using genetic markers located on plasmid, O Island 57 and O Island 71مهدی عسکری بدوئی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۴-۹
Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M, blaOXA) in Escherichia coli isolated from children with diarrheaمهدی عسکری بدوئی,غلامرضا هاشمی تبار۲۰۲۴-۹
Study on fungal contaminants in aborted calves of cattle herds in Iranسمانه عیدی۲۰۲۴-۹
Unveiling Novel Insights in Helminth Proteomics: Advancements, Applications, and Implications for Parasitology and Beyondحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۹
Molecular pathotyping, phylogenetic groups and antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolates from diarrheic and healthy children in Babel province, Iraqغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۴-۱۰
Morphometrical and Molecular Identification of Echinococcus granulosus Genotypes in peri-urban Wild dogs from an endemic focus in Northwest of Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه,حسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۱۰
Simultaneous Application of Thymoquinone and Hydroxychloroquine Suppresses Autophagy and Disrupts the Autophagosomal Trench Engulfed Leishmania majorعلی مشاوری نیا,غلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۴-۱۰
Clinical pathology and molecular examination of Babesia spp. infection in dogs; Mashhad, Northeast Iranغلامرضا رزمی۲۰۲۴-۱۱
Parasitological and molecular detection of Hepatozoon canis in Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus in Khorasan Razavi province, Iranغلامرضا رزمی,سعید یغفوری۲۰۲۴-۱۱
Taeniasis, a neglected tropical disease, from Sistan and Baluchestan, Iranالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه۲۰۲۴-۱۱
Thelazia leesei Railliet & Henry, 1910 (Spirurida: Thelaziidae) of dromedary camel Camelus dromedarius: further morphological description, molecular characterization, and epidemiology in Iranحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۱۱
Gold nanobiosensors and Machine Learning: Pioneering breakthroughs in precision breast cancer detectionحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۱۲
Hematologic and electrocardiographic findings in sub-acute experimental monensin toxicosis in goatsاحمدرضا موثقی۲۰۲۴-۱۲
Histopathological Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on the Broiler Chickens’ Brain Tissueحسین نورانی۲۰۲۴-۱۲
Histopathological effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the liver in rats by light and transmission electron microscopyحسین نورانی۲۰۲۴-۱۲
Investigating the therapeutic effects of curcumin nanocapsules in hydatid cyst-infected miceالهه ابراهیم زاده ابکوه,حسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۱۲
Revolutionizing Cancer Detection: Harnessing Quantum Dots and Graphene-Based Nanobiosensors for Lung and Breast Cancer Diagnosisحسن برجی۲۰۲۴-۱۲
First report of Saemundssonia lari on yellow-legged gull (larus michahellis) from Iranعلی مشاوری نیا۲۰۲۵-۱
Evaluation of multi-drug resistance, virulence factors, and antimicrobial resistance genes of non-typhoidal Salmonella isolated from ruminants as a potential human health threat in Razavi Khorasan, northeastern Iranغلامرضا هاشمی تبار,مهدی عسکری بدوئی۲۰۲۵-۲
Nanotechnology for effective bovine mastitis treatment: Applications in biosensors and vaccinesحسن برجی۲۰۲۵-۲
Phytosome-based nanotechnology for enhanced efficacy of anticancer phytocompounds: Challenges and prospectsحسن برجی۲۰۲۵-۲
Protective Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Cichorium intybus L. against Aluminum Chloride-induced Toxicity in Ratsزهرا موسوی۲۰۲۵-۲
بررسی اثرات هورمون رشد نوترکیب انسانی بر شاخص‌های رشد، بیان ژن‌های GHR وIGF1 و آسیب شناسی روده در بچه ماهیان قزل‌آلای رنگین‌کمان Oncorhynchus mykiss)سوده علیدادی۲۰۲۵-۲
Investigating the Therapeutic Effects of Albendazole, Mebendazole, and Praziquantel Nanocapsules in Hydatid Cyst-Infected Miceنوشین مهر سلیمانی,حسن برجی۲۰۲۵-۳